Originally Posted by sugarbabiekc
Hello again,
I know you all love to hear how I feel an what I have to say so ... I just want to shine a little light on my only no rrecomendation review. This appt. Was set-up by my gf Mary. I didnt know we had an appt till 10min b4 he was there. I had been in a car wreck earlier that morning and had just came in from the hospital when Mary said we have a two girl on the way I stated I didnt feel up to an appt.i had just got in from dr she called him back explaining I had been at dr an just got home I would be ain but if he wanted he cpuld just see her. But he still wanted a two girl at risk that my girl would be upset an I would amazingly piss off yet another eccie member I threw myself together to see him. I am sorry I wasnt to into it I felt like shit. But I tried hope u give me a go on my own b4 you write me totally off. An wtf the comment bout weight and I got many miles on me! U all twice age! U the ones with miles on u! An as for weight I love love love curves an 98% of the kc gents do to.  and 5'6 sorry not since I was 9 try 5'10
Wow that was hard to read!
I'm just going to play devil's advocate here and say that one would think that if you were in a car collision earlier that day Mary Jane would have simply said, "Sorry, she can't make your appointment due to her having been in a car collision and isn't feeling well." Allowing your partner or a client tell you when you will or when you won't be working is simply not good business if you want to give good service and/or protect your reputation as a provider who gives a quality experience. Just saying that if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, are sick, not feeling well or got hit by a bus the money isn't important enough to mess up your reputation.
If you stuck to your guns the client would have accepted your position and either rescheduled or met up with M.J. One bad appointment does not break or make a woman's track record... the guys here are smart enough to know that simply from reading the reviews. Hopefully you've learned something from this and look out for yourself.