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Old 03-07-2010, 12:41 PM   #46
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LOL, you don't HAVE to let us know that we are "Plan B", lol...just call and ask for an appointment. I'm not going to ask you why the short notice, or if you had a meeting that finished up early. You boys are silly today.
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:48 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Nicole Preston View Post

You boys are silly today.
Well football season's over, baseball hasn't started yet, and most of us are just not that into pro basketball or hockey.

Can we be silly a few weeks longer until the Rangers season starts?
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:52 PM   #48
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Ok..so i guess the countless list and bitch fest that takes place in ladies list and sections about NC/NS prone guys is a stupid idea?

i guess when ladies bitch and moan in coed then run off after being told to simply "list" the guy and they run off and do just that is pointless?

i guess a lady being required to live by the same rules she wishes to inflict on her clients i.e ending up on a list due to irresponsible behavior is stupid?

i guess the countless post about TIME WASTERS and others where the guys get bashed, partial numbers get left per the board rules etc.. is simply a waste of time

or is it only a waste of time because it might hold some girls accountable? or is it only a waste of time because some fear they may end up their by mistake much like many men end up on "list" by mistake?

make the damn list.. if you aren't a flake, if you aren't a waste of time and if you don't make enemies then your name won't end up on the list..

some will argue its impossible to not have enemies. well #1 thing a list will do.. is get some leverage back on the CLIENTS AKA MEN'S side and take some of it away from the hired help aka the paid for pussy..

you see women will have to tread slightly lighter just like they make men do.. for fear of their name ending up on the "list".. a list of flaky ladies will just readjust power back to the PAYING CUSTOMER.. and take it away from people who think their pussy is golden.. sure some ladies might end up their by mistake.. it happens.. more than likely..the list will be compiled of true NC/NS girls.. the list will also force ladies to not be so quick to brush off clients and burn bridges.. just like the gents have to walk on thin ice..the provider would have to then as well
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:01 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Nicole Preston View Post
Honestly, this is a totally ridiculous idea! This is only one site of many, so how on earth would you regulate it? There is no "hobby police", no one gets fired for not showing up or being late to work, and your money is not wasted if she fails to appear.
Just because it is one site of many doesn't mean anything. Can you imagine a business saying I'm not going to offer this hot new product because my competitors don't?

If they had a number of NC/NS reports, they would, in essence, be fired by those who no longer chose to call.

I would bet that the average commute to work in Dallas is approximately 30 minutes or more. Plano from where I live is an hour plus. Just taking the average plus 20 minutes or so of waiting around trying to get in touch. Total direct time spent would be 1hr and 20 minutes. Add to that the emotional aggravation of the process (looking forward to a wonderful event and instead getting to drive your car in one big circle). Oh yeah, don't forget the time I spent grooming and or prepping in other ways. I may very well have taken time off from work which has its own potential opportunity cost.

Reliable providers should very much want this accountability. It would increase demand for them and most likely increase the general number and frequency of clientele. How many potential clients have given up on the hobby or at the very least reduced the amount of their hobbying because of having a NC/NS experience?

The MAIN reason I am on this board is to gather as much information as possible so I can "donate" my money wisely. I doubt I would be comfortable with the risk otherwise.
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:13 PM   #50
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Lmao at this thread, the guy just wanted idea's on making a list. Geez. Do you still want to make your list.

I believe reviews has the answer, though many men do not speak up. So make your list. Im not a guy, but i assumed there would already be a list in the men's only section.

Oh didn't know ladies section was a bitchfest section whoops i thought it was just a place to hang out and eat popcorn.

I don't NCNS people, the list would not bother me not one bit, it may keep a few ladies on her toes though. Question if the provider NCNS but made it right, would you take her off the list? or would you forget.
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:17 PM   #51
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ugh, are we still debating this? it's a moot point. heff start the list already and leave it up to the rest of the members to participate or not, to give a shit or not. people already post nc/ns anyways. it's up to the individual to do their research and make his/her own judgment to schedule. this list would be exhaustive and honestly ruin the excitement of this hobby and probably jade a lot of credible providers, new and experienced, if they're not already. if it were to stop nc/ns completely and weed out flaky providers AND clients, then fine, but this list isn't going to do that.
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:49 PM   #52
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Deanna, you seem rather invested in making sure the gents think of all the other providers as real bitches. I'm not saying nothin', I'm just sayin'...

People are flakes. Life in the big city. It annoys me that, with all the tools we have access to - reviews, alerts, private forums, references, P411, providerbuzz - people continue to patronize flakes of both genders. Providers get bad references for a guy, and see him anyway. Gents know a gal is likely to show up whenever she damned well pleases, and they see her anyway.

We have plenty of tools. I'd like it if folks actually used them. We can set up infinitely more systems of exchanging information, and the same people will continue to ignore them and enable flakeage anyway.
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:15 PM   #53
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If you're going to start it up in the Locker Room, then why ask out in co-ed?? Oh wait... to stir up the drama pot.
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:16 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Silverstream View Post
Just because it is one site of many doesn't mean anything. Can you imagine a business saying I'm not going to offer this hot new product because my competitors don't?

If they had a number of NC/NS reports, they would, in essence, be fired by those who no longer chose to call.

I would bet that the average commute to work in Dallas is approximately 30 minutes or more. Plano from where I live is an hour plus. Just taking the average plus 20 minutes or so of waiting around trying to get in touch. Total direct time spent would be 1hr and 20 minutes. Add to that the emotional aggravation of the process (looking forward to a wonderful event and instead getting to drive your car in one big circle). Oh yeah, don't forget the time I spent grooming and or prepping in other ways. I may very well have taken time off from work which has its own potential opportunity cost.

Reliable providers should very much want this accountability. It would increase demand for them and most likely increase the general number and frequency of clientele. How many potential clients have given up on the hobby or at the very least reduced the amount of their hobbying because of having a NC/NS experience?

The MAIN reason I am on this board is to gather as much information as possible so I can "donate" my money wisely. I doubt I would be comfortable with the risk otherwise.
The ladies on Eccie are not the property or product of Eccie...we are here voluntarily. Why is it so hard to do the research? Create a list, I won't be on it, LOL. But to keep score and list it in our profile is ultimately making the owners of the site semi-responsible for the way we conduct business. It's up to you, and besides this is all "fictional", right?
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:18 PM   #55
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nice avatar nicole, i feel so exposed whenever i see it.
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Old 03-07-2010, 03:36 PM   #56
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I would say something, but DeAnn's already said it.

What the hell am I here for?? WTF!!!

DeAnn, you're fired!!!

Oh, wait! You don't work for me. Carry on, then.

Yeah....make the list. Nothing's worse that waisting a shitload of time on an appointment you THINK is going to happen, one you've gotten all showered and [casually] dressed up for, driving through Dallas' shitty GAGGLEFUCK traffic, only to get to the spot she wants you to, call her back and get nothing but VM. You call her again and again and again and again (in increments) and now you're a creepy stalker. EVERYBODY'S time is valuable, not just providers. The next mofo who suggests MY time isn't valuable I'ma.....!

Yes, things come up. But the same thing can't be 'coming up', and if it is, then you've got some personal issues you need to deal with. Why should a provider get off scott free blindly cancelling an appointment because her ATF wanted another hour? I wouldn't care if he wanted another hour, but have the decency to call the next guy and say you won't be able to make the appt for whatever reason. I'm not sure the TRUTH in this instance would bother me. "So and so wants another hour. Can we reschedule?" But don't avoid my calls and then get pissed at me when I've called 3-4 times over a half hour period when we had the equivalent of a verbal CONTRACT to meet at a certain time.

If you're worried about being on the list, then avoid doing the things that get people ON the list. On the other hand, putting a guy on a provider's blacklist because he ASKED for greek or other bullshit reasons that didn't compromise your safety or shortchange you is ridiculous. I've asked for it, and have gotten a 'NO'. OK, that's the end of it. Does that mean I should be on a blacklist?
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Old 03-07-2010, 03:44 PM   #57
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verbal contracts are enforceable in texas
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Old 03-07-2010, 03:56 PM   #58
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RC, no you should not be on a "list" for asking for Greek, LOL. I always thought the ladies' list was for our safety, but it does turn into a bunch of BS.

NC/NS, substance abuse, rip-offs are the only alert worthy actions IMO. We already have a section for this, it's called ALERTS. Ask the male mods for a 'sticky' in the men's area and create a NC/NS if you please...but always consider the source and form your own opinions.
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Old 03-07-2010, 04:00 PM   #59
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Make the list. Thats why the website was created...to advertise, review, rate, communicate, and compile information. You're already making lists, this is just one more, with meaningful data.

There is alot of opposition from the guys because the only guys reading and posting this weekend are the guys who spend alot of time on this site and see alot of ladies. The list has less meaning to them because they are always the "first on the scene" when new providers come up or they tend to see more variety.

For the guys who hobby once a month or once every two months, the list is crucial. We don't have time for a Plan B and we DO our research...and pick the one lady we want to see. I might have 1 day this month and I don't want to have to go home and watch porn...i'll schedule with a girl that has little to no NCNS points. Nicole...yes, it can become a marketing tool for some ladies who are on top of their business.

If every lady on the list had atleast 2 NCNS points, it wouldn't make a difference to the regular guys, they would overlook that number and not really care unless the number was more likely in the double digits.

In order to regulate the system, NCNS should be in the Men's Locker Room, therefore reported only by Premium Members. That makes it much more managable. As far as i'm concerned, posting a NCNS report in the reviews section is pretty much the same as making this list...were just compiling the numbers. I don't see what the fuss is all about, I think the data would be great.

For the gentleman who said that we would also need to know how many men the lady saw in order to put the data into perspective. I disagree, if you do the NCNS poings in terms of week or month...then you will see a trend, and thats all we really want. If a girl NCNS two guys this week, i'll pass her up until next month if her trend goes away. I guarantee that a girl with 20 NCNS will still get clients calling her if the trend shows that she did those NCNS's two months ago.
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Old 03-07-2010, 04:21 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Nicole Preston View Post
The ladies on Eccie are not the property or product of Eccie...we are here voluntarily.
Information, marketing and social interchange are obviously the products here. The areas and capabilities are the product's "features" or "tools". I don't believe I suggested anywhere that they(you) were and if I was unclear in this regard, I apologize.

Originally Posted by Nicole Preston View Post
Why is it so hard to do the research?
Its not hard per se. However, I learned long ago that you just have to make things glaringly easy and simple for the general populace. Putting it in plain sight in a profile accomplishes that goal.

Having a mechanism for reporting NC/NS might increase the likelihood of a report being made. On the other side of the coin, having a moderator act as an intermediary in the process will reduce the possibility of it not being true.
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