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Old 08-16-2011, 03:24 PM   #46
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Personally, I've grandfathered all my current friends...even ones that took time off for a year or more. That doesn't mean ALL providers should or have to do the same...each provider's situation is different...and should be RESPECTED.

Just as we have to RESPECT classy hobbyists like Rambro Creed that love new pussy.

Some providers are very low volume and are more quality oriented than quantity...and able to command a 300-500 donation as a norm. Why hate on someone who is able to make that work? I'm grateful that we have ladies who set the bar high...it certainly keeps me on my toes!

The point is...quality providers are selective just as you gents are. I don't think any provider turns down a *situation* to spend time with a gentleman who is genuinely good company. The ones who are pushy and think they are entitled...well, you get the picture.
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Old 08-17-2011, 10:36 AM   #47
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There is gas, wear and tear on cars, incalls, and the supplies that go along with it.. like covers. If a rate is $$$....u can bet that that isnt ALL profit.
She is quite right. I spend more on lingerie & stockings...it's absurd.

The point is...quality providers are selective just as you gents are. I don't think any provider turns down a *situation* to spend time with a gentleman who is genuinely good company.
True True. If you're cool with me, we can always "work something out". Because I'm just cool like that.
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:58 PM   #48
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Whining and a sense of entitlement are the two least attractive traits I can think of in a male. Grow up.

Why don't you go to Kroger and stomp your feet and flail your fists up in the air and see if they will adjust the price of your groceries for you? Tell them you are going to shop somewhere else if they don't grandfather you to what the gorceries cost six months ago. Please make sure I am there so I can video it and put it up on youtube!

Yes we appreciate your business. No we do not appreciate your whining and sense that we OWE YOU SOMETHING and your theory that you can use veiled threats of saying how crappy our customer service is to force us to give you a special rate. As if...
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Old 08-17-2011, 09:55 PM   #49
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I hear ya, Marla, but to continue your analogy, if I don't like Kroger's prices I can shop elsewhere.

Continuing along further, if there are only say, 2 other grocery stores in town, Kroger could get away with price increases rather easily, but if there are two dozen other grocery stores, I'm inclined to think they'd be hesitant to raise their prices.

The best way for hobbyist to 'speak' about rates is to silently do it...with their wallets.
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Old 08-17-2011, 10:09 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
I hear ya, Marla, but to continue your analogy, if I don't like Kroger's prices I can shop elsewhere.

Continuing along further, if there are only say, 2 other grocery stores in town, Kroger could get away with price increases rather easily, but if there are two dozen other grocery stores, I'm inclined to think they'd be hesitant to raise their prices.

The best way for hobbyist to 'speak' about rates is to silently do it...with their wallets.
Well take your wallet down the road to Walmart. Their prices are good but their customer service sucks monkey butt. Have at it :-)
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Old 08-17-2011, 11:22 PM   #51
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To start with I haven't read every post from the beginning but I did read the first two pages. There was a lot of back and forth about grandfathered rates and time.

To me a grandfathered rate would be a rate for an old friend that the girl has seen in the past and I don't see how time would change that fact.

What it appears a lot of the providers (at least in the first two pages) have stated that the provider was justified because of how much time had passed since his last visit. I think you ladies that feel this way need to rename your grandfathered rate to a frequent rider rate if time between visits is an issue.

I myself don't have an issue with this since I mostly see a new provider every time except for a few girls and with them I just pay the going rate they have up or tell me.
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Old 08-18-2011, 04:45 AM   #52
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I've read some of the women's responses and will provide a scenario using the their own logic. You ladies tell me how you would feel?

Client sees provider since day one. He sees her once a month on a monthly basis and (by most of you gal's conditions) meets the faithful client requirement for grandfathering when you raise your rates.

Then the provider has a family emergency and must take a hiatus for 4 to 5 months.

Client moves on to another provider and now has his needs fulfilled by another provider.

The first provider returns and requests her loyal client to return to their normal routine. Client then DEMANDS a steeper discount rate then previous because (through no fault of hers) the first provider was unable to meet his needs for several months.

By some of you gal''s logic the client is justified in his demands since the provider was unable to continue the arrangement on a timely basis.

Now tell me how you gals would react? My guess is most of you would tell the client to go pound sand.

IMO grandfathering is like circumcision. Either go all the way or forget it..
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Old 08-18-2011, 06:25 AM   #53
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So you're upset because they messed up your circumcision?

Here's an idea: Don't tell us how to run our business and don't whine when we refuse to let you walk all over us and tell us what to do.

Our body, our rules. If we say too much time has passed, then too much time has passed!

And for the record providers didn't come up with the term "grandfathering." It is a common slang term that is used by providers and hobbyists alike to cover the scenerio where some clients get a previous or reduced rate while other clients have to pay the current rate.

It is NOT rocket science guys. Get over yourselves!!!

P.S. sorry about the botched weenie job
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Old 08-18-2011, 06:49 AM   #54
Tiffani Jameson
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Frequency is in the eye of the beholder. Grandfathering is not a right, it is a privilege.

I have a long time client that only comes to Dallas about 4-5 times a year. He makes a note to keep in touch with me concerning his plans and things he wants to do when he comes. And every time he sees me, things get better and better. Depending on the time we have on our hands, the lengths of our visits vary from two hours to overnights. I have a client that saves up to have the experience he wants with me. We may see each other 4 times a year, but we have once in a lifetime experiences together. If my rates go up, these and any other men I have that connection with, or patronizes me on a regular basis will be grandfathered. I will personally email them and let them know that they're grandfathered because that's how special they are. No email, no discount. I have chosen to grandfather my IDEAL clients. This definition of ideal may be in the form of patronage, in attitude, or in the variety in our experiences. I don't blanket the process because it is just that: a privilege.

I can understand that the gentlemen want to know that their patronage is valued, and it's your choice to see the ladies you see. You may think it's regular because it's every time YOU can get the money or time to see someone, you see the same ladies. Every lady has her method of grandfathering. Their definition of 'regular' may not be your definition of regular. If a lady indicates that your patronage does not constitute 'regular' activity, you have the choice to pay her new rate or move on.

To the OP, I will guess that there is more to this by the way that she gave you that news. I don't know how you make her feel, but had that been me, and it had been 5 months since the last time we saw each other, and we had only met twice, depending on my feelings about you, the decision to grandfather you could have gone either way. I encourage you to not look at things so one-sided. She may have her reasons. And your money may not be a good enough reason.

Although the money is a big part of the reason why so many ladies get into this business, freedom and choice is the bigger part. There are two things that these encounters have: fair exchange, and free will. Both sides have the right to exercise them equally.
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Old 08-18-2011, 07:47 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Marla View Post
So you're upset because they messed up your circumcision?

Here's an idea: Don't tell us how to run our business and don't whine when we refuse to let you walk all over us and tell us what to do.

Our body, our rules. If we say too much time has passed, then too much time has passed!

And for the record providers didn't come up with the term "grandfathering." It is a common slang term that is used by providers and hobbyists alike to cover the scenerio where some clients get a previous or reduced rate while other clients have to pay the current rate.

It is NOT rocket science guys. Get over yourselves!!!

P.S. sorry about the botched weenie job
Very nice. Make fun of the pecker. Exactly the classy type response I expected from someone like yourself.

I noticed you didn't answer the fucking question as it pertains to my scenario.

Gawd I love pissing off people with their own logic!
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Old 08-18-2011, 10:12 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Marla View Post
So you're upset because they messed up your circumcision?

Here's an idea: Don't tell us how to run our business and don't whine when we refuse to let you walk all over us and tell us what to do.

Our body, our rules. If we say too much time has passed, then too much time has passed!

And for the record providers didn't come up with the term "grandfathering." It is a common slang term that is used by providers and hobbyists alike to cover the scenerio where some clients get a previous or reduced rate while other clients have to pay the current rate.

It is NOT rocket science guys. Get over yourselves!!!

P.S. sorry about the botched weenie job


Just a reminder for AMPs
30 minutes=140
60 minutes=200

Rates have not changed ever as far as I know.

By they way...don't tell us what we can and cannot discuss on our board. I don't remember reading thru this 4 page thread and seeing people telling you how you have to run your business. There are expectations, wishes, annoyances, opinions....go figure you'd see that in a discussion forum....weird.
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Old 08-18-2011, 02:27 PM   #57
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God forbid we guys just don't take our money and throw it away blindly just because a woman's showing tits and ass (same thought process to have with strippers as well).

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Old 08-18-2011, 02:39 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by outbound View Post
I get your main point that guys need to keep things in perspective.

But I respectfully disagree with the idea a guy has to see a lady twice a week for her to 'remember who he is'
Well what I meant was really in regard to someone who is into volume. It is difficult to remember every guy. I have a number of ladies who need some "memory" jarring to recall a client when I am inquiring about a reference. I can't tell you how many ladies say "if it's been more than a couple of months I probably won't remember", or "Can you give me more to go on than just a name, handle, description, can he tell you anything that will help me remember who he is".

I am generally very good at remembering most people, and some are much more memorable than others. But I am not into volume. (Did that a long time ago and hated it) Most of my business is repeat business.
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Old 08-18-2011, 02:57 PM   #59
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Hercules, my dear. Have you ever thought that it might just be you? For another client, she may have been more than willing to grandfather him in the exact same situation. Maybe in your case, there was something YOU did that made her think "No, I would not be willing to pass up an unknown at my new rate, to see this particular client at my old rate." Grandfathering is a privilege, and many ladies base that privilege on how much we ENJOY your company. Just some food for thought.

If you want to be grandfathered, make yourself a client that a lady would want to grandfather in. Ladies raise their rates because they believe the market will bear the raise. If a lady grandfathers you in at the old rate, that should tell you "I enjoy your company enough to take a $50 (or however much) loss on this appointment to keep you as a client." If you are NOT grandfathered, then that should tell you that she IS willing to let you talk with your wallet and move on. You are free to do just that. I doubt either of you will be greatly affected by this. She has made her decision, which she has every right to do, and now you must make yours. I just don't understand the need for a thread about it. Perhaps that temper might have something to do with your lack of grandfathered status?
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Old 08-18-2011, 03:59 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
I've read some of the women's responses and will provide a scenario using the their own logic. You ladies tell me how you would feel?

Client sees provider since day one. He sees her once a month on a monthly basis and (by most of you gal's conditions) meets the faithful client requirement for grandfathering when you raise your rates.

Then the provider has a family emergency and must take a hiatus for 4 to 5 months.

Client moves on to another provider and now has his needs fulfilled by another provider.

The first provider returns and requests her loyal client to return to their normal routine. Client then DEMANDS a steeper discount rate then previous because (through no fault of hers) the first provider was unable to meet his needs for several months.

By some of you gal''s logic the client is justified in his demands since the provider was unable to continue the arrangement on a timely basis.

Now tell me how you gals would react? My guess is most of you would tell the client to go pound sand.
I don't think your analogy is on point. If you want to make it comparable, then you'd have to posit that the client has a published rate that he'll pay to see an escort and that during the time that the escort in question was away, he lowered this published rate. If that happened, then I don't think the gal should be too upset if he informs her that he will not pay the prior rate but is willing to see her at his lower rate.

Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
IMO grandfathering is like circumcision. Either go all the way or forget it..
Doesn't make sense to me from the escort's perspective. Wouldn't she want to offer grandfathered rates only to those who provided the most business, were most respectful, were least amount of time and effort, were most enjoyable, were most likely to not see her if she didn't offer reduced rate, etc.? Lots of different factors at play. Thus, one size fits all doesn't make business sense.

Last, I'm kinda confused now. In your original post, I thought you were complaining about the way in which she informed you that you were not grandfathered. Your latest posts seem to be complaining more about the fact of not being grandfathered. Is it the first, the second, or both?
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