naomi I'm sure that now that you're back you'll hit us with some of your brilliant, stirring conversation like you did last time. I look forward to it

I mean that seriously, and I'm never serious.
Still Looking: do you baby. nowhere in this thread did I name you...but you responded so it must have crossed your mind.
it's not hard to come up with interesting topics (me and EA are living proof of that), unless you're
really trying to think of something interesting to say JUST for the sake of talking..... there's a difference. One or two is cool, but seven (7)? Fuck.
only four of those threads you listed above are particularly interesting TO ME (my two cents are rusted) hence why I don't post in them.. unless it's to be a wise ass. The female condom, booty thread, face thread, and newbie thread are the ones I would click on. Some are not interesting now but have the potential to become interesting or go sideways for someone. That's always a winner.
not complaining but this is supposed to be chess, checkers at least, not Connect 4.
I just wanted to get the masses feelings on this. CARRY ON