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Old 08-10-2011, 04:27 PM   #16
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That whole laundry list is trivial and it's definitely not true! How and the hell can you call bailing out GM doing something good? Especially when the CEO at the time literally drove the company off a cliff! How much did the CEO make for fucking up, just a round-about figure, maybe $200-$500million! He probably got a $50 million dollar fucking bonus on the way out the door, for his trouble. You call that good judgement? His judgement stinks!

Its starting to get real comical reading the threads on this board. We have people on the far left and the far right pointing fingers at each other saying the Democrats fucked up, saying the Republicans have fucked things up. But no one is saying that BOTH parties have fucked up and should be thrown out of office! So when you vote in the same assholes from the same political parties come election day what do we get? No change, nada, nothing, zip, zilch. The schemes just continue, the rich get richer and the little guys at the bottom take-it-up-the-ass with a 12" dick!

The thing that is alarming to me about this country is that no one has GUTS in this country. Very few have the GUTS and intestinal fortitude to do whats right! As a whole Americans have really lost their way, their identity. Present day Americans just want to point the finger at each other like they've been sexually harrassed or abused. This nation is quickly turning into a nation that is full of pussies and wimps that are all striving for the almighty U.S. dollars, that will one day be worthless.
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Old 08-10-2011, 06:32 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by waverunner234 View Post
How nice, copying stuff from somewhere and post it like you made it all up yourself.
Well thats what PropellerHeads do.
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Old 08-10-2011, 07:00 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Your responses are laughable to say the least- people like you seem to forget about the Bush years- in your little world you want to forget the crap Bush dumped on the white house door steps and expect Obama to have it cleaned up LMFAO!!!
Laughable huh?

You obviously didn't read all of the responses. What's laughable is that you didn't proof read your own copy and paste. There were tons of repeat items that would drastically reduce the list count. Secondly, you took a person's personal blog into your psyche and took it in as fact.

LRR is spot on. I'll add that you have no understanding of military life, nor can you grasp the destruction being forced onto those men and women by ideology or political expedience.

You are one of the sheople and I doubt you have any idea what integrity or personal accountability is, much less practice those traits. You are so short sited that you can't even see that most of the problems started long before bush got into office. You are so beholden to your ideology that you can't see the truth when its stairing you in the face. You are one of the pathetic idiots who disgust me, because you can't even form a single opinion without consulting a blog.
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Old 08-10-2011, 08:33 PM   #19
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Wellendowed, Man, you really need to wipe that cool-aid stain off of your upper lip, Sounds like you have been listening to Rachel Madcow.
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:12 AM   #20
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A big cut and paste pile of horse shit. I thought Marshall was banned?
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:52 AM   #21
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It's ironic that all those who are anti-Obama in this thread are from the South

p.s. don't forget about the changes in the student loan program-go Obama!
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Old 08-11-2011, 07:15 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
It's ironic that all those who are anti-Obama in this thread are from the South

p.s. don't forget about the changes in the student loan program-go Obama!
You go Hotlips!!!!!
For all you others- let me just break it down like this: The guy I voted for WON- so all of your remarks and anti-Obama hate doesn't bother me because after all your ranting when you wake up tomorrow he will still be in POTUS- would I would suggest is that you keep your BP down and just cast your vote on 11-4-2012 and than either late 11-4-2012 or 11-5-2012 you can start another Thread of how you are so mad that Obama got re-elected LOL!!!!
What's really funny is that in all of these anti-Obama thread no one is coming up with an alternative- for those of you who don't like him- what is your option?: Palin(I quit my job as governor but I will make a great President even though that job is 100 x's more stressful) Romney(I as Governor of Mass had a Health Care program that resembles Obamacare) Rick Perry(My UE rate is lower than the rest of the nation(lie) because my state created more jobs at McDonald's and I also wanted to Texas to secede from the U.S), Herman Cain( I don't want any muslims in my cabinet because I don't trust them, but this is different from a white man saying he doesn't want any blacks in his cabinet).
You see the problem you guys have is that you don't have a legitimate candidate to run against Obama which sucks for you and if you think Bachman has a chance of beating him than I got some prime real estate property to sell you.

Also, can someone post the great things George Bush done in his "fantastic" 8 years? Almost every problem you are facing today can in some form be traced back to the Bush years: high oil prices, mortgage decline, No Child Left Behind, Huge Deficit, 2 senseless wars, High UE rate and you want to blame Obama??? With what Bush left Obama I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy: 2 wars- a housing debacle - recession, etc?

Now let's see what did Bush walk into on Day 1: A budget surplus, no wars, low affordable gas prices, low UE rate and wow look where that went in 8 years.

Finally, where was the TEA party during the Bush years??? Doesn't the TEA party want smaller govt??? Government grow under Bush- actually it expanded larger than any other time in govt history. Doesn't the TEA party want less spending: Bush spent 5 trillion- he spent like a liberal- only thing he charged it to the deficit- Medicare Part D- 100 billion a year straight to the deficit. Doesn't the TEA party want the constitution protected-hmmm what about Bush policy on eavesdropping, wiretaps and the Patriotic act????
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Old 08-11-2011, 07:48 AM   #23
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Don't forget that a president still needs approval of his plans, it's too easy to blame the president alone.
But you're mostly right about the candidates except that I would say that half of the jobs Rick Perry created cannot be McDonald jobs because a big part of the jobs he created are below minimum wage and McDonald cannot hire below minimum.
And maybe "created" is used wrong here, it's more like "stole from other States" because low wage is so attractive for big fat CEO's.
That's why I would say lets blame Reagan for all our misery, at least he's dead.
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Old 08-11-2011, 09:22 AM   #24
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My list is somewhat shorter:
1) Lied about closing Gitmo.
2) Didn't sign the UN teaty on landmines.
3) Increased utilization of drones (developed and built on the orders of the previous administration).
4) Acted on intel from enhanced interrogations carried out by the people he thretened to prosecute to kill OBL.

Isn't it ironic that those who support this socialist in an oversized suite can't help but play the race card either overtly or by inuindo?

Yes Meg, by all means "go Obama", go away, go far away, and go as soon as possible.

Student loans? Yeah, that's important. My kid joined up to get his paid for. "Opps, the page where we say we'll pay your loans off wasn't in the version of the contract you signed, sorry".

"Oh, by the way, el Presidente wants to make a big splash before the next election, so, you know that armoured cavalry battalion that's supposed to have your back? Well, they aren't there."

"In fact, despite only sending 60% of the requested troops (many moths after being asked), his "O"lliness has graciously taken time away from golf to send you to war with even fewer troops than that!" "Huh? you want a bayonette? Sorry dude, we're all out of cash, afterall all those libs on eccie say we already spend too much on the military, so you'll be humpin through the mountains without one unless somebody buys you one and mails it."

"What's that?, your unit's casualty rate is 2X that of the one you replaced?" "Quit whinning!, if you get wasted it's no big deal, we've got plenty of you southerners to spare, you probably wouldn't vote for His "O"lliness anyway!"
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:17 AM   #25
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When it comes to politics, why can't we all just agree to disagree? There has never been, and there never will be, a president in history who can satisfy every single person. Every president has their good points and their bad. And don't forget, the prez has to get things approved by both the senate and the congress. So don't just blame he who has the top spot. Blame those hypocrites who make the hobby illegal, yet use our tax dollars help them to get a blowjob under the desk

Although, even to this date, the funniest piece of political humor I have ever read was the George Bush resume hehe
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:36 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Isn't it ironic that those who support this socialist in an oversized suite can't help but play the race card either overtly or by inuindo?

Student loans? Yeah, that's important. My kid joined up to get his paid for. "Opps, the page where we say we'll pay your loans off wasn't in the version of the contract you signed, sorry".

"Oh, by the way, el Presidente wants to make a big splash before the next election, so, you know that armoured cavalry battalion that's supposed to have your back? Well, they aren't there."

"In fact, despite only sending 60% of the requested troops (many moths after being asked), his "O"lliness has graciously taken time away from golf to send you to war with even fewer troops than that!" "Huh? you want a bayonette? Sorry dude, we're all out of cash, afterall all those libs on eccie say we already spend too much on the military, so you'll be humpin through the mountains without one unless somebody buys you one and mails it."

"What's that?, your unit's casualty rate is 2X that of the one you replaced?" "Quit whinning!, if you get wasted it's no big deal, we've got plenty of you southerners to spare, you probably wouldn't vote for His "O"lliness anyway!"
First off, nobody was playing the race card. I was merely stating fact. I mean let's face it. The "good ole boy network" never has been, and never will be ready for a black president-or a woman president. Wait, did I just pull the sex card too? Isn't it ironic though, that those who do point out facts are always accused of playing the race card? Hmmmm, anyway...

As far as the student loans, it has nothing to do with being a member of our military.

Don't be pissed at Obama about the war. He's trying to pull our troops out of a situation we never should have been put in in the first place. That was Bush's bullshit mess Obama has to clean up. Everybody acts as if Obama is the cause of all this mess...the economy, the war, the financial crisis, the housing market crash. Gee, I think that was all put into play loooong before he was sworn in. So save it. And don't get me started about the military-you know I'm a Desert Storm veteran-oh yea! That was another Bush era, wasn't it? Wow, our gas masks back then didn't protect us from chemical warfare. Wait-that was an Obama conspiracy wasn't it! He had it all planned way back then!

Let's face it-all politicians suck. They all say what they think you wanna hear to get elected, then bend you over in some form or fashion once they do.


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Old 08-11-2011, 01:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
When it comes to politics, why can't we all just agree to disagree? There has never been, and there never will be, a president in history who can satisfy every single person. Every president has their good points and their bad. And don't forget, the prez has to get things approved by both the senate and the congress. So don't just blame he who has the top spot. Blame those hypocrites who make the hobby illegal, yet use our tax dollars help them to get a blowjob under the desk

Although, even to this date, the funniest piece of political humor I have ever read was the George Bush resume hehe
Hotlips that was the most honest rebuttal given- gosh you should go into politics. Hotlips is right- there is no man or politican that is going to make everyone happy. Heck didn't Jesus have his enemies- if they hated Jesus what makes you think any other leader/man wouldn't be chastise.
There's over 300 million people in america what candidate is going to make everyone happy?
What's so odd is that you have people on both sides who think they have all the right answers.

Do any of you really think that had McCain won the UE rate would be 4%- all troops would be home - no financial crisis and we would have a booming economy?

Then you got these right wingers on here who believe eveything RUSH, HANNITY, and FAUX news feeds them- hey if Rush was right and Hannity as well- don't you think they could should be running for President?
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
My list is somewhat shorter:
1) Lied about closing Gitmo.
2) Didn't sign the UN teaty on landmines.
3) Increased utilization of drones (developed and built on the orders of the previous administration).
4) Acted on intel from enhanced interrogations carried out by the people he thretened to prosecute to kill OBL.

Isn't it ironic that those who support this socialist in an oversized suite can't help but play the race card either overtly or by inuindo?

Yes Meg, by all means "go Obama", go away, go far away, and go as soon as possible.

Student loans? Yeah, that's important. My kid joined up to get his paid for. "Opps, the page where we say we'll pay your loans off wasn't in the version of the contract you signed, sorry".

"Oh, by the way, el Presidente wants to make a big splash before the next election, so, you know that armoured cavalry battalion that's supposed to have your back? Well, they aren't there."

"In fact, despite only sending 60% of the requested troops (many moths after being asked), his "O"lliness has graciously taken time away from golf to send you to war with even fewer troops than that!" "Huh? you want a bayonette? Sorry dude, we're all out of cash, afterall all those libs on eccie say we already spend too much on the military, so you'll be humpin through the mountains without one unless somebody buys you one and mails it."

"What's that?, your unit's casualty rate is 2X that of the one you replaced?" "Quit whinning!, if you get wasted it's no big deal, we've got plenty of you southerners to spare, you probably wouldn't vote for His "O"lliness anyway!"
Is this your best response? Remember George Bush the elder: "Read my lips no new taxes?"
Remember George W Bush- the Iraq War will be quick and decisive and "Mission accomplished?"

Have you ever lied? Also, who is playing the race card- I could care less of what color Barack is- I never question his hertiage- remember it was the Birthers doing that crap- when did they ever question another President's birth? Hmmm and you say I am playing the race card?

The GOP has traditionally been a "White Male dominated Party" -it's just what it is- trust me them appointing Micheal Steele was not by "their" choice and if you really think the GOP wants Palin or Bachmann as the front runner you would have to be kidding me.

Back to Rick Perry- who will enter the race and then be exposed for what he is- here's a potential candidate of yours(Perry) who wanted Texas to secede from the Union. Here's a Governor who presides over the state with one of the lowest avg pay rates in the union and wants to boast that his state is producing jobs LMFAO. Rick Perry cut education in Texas- look at Texas education rate compared to other states- one of the worst in the Union.
Texas has the largest % of uninsured people and is amongst one of the least healthiest states in the Union. You want to take a guess at one of the healthiest states in the Union since 2006? You guessed it's Romney's state of Massachussetts- I guess mandatory health care can yield good results.

At the end of the day- the GOP has no viable opponent for Obama and the GOP knows this- you guys have a lot of work to do it and a little time to complete it- good luck.
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Old 08-11-2011, 08:59 PM   #29
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Well you forgot about Ron Paul Wellendowed! He is the best candidate for getting this country back on track. The American Presidency is nothing more than a media blitz to find out who is the most popular person in America. American politics are a joke right now, the Chinese and everyone around the world knows this, their laughing at America watching the modern day Roman Empire decline. The media in this country has twisted everyone's minds because weak minded individuals allow them to, in our nation of celebrity culture the media makes someone popular when they want to. As we know our media is censored and their liars just like our government.

Im not for or against Obama, but when he began his campaign I almost believed he
was going to bring our troops home. That was a lie! People in the Democratic Party realized they had been duped along with most of the voters who voted for him. Instead of bringing more troops home he sent more to Afghanistan. What about the debacle in Libya? He sent American war planes in their to do his damage. Along with sending naval warships right off the Libyan coast. What about the drone attacks he approved of in Yemen and Pakistan which are killing innocent civilians? He is a murderer just like all of them which have come before him. People in his own party have even distanced themselves from Obama, they realize the guy is just from the land of Academia and doesn't know shit about true leadership.

Obama isn't even black, he's mixed! You know this, I know this, but yet everyone thinks he is black! I'd give Bill Clinton more credit for being the nations first black president than I would Obama. Obama is just a puppet and no, I didn't vote for him and I'm not going to in this upcoming election. Mark my word, he will be a one-term president. It wasn't the black vote in this country that put him in office. White America put him in office, you can't doubt that for a second.

Providers are more Republican and Tea Partiers than they actually realize! They love that they have escaped our brutal tax system with the money they recieve from hobbyists, yet the laws that be don't like this. They believe that everyone needs to be tax slaves. If the providers were true Democrats then they would give away half of what they made each month to stay in the tax system, continue to be tax slaves. Full-time Providers and even the part-time ladies can claim to be Democrats but their living their life with Tea Party ideals. I bet if I asked a provider to give away half of her hard earned money that she made for the month from hobbying, I bet she would tell me to go fuck off! WHAT, NOT WITH MY MONEY!!!!
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Old 08-11-2011, 09:27 PM   #30
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I pay taxes. And as a "consultant" I pay the full share of SS & medicare taxes, not just the employee half.

I'm a very slightly right leaning centrist.
not a fan of religion influencing policy, but DO believe in respecting differences.
Not a fan of socialist programs or "entitlements"

I am a fan of everyone paying a fair amount of taxes and saving for their own future.
I do believe privatization is far more efficient than govt in the majority of things.

But, I would not vote for Obama.
I wouldn't vote for McCain or Perry either.
I would almost vote for Hilary.. I'm pretty sure she was at least half running the show for Bill anyways. And as much as I hate to admit it, he was the best president that I'm old enough to remember anything about. I was alive when Regaen was in, but was too young to notice anything.
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