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Old 08-08-2011, 09:40 PM   #16
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What it all boils down to is the left will never admit their plan does not work, they simply say they have not "invested" in the plan enough. The government is to big, too many people pay nothing, too many undeserving take to much.
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:58 PM   #17
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Its the Barackalypse. Own it Dims.
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Old 08-08-2011, 10:06 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

In almost all categories (Wellendowed, note the qualifier) of economic measure Obama policies have made things worse. Give me some data that shows otherwise.
There is a cartoon on the web that has a smiling Bush going "I screwed you and you're blaming the black guy"

Here is some data to chew on. Obama did not create this mess, he is just stuck with it. And the Republicans are unwilling to accept their responsibility in creating the situation.

President Bush presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. Even after excluding spending on defense and homeland security, Bush is still the biggest-spending president in 30 years. His 2006 budget didn't cut enough spending to change his place in history, either. Total government spending grew by 33 percent during Bush’s first term. The federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5 percent of GDP on Clinton’s last day in office to 20.3 percent by the end of Bush’s first term. The Republican Congress enthusiastically assisted the budget bloat. Inflation-adjusted spending on the combined budgets of the 101 largest programs they vowed to eliminate in 1995 has grown by 27 percent. The GOP was once effective at controlling nondefense spending. The final nondefense budgets under Clinton were a combined $57 billion smaller than what he proposed from 1996 to 2001. Under Bush, Congress passed budgets that spent a total of $91 billion more than the president requested for domestic programs. Bush signed every one of those bills during his first term. In Bush’s budget exactly as proposed, not a single cabinet level agency was smaller than when Bush assumed office. Republicans could reform the budget rules that stack the deck in favor of more spending. Unfortunately, senior House Republicans are fighting the changes. The GOP establishment in Washington today has become a defender of big government.
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Old 08-08-2011, 10:16 PM   #19
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Default Any Body Notice The Dow Jones Today.

I think it even dropped another 200 when President Obama took to the teleprompter.

I own four major stocks, two in manufacturing, one in tech, one in Energy. I just wish he would shut up.

I think the Country has about had it with his 'vote buying spree'.
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Old 08-08-2011, 11:35 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ok let's go on some facts here about what the TEA party who in my opinion are the American version of the Taliban- here is what we know they wanted:

You are a fucking moron. Taliban = sharia extremist (link, link) Trying to make the tea party look like these atrocious zealots is just your ideology rearing it's ugly head and a true lack of intellectual honesty or an education.

A) Didn't want any stimulus bill passed: Every economist stated that without a stimulus bill of some sort UE could hit 20%

Every economist (link, link, link)? I doubt it, but you didn't link anything so it must be a figment of your 2 brain cells in hyperdrive trying to figure out a way to pass the buck for Body Odors' failures.

B) They didn't want Banks/GM Bailed out:
If Obama didn't bail out the banks are GM- the UE would have been disastrous and many more americans would have been laid off just from the closing of GM- which is an American company and by the way both GM and the banks re-paid back their loans.

Here you go folks, this is exactly how the liberal mind thinks. Bank/Detroit Bail Outs = TARP (link, link) = BUSH. You failed to mention that you were a bush supporter or is this your lame ass attempt to PROJECT your idea of the TARP success on Body Odor? I personally think it was a failure since business shouldn't be getting welfare. They should have filed bankruptcy and restructured their companies/debt the same way anyone would when they get in over their heads.

C) The TEA party said on record that debt ceiling was not a big deal- yes they did say that- I guess S & P thought otherwise.

Bullshit... The only people that would ever believe "C)" is more sheople like you who are fucking clueless. The Tea party wants a Balanced Budget Amendment and a reduction in debt. Raising the debt ceiling conflicts greatly with your idiotic statement.

On top of that Obama originally had a 4 trillion dollar deficit plan on the table a bill in which S & P favored. However, under pressure from the TEA PARTY who told Boehner that he's not to pass any Bill with any hint of tax raising revenue thereby Boehner instead of doing what's right for America only did what was right to please his caucus - he will pay for this during re-elections.

If you were a REAL liberal, you would be all over Body Odor for not following Bill Clinton's lead, who had a budget SURPLUS.

Boehner even boasted that he got 98% of what he wanted- ok Mr.Boehner you made your caucus happy but you made America lose it's Triple AAA rating and S & P stated that it was based on America's inability to compromise is why they got downgraded.

Boner isn't tea party and has never been. He may liken to them, but no one at any tea party rally has ever shown support for Boner.
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Old 08-09-2011, 02:31 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ok let's go on some facts here about what the TEA party who in my opinion are the American version of the Taliban- here is what we know they wanted:

A) Didn't want any stimulus bill passed: Every economist stated that without a stimulus bill of some sort UE could hit 20%

B) They didn't want Banks/GM Bailed out:
If Obama didn't bail out the banks are GM- the UE would have been disastrous and many more americans would have been laid off just from the closing of GM- which is an American company and by the way both GM and the banks re-paid back their loans.

C) The TEA party said on record that debt ceiling was not a big deal- yes they did say that- I guess S & P thought otherwise.
On top of that Obama originally had a 4 trillion dollar deficit plan on the table a bill in which S & P favored. However, under pressure from the TEA PARTY who told Boehner that he's not to pass any Bill with any hint of tax raising revenue thereby Boehner instead of doing what's right for America only did what was right to please his caucus - he will pay for this during re-elections.
Boehner even boasted that he got 98% of what he wanted- ok Mr.Boehner you made your caucus happy but you made America lose it's Triple AAA rating and S & P stated that it was based on America's inability to compromise is why they got downgraded.
Wellendowed I get the notion that your a Democrat. Am I right? The stimulus bill that was passed didn't do shit to help the economy, it was a waste of money in my opinion, if anything it was a cover up to ease the minds of the crowd to make it seem like the Big Wigs in Washington are doing something. Now their thinking about QE3, really! I just love these exotic names that the financial mafia comes up with. How about you? Next, theres no way in hell the banks, GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG should have been BAILED OUT! Are you kidding me? Wake up and smell the coffee brewing! Those bastard companies should have FAILED!!! If you hit rock bottom in your finances do you think your going to get BAILED OUT? I don't think so. S&P did the right thing by downgrading U.S. debt. This screw up and the market selloff was caused by incompetent leaders in Washington D.C. I bet all of them were out of the market by the way, as was I because I had a feeling that their was going to be a selloff due to our incompetent leaders!

Yes GM is an American company and they built tanks that most Americans cannot afford. If you ask me GM and its leadership got out of touch with the American consumer, and the American consumer responded by not buying their expensive tanks! When gas spiked to nearly $4 a gallon what kind of cars do you think Americans are going to buy? Maybe some people can afford to put $300-$400 worth of gas in their tank a month along with a $500 car payment, but most can't! Let's not forget the mortgage, electric bill, phone bill, food bill, full coverage insurance on the car, kids if you have any, cable bill, internet bill, having fun money, beer money, credit card bills, student loans, and lets not forget to fund the retirement if many even have one! People can almost buy a nice house for the same price it would take to purchase one of GM's tanks! It's called survival of the fittest.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans FAILED America. If you can clearly remember it was a game that was going back and fourth between the House and the Senate! The Republican controlled House would pass the debt bill onto the Democratic controlled Senate where it would get shot down. Then Reid would present his debt bill to the House where it could not even get the votes to pass to get to the Senate!
Obama didn't even have a plan, his plan wasn't even considered! You want to know an Obama plan, Can you call "Cash for Clunkers" any kind of way to save the economy? Really! Thats not a fucking plan. Yeah trade in your car and get deeper in debt. You have got to be fucking kidding me, "Cash for Clunkers!" There is no way in hell that Obama is going to get reelected as President again! He will be a one-term President!

This nation needs a Revolution! People in this nation are sick and tired and fed up with all the bullshit from both the Democrats and Republicans! If you vote in the same bastards (meaning the Democrats or Republicans) the ponzi scheme just continues! This country needs new political parties to vote into power. It's almost at the point that modern day common Americans need to uprise against the powers that be and take back what belongs to them, America! With force if need be! Americans have to protect this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic!

What and the hell do you think people in the Middle East and Greece are rioting for? The people have reached a tipping point where they are pissed off and their tired of all of the bullshit coming from the TOP, while the financial mafia lives high on the hog. When the people get pissed off they better listen! It will happen in America, when it happens I don't know. At this point in the game I expect a Depression coming! I expect Revolution!
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Old 08-09-2011, 05:57 AM   #22
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Whirlaway, you lost credibility when you said Rush was accurate and truthful. You're a post-a-holic that depends on word count to "win" an argument since nothing else you say is either accurate or truthful when it comes to political concepts.
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Old 08-09-2011, 10:17 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
Wellendowed I get the notion that your a Democrat. Am I right? The stimulus bill that was passed didn't do shit to help the economy

Then answer two questions. If it was a failure, why is the economy only now slipping back into recession now that the stimulus funds are being exhausted?

And why are the markets falling when a deal is agreed upon to cut government spending when in point of fact we need more spending to stimulate aggregate demand?

You need to go back and study ECON 1302, Principles of Macro Economics and reread the chapters on Keynesian stimulus and liquidity traps.
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Old 08-10-2011, 12:32 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Then answer two questions. If it was a failure, why is the economy only now slipping back into recession now that the stimulus funds are being exhausted?

And why are the markets falling when a deal is agreed upon to cut government spending when in point of fact we need more spending to stimulate aggregate demand?

You need to go back and study ECON 1302, Principles of Macro Economics and reread the chapters on Keynesian stimulus and liquidity traps.
TexTushHog I'm glad I got critic and I will be delighted to answer your questions to the best of my ability. First of all lets take our wonderful Government into account. We have a Government that does not lie to it's people! We have a Government that does not exploit it's people! Our Government tells the truth to it's citizens! Our Government does not put it's citizens on a need to know basis! Our news is not censored! Our Government has nevered covered up any matters and swept them under the rug! If you've caught on by now you know thats all BULLSHIT!!! As you know "Our" Government will exploit it's people. It is the job of every Government beaurocrat to figure out a way to stick their hands into it's peoples pockets and take their money. Our Governments are also in the job to create the "Feel good environment" at all costs. They fear and don't like it when the people get angry and uprise. Thats what the Government is trying to prevent.

The economy never got out of a recession to begin with! You can't end a recession by the snap of a finger and you can't stop a Mack Truck on the turn of a dime. Do you think QE1 worked? What about QE2? Do you think QE3 will work? Personally, I don't think it will. You must obviously have more faith in the Government than I do. Sure there must be cities, towns, or states that are doing better than other parts of the country but you have to look at the entire demographic picture of the United States as a whole. If the Obama administration had unemployment at 5% then I would probably give Big Government some credit, but they don't. The current 9% number for unemployment can be manipulated. I wonder if thats just the people on record recieving unemployment benefits. The better question is, has the Government accounted for everyone thats unemployed, receiving benefits or not? You see thats the "Gray" area that their not telling people. Remember, our Government does not lie to it's people! The always tell the truth.

Why are the markets falling you say? My God man if you had our politicians pulling the strings and playing games with peoples money and lives wouldn't you say that you expected the global markets to fall? Please tell me you seen a selloff coming because I sure did!!! I'm just glad I sold off weeks before the selloff and wasn't hurt by the downturn. This global selloff was entirely caused by the elected IDIOTS we have working for us in Washington D.C. It didn't help when S&P downgraded the U.S. debt rating but they did the right thing! I applaud S&P for what they did. When they came out with this news last friday and into this weekend I knew the markets were going to selloff on Monday morning starting in Asia. Did you?

So why are markets falling when the Government decides to cut spending? Well there are a lot of companies that depend on Government spending, their spending definitely supports these companies' bottom lines. So when the spending dries up maybe the shit will finally hit the fan! There are a lot of companies that depend on this spending to be there. If the easy capital dries up what do you think will happen in the short-term future? Do you really think things will really get better out there in the trenches? I see that you realize that this will hurt our economy, and your probably right.

Today Ben Bernanke came out and preached that interest rates will be left alone until mid 2013 with no increases. Rates are already near 0%, I mean how much lower can we go to help out this fragile economy. It seems as if their running out of gimmicks. Maybe theres only a few more tricks left in the hat. So I ask you, do you really think we got out of a recession? Do you do your own food shopping? Have you been into a Wal-Mart lately or do you have a butler or a wife that does all of this for you? If you have then tell me which brand is taking market share away from the big companies? I'll give you a hint, their products are usually packaged in WHITE BOXES!

Do you ever pay attention to trends? Trends in our economy? In our nation? Have you ever been on a dating service such as www.match.com to see how many single women are available? Just women who have been on the site within 5 days only! There is a whole bunch of ASS up for grabs right now. A whole bunch. I'm sure they need a good man to help them out with the bills. When an economy is booming as it was back in 2007 I'm sure you would have noticed that their were a lot less women available. I'm just looking at my market in the Little Rock area and I am astounded by how much women are up for grabs! What about the Backpages? Have you noticed that since the economy went tits up a few years ago that theres now more women prostituting themselves just to make ends meet? I know my market here in the Rock has exploded compared to just a few years ago. Numbers of women entering the game have definitely went up! Not down!

Check out this link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhaEc...feature=fvwrel This is a video from 2009 but he has a lot more videos that you can find by googling his name. Listen to some of the things he has to say. Of course, you always don't have to believe what he says. And remember, "Our" Government never lies to it's people, they always tell the truth! This is from 17 Sep 2010, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUYkP...feature=relmfu here's another one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgyGO...1&feature=fvwp Check this one out! Tell me whats going on in the Middle East? What about Greece, Egypt, Morocco, Syria? What about Mexico? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2qDW...eature=related

So you tell me TexTushHog, did we ever get out of a recession? It seems like you need to go back and do your homework in Economics 101, along with Macro and Micro economics you Jagoff! By the way, I'm waiting for your response.
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Old 08-10-2011, 01:26 AM   #25
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I'm waiting, let me hear your response TexTushHog.
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Old 08-10-2011, 07:14 PM   #26
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Old 08-10-2011, 07:37 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
So since we are at the brink of total destruction and most everyone is looking for someone or something to blame. so we all wakeup tommarrow morning and here it is total Mayhem everything we didn't want to happen happened. Your boss calls , we're closing shop now you're unemployed. You go to the store prices have dam near doubled overnight. You stop for gas and you almost need a loan to fill your car up ect.ect. So what ya gonna do? Whats everybodys plan. I can just hear it now " we haven't crossed that bridge yet" Well get a plan cause you're at the foot of it.
This is part of what we're talking about. The world, as we know it, is not coming to an end, nor is our country. But the fear you try spreading to further the Tea Party agenda is more misleading and divisive than helpful.
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:53 PM   #28
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After THE worst financial disaster since the great depression, the unemployment rate in the U.S. today under Barack Obama is 9.1%.

In August of 1983, (exactly the same number of months since being inaugurated) under the Republican God of Senility, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the unemployment rate was 9.2%.

I've got more but why waste it on Rushbots who get what little they think they know from Fox "News"?

Wallow in your stupidity. Your deserve what you've come to believe. It is what they intended and they knew the dumb ones would stay until the end.
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Old 08-12-2011, 10:36 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Little Stevie View Post
After THE worst financial disaster since the great depression, the unemployment rate in the U.S. today under Barack Obama is 9.1%.

In August of 1983, (exactly the same number of months since being inaugurated) under the Republican God of Senility, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the unemployment rate was 9.2%.

I've got more but why waste it on Rushbots who get what little they think they know from Fox "News"?

Wallow in your stupidity. Your deserve what you've come to believe. It is what they intended and they knew the dumb ones would stay until the end.
This gentleman argues a very good point. It is really wtf Carter and Reagan did, they inflated their way outta debt


But the real problem is that the global economy is badly overleveraged, and there is no quick escape without a scheme to transfer wealth from creditors to debtors, either through defaults, financial repression, or inflation...

In a conventional recession, the resumption of growth implies a reasonably brisk return to normalcy. The economy not only regains its lost ground, but, within a year, it typically catches up to its rising long-run trend.
The aftermath of a typical deep financial crisis is something completely different. As Reinhart and I demonstrated, it typically takes an economy more than four years just to reach the same per capita income level that it had attained at its pre-crisis peak. So far, across a broad range of macroeconomic variables, including output, employment, debt, housing prices, and even equity, our quantitative benchmarks based on previous deep post-war financial crises have proved far more accurate than conventional recession logic.
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Old 08-13-2011, 12:10 AM   #30
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You'll never hear me say one good thing about Ronald Reagan. He was a horrible President who was probably the most financially irresponsible President in American history until Shrub came along. But the unemployment numbers you speak of declined fairly quickly because they were the result of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve. Fiscal stimulus through money supply and interest rates was able to work them because interest rates were near all-time highs, and there was plenty of room to work for the Fed. Now the Fed is out of room to maneuver as interest rates are at, on in a few cases, below the zero bound.

The current recession, and the larger one that we have on the way now that we have stopped stimulating the economy are going to make the first Reagan recession look like a picnic. That's how badly Bush damaged our economy with his wars, tax cuts, deficits, and unfunded programs.
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