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Old 08-06-2011, 11:47 AM   #16
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Tiny tim Geitner says America Can't loose It's AAA rating. He says it's because of the leadership, the president and so forth.

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Old 08-06-2011, 12:53 PM   #17
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The US hasn't deserved a AAA rating for a decade. The timing and wording are interesting. Particularly when you see who wrote it and what might have motivated them:
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:31 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
The US hasn't deserved a AAA rating for a decade. The timing and wording are interesting. Particularly when you see who wrote it and what might have motivated them:
The comments sound like Whirl chimed in. I think I found Marshall there too! lol.,I love the FACT guy, LOL!

Oh that's funny!!!
BY BAILEDOUT on 08/05/2011 at 23:17

the silence from FEDTIT sucking liberals on this one is deafening
BY FEDTIT on 08/06/2011 at 01:41

still waiting…good god you FEDTIT suckers are such gutless hypocritical wusses…
BY FEDTIT on 08/06/2011 at 01:46

Somehow I doubt that the world's largest rating's agency votes republican.
BY HMMMM on 08/06/2011 at 02:23

FACT: These are increasingly dangerous times, with American leadership being challenged across the globe.
Only an historic reduction in government spending combined with pro-growth measures including lower business tax rates to stimulate job creation and attract investment can turn the US economy around.
Unfortunately, as Standard and Poor’s decision has shown, this is a presidency in “extreme” denial over America’s towering debts, leading a nation on a precipice while blindfolded to reality.

FACT: The United States badly needs another Reagan-style revolution to stave off further economic disaster, preserve American leadership on the world stage, and secure the future of a superpower.
Ultimately, greater liberty and freedom, not the deathly hand of Big Government, are needed to turn this great nation around.
Which one of you wrote this? This guy must have forgotten history and how many times Reagan and Bush Sr. raised taxes and increased government.

BY VOTE DEMSOUT 2010/12 on 08/06/2011 at 11:21


BY ABE on 08/06/2011 at 12:32

And remember, Congress still has to vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment. I wonder how many Democrats will have the b@lls to vote "no". lol

Obama, Pelosi and Reid have really screwed the pooch this time. And the Tea Party looks like the only grown up in the room.
BY JOHN on 08/06/2011 at 12:58
Obama, July 11 news confgerence: "I would rather be talking about stuff that everybody welcomes like new [spending] programs…"

He also insisted on $2.5 trillion in debt with no strings attached.

Whooo boy. The 2012 presidential debates are gonna be a hoot. Whoever the GOP candidate is, I would just walk out on stage with an iPad loaded with video clips of Pelosi, Reid and Obama calling for more spending, More Spending, MORE SPENDING!
BY JOHN on 08/06/2011 at 13:18

As any logical person knows, Obama's and the Democrats' reckless spending caused this mess.

EVERYTHING Obama has touched has turned to c**p.

We must change course and make Obama a one-termer or our childrens' futures will be destroyed.
BY OBAMA IS CARTER X2 on 08/06/2011 at 13:56
He's clearly illogical.

John they are *investments* in our future. We need those really really fast choo choo trains so we should *invest* in them (what, you're telling me GE makes those big choo choo engines).

We should *invest* in education so we can buy a better education for the chill-drens (what, you"re telling me we already spend more on education that any other country).

We should *invest* in green energy so we can be really really green instead of red, white and blue (what, you're telling me it will be 50 years before we have enough green energy to sustain our needs).

Yes we need to reduce our spending but we can't quit *investing* in our future (what, you're telling me we've even run out of our *investing* money).

OK if we are out of *investing* money then STOP THE SPENDING.
BY JAY DEE on 08/06/2011 at 15:23
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:05 PM   #19
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Hey Whirly I know where to put the blame: Of course it's Obama's fault. Having taken the reigns amid the worst recession since 1930s, in the middle of the very expensive war, he couldn't turn the economy around despite all the help and cooperation that GOP provided him with. He's had the audacity to propose raising taxes on the top 2% of Americans, even though the taxes today are the lowest they've ever been in the last 50 years, and these top 2% hold the biggest share of national wealth since, well, ever. What a joke. Go GOP ! After all, how many recessions happened on their watch ? To few to count, you won't even need all of your fingers
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:18 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Good, if it's the only way to stop the juvenile delinquents in DC from printing more credit cards, then I guess it has to be done. It amazes me that the same people who criticize how much the government wastes on defense (which, while true, is at least mandated by the Constitution), want the government to control everything else in the economy including charity. No rational person could embrace such nonsense.
Are you kidding me....nobody wants to control charity, give all you want, just do not expect a tax break for it.

There is nothing in the constitution about spending the amount of money we are spending on defense.
Originally Posted by Yerassman View Post
Yea right, your treasured tea party had nothing to do with this. You Fox, Limbaugh, and Hannity gop agenda guys are all innocent and just fell to earth in january of 09, before that amnesia right?
LOL....don't talk common sense to these folks. They want to cut government spending and bitch about rising unemployment!
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:26 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Are you kidding me....nobody wants to control charity, give all you want, just do not expect a tax break for it.
. . . .
{emphasis mine}

You just defined the exact method of controlling charitable giving. Congratulations!
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:32 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Whirlway just shut up because dude you are sounding very stupid- I guess Congress had nothing to do with this since they were the ones who delayed it to the last second.
And looks like Boehner and the GOP felt it was too much the raise taxes on the rich- this has made the GOP look far worse than the DEMS. Check any poll you want and see who Americans are putting the blame on- last one I checked 64% blames Republicans.
Take all the money from every millionaire & billionaire in this country and the money would only run this country for 18 days. You and your types are the STUPID MFer's.

Us middle class people is where the money will come from. Research it yourself. i will not waste my time on IGNORANT college educated Morons with no common sense.
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Old 08-06-2011, 09:02 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Take all the money from every millionaire & billionaire in this country and the money would only run this country for 18 days. You and your types are the STUPID MFer's.

Us middle class people is where the money will come from. Research it yourself. i will not waste my time on IGNORANT college educated Morons with no common sense.
ok- so I guess your philosophy is tax the middle class into poverty- give huge tax breaks to the wealthy??? LOL- what an idiot- how come the Clinton taxes on the rich raised revenue? I take it you nothing took an economics class in your life???
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Old 08-06-2011, 10:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Take all the money from every millionaire & billionaire in this country and the money would only run this country for 18 days. You and your types are the STUPID MFer's.

Us middle class people is where the money will come from. Research it yourself. i will not waste my time on IGNORANT college educated Morons with no common sense.
We know...Reagan gave the rich a tax break and made up for it with a higher gas tax! Go look it up Mr dumbass with all that commonn sense.

But if we can't even get you stupid SOB's to agree to tax the rich, how the fuc do you think we can get you to go along with letting all the Bush tax cuts expire! For God sake you guys do not even want to cut out tax loop holes!

Taxes are at their lowest point in fifty years! (Go look it up asshole)

Yet you think we only have a spending problem!

Look of the Gini coefficient......that is a measure of the gap between the rich and poor. We are becoming a third world nation. You know why? Because the rich have gotten way more so in the last thirty years! You know why? Because tax poliecy has favored their fat ass's. Look that shit up Mr unCommon fuc'n sense
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Old 08-06-2011, 11:13 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Take all the money from every millionaire & billionaire in this country and the money would only run this country for 18 days.
Nope. That's only the income from the people over $10M. Not the assets. There are ways to tax things other than income.

And last I heard, no one was talking about only taking deca-millionaires. It's going to take a combination of cutting back on spending (especially defense spending), and higher income taxes on those who make more than $200 - 250k/ year. Higher rates of inheritance taxes on estates over $10-20 million would also be a helpful, though small benefit. We also need to eliminate or raise the cap on Social Security earnings that are taxed. That cap is $106,800 for 2011.
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Old 08-07-2011, 12:19 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
We know...Reagan gave the rich a tax break and made up for it with a higher gas tax!
Reagan appointed Alan Greenspan, the big deregulator.
That's were all the misery started.
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Old 08-07-2011, 01:58 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Mr dumbass with all that commonn sense.

you stupid SOB's

(Go look it up asshole)

Because tax poliecy has favored their fat ass's. Look that shit up Mr unCommon fuc'n sense
no difference between you and MARSHALL..
maybe except you can't even spell your insults correctly.None of you all are any diffrent .
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Old 08-07-2011, 05:19 AM   #28
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Israeli stock market is down 6% and halted trading for 45 minutes because if the sell off.
All result of downgrading US debt.
That promises a landslide in stocks later today in Azia, Europe and tomorrow in the US.
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:25 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
no difference between you and MARSHALL..
maybe except you can't even spell your insults correctly.None of you all are any diffrent .
I was responding to this post.....

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Take all the money from every millionaire & billionaire in this country and the money would only run this country for 18 days. You and your types are the STUPID MFer's.

Us middle class people is where the money will come from. Research it yourself. i will not waste my time on IGNORANT college educated Morons with no common sense.

I would suspect you can not see the difference. You only see one side of things.

I treat people who are respectful and I treat assholes like assholes.

In other words, I treat people how they treat others. So if you want any respect from me, start showing some. Until then go get a kleenex. Oh andTake your spell check and stick it where the sun don't shine
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:07 AM   #30
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I had heard talk about the possibility of this downgrade happening several months ago on NPR, but I thought it was only political BS intended to bring pressure and resolve the debt ceiling debate.

There was really no need for the debate to drag on as long as it did, but a small group of Republicans, namely the accursed Tea Party were able to hold the debit ceiling hostage to further their agenda.

All we did with this charade was show the world how poorly we can govern ourselves and came so close to the abyss that we nearly fell into it.

The preponderance of the financial mess the US is in today came about from the idiotic policies and moronic wars the cowboy we had in office instigated. The minute the war in Iraq was even considered, I was totally opposed to it, but at the same time was completely mystified that so many of my otherwise intelligent friends thought this war was something that we just had to do.

That was total bullshit!

Not only did that foolish war cause a huge drain on our budget, it actually served as a recruitment tool for Al-Qaeda. If all that money had been funneled into fixing the US economy we would not be in the mess we are in.

. . . But, as the old saying goes, "if wishes were horses, poor men would ride."

Now, we have to wake up and restore order to our financial house.

President Obama has a mighty tall order to fulfill to restore this country to its greatness and I wish him all the best because he has many, many obstacles thrown in his path.

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