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Old 08-05-2011, 02:11 PM   #1
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I am only making this thread because had sour news came out or had the U.S LOST 117000 jobs Whirlaway would have posted how terrible the President is doing blah blah- seems like Whirlaway post every little comment he can- negative of course about this administration.
The 117000 is better than expected- we have a long ways to go but at least it was a positive direction. See Whirl I could give a rats ass about whose in office- job growth is good news regardless if you are DEM or REP- but people like you get excited when you hear negative news of this administration and then run and hide when you hear good news- typical sour grape one sided right wing fanatic
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Old 08-05-2011, 04:03 PM   #2
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UE is down to 9.1% as a result, despite the sky is falling mentality of the markets going down because Obama spoke.
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Old 08-05-2011, 04:43 PM   #3
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Actually, 154,000 private sector jobs were added. But because Republicans are so concerned about jobs with their anti-tax screeds, governments trimmed 37,000 jobs, bringing the net remaining total down to 117,000.
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Old 08-05-2011, 08:59 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am only making this thread because had sour news came out or had the U.S LOST 117000 jobs Whirlaway would have posted how terrible the President is doing blah blah- seems like Whirlaway post every little comment he can- negative of course about this administration.
The 117000 is better than expected- we have a long ways to go but at least it was a positive direction. See Whirl I could give a rats ass about whose in office- job growth is good news regardless if you are DEM or REP- but people like you get excited when you hear negative news of this administration and then run and hide when you hear good news- typical sour grape one sided right wing fanatic
Yea let's throw a party. Everything is FN great. Whirly is a great American. I don't think you are going to like 2012 too much.
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Old 08-05-2011, 09:23 PM   #5
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While "people like you" celebrate Obama's birthday and do a Whooo Hooo over a measly 117,000 jobs number, serious minded Americans understand the deteriment to our economy which the Obama polcies has brought.

Independent voters are running away from Obama and his socialists polcies. "People like you" should read the tea leaves. Obama will not be re-elected; his agenda is not what independents (and people like me) thought they would be getting from the slacker-in-chief and they will not be fooled a second time by his hollow campgain slogans around hope n change !

BTW; the unemployment rate is down only because the total number of people looking for work declined. The economy is so bad, people are giving up looking for work, so the rate declined accordingly. The slight drop had nothing to do with the measly 117,000 job number. And be prepared for that number to likely be revised downward, just as the job numbers have in prior months.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am only making this thread because had sour news came out or had the U.S LOST 117000 jobs Whirlaway would have posted how terrible the President is doing blah blah- seems like Whirlaway post every little comment he can- negative of course about this administration.
The 117000 is better than expected- we have a long ways to go but at least it was a positive direction. See Whirl I could give a rats ass about whose in office- job growth is good news regardless if you are DEM or REP- but people like you get excited when you hear negative news of this administration and then run and hide when you hear good news- typical sour grape one sided right wing fanatic
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Old 08-05-2011, 10:21 PM   #6
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They forgot to subtract the job I left for the new job. I wonder if they took those of us who just changed jobs in to count...
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Old 08-05-2011, 10:30 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
While "people like you" celebrate Obama's birthday and do a Whooo Hooo over a measly 117,000 jobs number, serious minded Americans understand the deteriment to our economy which the Obama polcies has brought.

Independent voters are running away from Obama and his socialists polcies. "People like you" should read the tea leaves. Obama will not be re-elected; his agenda is not what independents (and people like me) thought they would be getting from the slacker-in-chief and they will not be fooled a second time by his hollow campgain slogans around hope n change !

BTW; the unemployment rate is down only because the total number of people looking for work declined. The economy is so bad, people are giving up looking for work, so the rate declined accordingly. The slight drop had nothing to do with the measly 117,000 job number. And be prepared for that number to likely be revised downward, just as the job numbers have in prior months.
How about we make a little wager Whirl? If he doesn't get re-elected which I think he will- I will deactivate my account- if he gets re-elected you do the same.
You seem to have some lame ass excuse for any good news- and don't dare classify yourself as an Independent because you are not- heck you didn't even vote in 2008.
Will you agree to my wager?
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Old 08-05-2011, 11:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
How about we make a little wager Whirl? If he doesn't get re-elected which I think he will- I will deactivate my account- if he gets re-elected you do the same.
You seem to have some lame ass excuse for any good news- and don't dare classify yourself as an Independent because you are not- heck you didn't even vote in 2008.
Will you agree to my wager?
Independents are republicans. So are your blue dog democrates. Kiss them good bye too.
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Old 08-05-2011, 11:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
The 117000 is better than expected- we have a long ways to go but at least it was a positive direction. See Whirl I could give a rats ass about whose in office- job growth is good news regardless if you are DEM or REP- but people like you get excited when you hear negative news of this administration and then run and hide when you hear good news- typical sour grape one sided right wing fanatic
Whirly does not refute this claim.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Yea let's throw a party. Everything is FN great. Whirly is a great American. I don't think you are going to like 2012 too much.
I don’t think you or Whirly will like 2012. Great Americans want great things for all Americans. Not just conservatives. You have a strange idea about what greatness is.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
While "people like you" celebrate Obama's birthday and do a Whooo Hooo over a measly 117,000 jobs number, serious minded Americans understand the deteriment to our economy which the Obama polcies has brought.
Serious minded? Like the Koch brothers?
AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date

Americans for Prosperity is sending absentee ballots to Democrats in at least two Wisconsin state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the paperwork after the election date.
The fliers, obtained by POLITICO, ask solidly Democratic voters to return ballots for the Aug. 9 election to the city clerk "before Aug. 11."
A Democrat on the ground in Wisconsin said the fliers were discovered to be hitting doors in District 2 and District 10 over the weekend.
"These are people who are our 1's in the voterfile who we already knew. They ain't AFP members, that's for damn sure," the source said.
One flier was discovered in Hudson, Wisc. where Democrat Shelly Moore is attempting to upend GOP State Sen. Sheila Harsdorf in District 10; the other was found in Kaukauna, where Democrat Nancy Nusbaum is challenging Sen. Robert Cowles in District 2.
"If they're targeting for Aug. 16, they're hundreds and hundreds of miles off," said the Democratic activist who has been on the ground in Madison for months. "This has nothing to do with either Democratic incumbent up on August 16th."
The absentee trickery comes just as AFP has purchased $150,000 in ad time in Green Bay, Milwaukee and Madison to boost GOP candidates

They understand how cutting taxes while increasing Medicare benefits and getting involved in 2 invasions has brutal long term effects. I say invasions because they were and to point out the difference between some air strikes (Libya etc) and 200,000 ground troops. Why don't 50% don't pay taxes? Bush tax laws don't require them to for one reason or another. Revenues are down? They were down when repubs were in charge and they will be down under democrats.

Independent voters are running away from Obama and his socialists polcies.
Where are we running to? To the teabaggers or the repubs? You must be high. Too high to post links pointing out these "socialist polices" other than health care? Trick question! I know you don't post links. We independents remember the 2010 elections. We gave you the house and look what you did with it. You tried to repeal health care that doesn't have much impact for the first few years. With only the house? That was a good use of your time.

You offer a budget that you know has no chance in the senate so you can use the "800/what ever the number of day since the dems had a budget" sound bite. "People like you" can watch America take body blows and not lift a finger to stop it as long as they think it means the republicans will be put into office. So far there are no repubs better than the dems. There is no way in hell the repubs will be given both chambers and the presidency.

"People like you" should read the tea leaves. Obama will not be re-elected; his agenda is not what independents (and people like me) thought they would be getting from the slacker-in-chief and they will not be fooled a second time by his hollow campgain slogans around hope n change !
We won't be fooled by the repubs either or their campaign slogan "Anything is better than the democrats, even a bunch of losers like us. And don't worry about the fact that 15% of the US population sets our social agenda, it's what Jesus wanted.".
BTW; the unemployment rate is down only because the total number of people looking for work declined. The economy is so bad, people are giving up looking for work, so the rate declined accordingly. The slight drop had nothing to do with the measly 117,000 job number. And be prepared for that number to likely be revised downward, just as the job numbers have in prior months.
Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 117,000 in July,
following 2 months of little change. The unemployment rate was
9.1 percent in July and has shown little definitive movement
since April. Private-sector employment increased by 154,000 over
the month.
You are now a hyphenated American.

You are an anti-American, -American.
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Old 08-05-2011, 11:24 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Independents are republicans. So are your blue dog democrates. Kiss them good bye too.
You couldn't be more wrong......OK, fine you could be more wrong. But you are wrong enough.
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