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Coed Discussions - New Orleans Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 07-15-2011, 09:15 AM   #16
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Some ladies use this board specifically for advertising purposes, which is perfectly acceptable. Some are very vocal and some are not. A few possible reasons why some may not participate very often may be the desire the avoid excess drama that often arises by posting their opinions, and some have careers/family/school that may take away the majority of their free time. It just depends on the lady in question. As for someone posting in a thread just to have their signature line thrown in... well, this is an escort board. I suppose that I do not understand exactly how these actions are perceived to be condemning.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:21 AM   #17
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well lavixian i would some it up as the lady and the tramp theory,you look at it as a lady,for someone to find so much fault with the ladies and the board,they sure are posting alot
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:27 AM   #18
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As for provider's signature lines, I like the ones that help me keep up with them - at least for Dallas, as I am always interested in knowing her schedule!

Another point - it's almost impossible to post on this board on a regular basis and not get offended or offend. Here again Dallas and a few others are exceptions.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:28 AM   #19
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Tramp theory eh? That reminds me of a thread I was reading on tramp stamps. I was like, "What in the crap is a tramp stamp?" So I researched the term and learned that I indeed have this "tramp stamp," lol.

I firmly believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with posting as much or as little as an individual chooses.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:34 AM   #20
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well DALLAS is probably the biggest poster on the new orleans board,and it's not hurting her business,as long as i have known her she has had the same handle,and julie you don't post much,but have a great reputation,and i bet you have a good business.so there is no merit to the statement
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:18 AM   #21
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For the record, I love Dallas posts; I was definitely not talking about her.

Julie, there's a huge issue when girls feel as if they cannot be made apart of a discussion for fear of negative response. By the way, haha@tramp stamps.

I'm not offended. I understand that I may not agree with everyone as everyone may not agree with me.

Lowgear, I find it funny that among a bunch of women providing "time" for money, you're calling me a tramp. That might be the funniest thing you've ever said in your nearly thousand posts about absolutely nothing.
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:48 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Anonymiss View Post
As their boss and the owner of a business, there are certain fees that I must charge to A.) advertise B.) provide safety through screening, C.) To provide travel & hotel accommodations when necessary, D.) To get paid myself for the HUGE amount of work I do to make sure they have calls from safe, trustworthy gentlemen. What I do possess that the girls (though they have not yet been reviewed) do not have is the ability to weed through time-wasters and dangerous men. There are other agencies in the area that clearly post fake reviews; I've seen them myself and get a good laugh from the fact that they're not fooling anyone. At least I haven't lowered myself to that level.

If you cannot pay the prices or don't wish to, that is your prerogative. It's just the same as making a decision between restaurants. If you don't feel that you need to dine at a fine-restaurant to be satisfied, you don't have to eat there. You also can't walk into the place and demand a discount just because no one YOU know has eaten there before. If instead you wish to frequent a restaurant where the prices are lower, you might feel just as satisfied with the service. That's just fine too. I'm not calling you a cheap-skate or saying you're a bad person for that. You just won't be a customer of mine. I think a woman has the right to choose what her body is worth and if you aren't accepting of that, you don't have to see her. On the flip side, I think a ton of men are absolutely insulting to women when they try to offer less than the quoted rate.

I did not say anything about providers beating their chests. I said, "Or, it goes off topic to some dawg beating his chest about fucking a provider COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT." I can screen shot some examples if you'd prefer that I back up that statement, but I don't think that will be necessary. If you would like me to be more polite about it-- I find that posts stray from the original topic due to men and providers interacting like fourteen year olds, filled with hormones, without direction. Tehehe. I obviously don't look down upon providing, but I do notice that, perhaps, out of desperation for business, some women are contributing absolutely nothing to conversation except their signature line with everything but their prices. JUST MY OBSERVATION.

[Edit: Chest beating over conquering some lady parts is for reviews if I'm not mistaken.]

By the way
el·o·quent   [el-uh-kwuhnt]
having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech: an eloquent orator.
characterized by forceful and appropriate expression: an eloquent speech.
movingly expressive: looks eloquent of disgust.
IMHO I have executed what this definition has required for one to be "eloquent."
I didn't say anything about providers beating their chests either. It was a compound sentence. The fact that your so defensive and listing Websters definition to me is funny. I have a masters degree and multiple other certifications, I make a very good living and am debt free so no need to be crass with me. I wasn't giving you flak for your post, merely commenting on your pricing. As a 'business', how does it cost YOU an extra $25 over the normal rate? You also stated you would be raising the prices if warranted which is pretty stupid imo. With no pictures or reviews that seems to be a tad premature to me. I'm just wondering how your logic works.(honestly, I don't really care...)

Aside from that do you really think coming on here and referring to the intellectual level of the hobbyists as 14 year olds is going to help you, your business or any of your ladies get more clients? I'm not the only educated hobbyist around and while there will always be a few who's maturity level may not be to your liking, making generalized derogatory comments about your potential customers is not the best way to come across when attempting to start a business. I've started 2 businesses in my life, so yes, I am speaking from experience.(besides the fact it's simple common sense!)

I laugh at the comments about me not being one of your customers, lowgear being banned, it's like a child who always has to have the last word. I do believe I even wished you and your girls good luck after stating my opinion. I don't believe I said one insulting thing in my reply either.

Lastly, please keep up with that attitude and defensiveness. In no time all of your girls will be independents and you'll just be another 'pimp' with a bunch of empty stables...

Lowgear, she cut you off man, guess you'll have to move to another city so you can get some tail cause we all know there are no decent ladies around here that don't work for a pimp! (insert sarcasism here) Lol
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:53 AM   #23
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+1 shadowbeast
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:11 AM   #24
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anonymiss that must be a vibrator you are setting on,because it damn sure is not a pedestal.I have always said what i mean and mean what i say,never changed handles,and never talk out both sides of my mouth. and i have no trouble getting ladies.You have failed yourself before you even got started
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:14 AM   #25
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:16 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by lowgear View Post
anonymiss that must be a vibrator you are setting on,because it damn sure is not a pedestal.I have always said what i mean and mean what i say,never changed handles,and never talk out both sides of my mouth. and i have no trouble getting ladies.You have failed yourself before you even got started
You honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:32 AM   #27
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This is getting ridiculous! I thought the htread was about ladies posting or not posting, correct me if I am wrong. Not about Anonymiss or business, or stupidity or whatever the hell I just read.

Stay on topic please and grow up. the second request is just a suggestion. If we do not stay on topic I will close - simple.
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:59 AM   #28
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Dallas's posts are comical and fun to read... and I really like Babee's posts because she's such a smartass

One day Outdoorsman, I am gonna spank your hiney, keep up the good work
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Old 07-15-2011, 02:17 PM   #29
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quote---One day Outdoorsman, I am gonna spank your hiney, keep up the good work ....wooohoooo sounds fun!!!!!!!!

thanks all for comments...I know I do post ALOt...sometimes it is excessive maybe...I am just addicted to yall!!{lol}.......I do have a good steady business life and a semi busy personal life...but somehow I find the time to do both}

{If I don't get time to get on here for even one day,I will go postal! lol...this board keeps me "sane'}
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Old 07-15-2011, 02:21 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Anonymiss View Post
I've been around these parts for years-- dating back to ASPD. Granted, I've taken on a new role-- ....
You have to realize that many are wondering, and many have already made some fairly well founded assumptions as to your admitted past identities. * There are a few glaring similarities to other infamous celebrities from the past... If the situation was reversed.... you would be wondering the same thing and forming your own opinions.

Originally Posted by Anonymiss
..... I'm not offended. I understand that I may not agree with everyone as everyone may not agree with me....
That is the obvious nature of a DISCUSSION forum, such as this!!! *I wish more people would expand their tolerance of other people's opinions. * A well stated, and respectful discussion can be a very interesting and even educational thing... trust me, we all have something to learn! * I have certainly been guilty in the past... and continue to struggle with it now... but I have been trying to respect the rights of others' opinions. *It's pretty easy to understand how you cum to feel you are the sharpest person in the room... I often feel the same way!

Originally Posted by Anonymiss View Post
.... I personally think there should be a character limit to the signature, because it's moderately annoying to look at over and over again.
I believe there already is a restricted limit.

It would be waaaaay cool if we could have more of a "Co-Ed" feel to the boards.... it's only a fact, that an "Us vs. Them" mentality has developed thru the years.... it's also a fact that the guys are equally to blame. And that's just plain LAME!!

Anonymiss.... many here would luv to know more about you and your history, and what you might have to offer... if anything. * Please try not to alienate before we are able to figure it out. * And guys.... please try to swallow hard and give her a chance , no matter how much her personality might grate on you.

Would be nice to have a new , high quality , FULL service agency or referral service in the area, bringing in new young talent!! That's a fact that never changes!!

P.S. - BTW.... Julie can post anything she wants , anyway she wants , anytime she wants... she's got my permission!
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