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Old 07-15-2011, 04:03 AM   #1
Shea Veile
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Cool Distracted or Poor Eyesight?

I've observed some things that could be funny incidents or indications of failing vision.

With the intention of keeping it light, a few examples:

* Joe Whois wants to refresh after an energetic visit. He reaches for an aerosol can, thinking it's hair spray. Nope. It was deodorant.

* Mike MeAgain decides to shower after a long afternoon. He meant to use shampoo. Ummmm, it was body wash.

* Brandon Braille didn't turn on the bathroom light and notice until it's too late. While he's primping in front of the mirror, a bottle of lotion was mistaken for hair gel.

When was the last time your eyes were checked? They can reveal a lot about your health.

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Old 07-15-2011, 07:11 AM   #2
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When I'm in the shower, can't tell the difference between the shampoo and conditioner. That would be an eyesight thing. My glasses fog up in the shower.
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:24 AM   #3
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wait a minute let me go get my glasses
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:24 AM   #4
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I guess my mom was right, it does make you go blind!
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:47 PM   #5
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I just had my eyes checked a few days ago... in the last few years I have had trouble seeing far away... I put on a friends glasses and I could see sooooo much better, she eventually got tired of me stealing her glasses and as an early bday present she took me in for a exam. Turns out I am slightly blinder than she is. Just got the call and my glasses are in, headed to pick them up this afternoon
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:51 PM   #6
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I had my eyes checked a week ago - they're actually better than they were a year ago somehow.
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Old 07-15-2011, 08:52 PM   #7
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At least the guy who confused hair spray with deodorant got a hair full of deodorant. I've mixed those two things up the other way around. Hair spray and armpits don't play well together. Back in the shower it was while I could still reach up to turn it on.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:47 PM   #8
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god, i have THE WORST VISION of anyone my age, or even within 10 years of my age, that i know!! ive been wearing glasses since i was 8 years old and have since switched between that and contacts. i can barely see in front of me when i dont have them on.. im literally blind as a bat!! when i misplace them, i usually have to get help finding them if i have company.... and one time, i "lost" them and couldnt find them til my friend came over 2 hours later and they were underneath the table blending in with the carpet!! sighh it sucks sometimes but everybody compliments me on my glasses
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:19 PM   #9
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Wink My eyesight crappier than yours, Nyah!

Originally Posted by sweet.treat69 View Post
god, i have THE WORST VISION of anyone my age, or even within 10 years of my age, that i know!! ive been wearing glasses since i was 8 years old and have since switched between that and contacts. ...
Gotcha beat. I've had glasses since I was 5. Coke bottle lenses (plastic saved my nose)
. I'm legally blind in one eye without correction.

And no, I'm a lousy candidate for lazic.

However, I've managed to survive without inflicting major incident upon myself or my better visioned companions.

Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm Dylsexic too.
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Old 07-16-2011, 06:07 AM   #10
Shea Veile
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I truly feel for y'all and understand ...

Several years ago, I had lasik done. After dealing with nearsightedness since 5th grade, I finally did something about it and never regretted the decision.

My mother was in denial and didn't want to accept it. I inherited the genetics of poor vision. She received notes from the school nurse and teachers stating I was having trouble seeing the chalkboard. I had to scoot to the front of the aisles and sit in the floor to copy the notes.

Mom stood in the living room of our house and had me go to the far side of the dining room (no walls to separate them). She held up the fuzzy outlines of 3 fingers. I lied and said 2. Well, that sped up the process to get glasses.

I'll never forget my first pair. Heavy glass lenses with the huge plastic frames that hid half the face. They made deep creases on the bridge of the nose, slid down constantly and were impossible to keep from scratching them. Thank gawd the composite ones were finally introduced!

Mom wouldn't let me have contacts in high school. After graduation, I paid for them when I got a decent job to afford the luxury.

My prescription was -05.25 & -05.75 with strong astigmatism. Very bad! The higher the numbers are with the negative factor, the worse the vision is.

I couldn't judge depth and distance. Over-reaching past objects, knocking over things, walking into door frames, bumping into walls, high-stepping and tripping, as well as a terrible sense of balance. No wonder I wasn't getting anywhere! I was living in a blurry, wavy world of a funhouse!

Fast forward a bit. Mom wasn't happy and freaked about my decision of lasik. I guess she didn't appreciate the humor in my facetious response, "Hey, scientists are growing eyes in lab dishes these days!"

Women are more difficult to gauge for lasik due to all of the changes in life we go thru such as childbearing. Men are much easier to work with because they don't have most of the same issues.

Anyhoo ... be aware of your health. Yes, natural selection & progression happens but aside from those a lot of things can contribute to messed up vision. Allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, etc.

I'm still giggling about a chat with a friend yesterday. He had a great uncle who was known for bad eyesight. The poor guy couldn't see that he accidentally picked up a tube of diaper rash creme (Beaudroux's Butt Paste) instead of toothpaste. Lol & Eewww!!!

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Old 07-16-2011, 11:00 AM   #11
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Had keratoplasty in april. There are in fact visually impaired people on the board.
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Old 07-16-2011, 12:04 PM   #12
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Then explain why this always happens to me:

I have good vision, wear contacts and get eyes checked every year.
Has same Perscription the last 5 years, no change.

This only happens to well endowed ladies, As i am taking to them.

They say: HEY, I AM UP HERE


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Old 07-16-2011, 12:57 PM   #13
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Just reply, "no you aren't"
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Old 07-16-2011, 07:45 PM   #14
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Default Chinese Eyeglasses? Yes-It's True, and A Smoking Deal!

Several months ago I decided to take a chance and order some glasses from China. I did lots of research about several companies, read lots of reviews and saw video reviews on the YTube.

I had an up to date copy of my prescription from my optometrist which they are required to supply you with if asked. There is one very important measurement that some leave off the prescription called "pupillary distance". This is the distance in millimeters between your pupils, and is important for centering the optics in your glasses. They will give you this number if it is not on the script. You may measure this with a ruler, but the optometrist's electronic measurement is of course more accurate. A few mm's difference is inconsequential.

I chose www.zennioptical.com, and have been very pleased. There are hundreds of frames in all materials and styles to choose from. They offer many, many frame styles, which if only single vision lenses are necessary, you can get for less than $15 delivered to your door. If you have kids who are hard on glasses I've just saved you a bunch of money. Their website is intuitive and even has a feature where you can upload a picture and "try on" different frame styles. Not perfect by any means, but gives you an idea.

The last pair of glasses I bought locally were lined bifocals in a nice frame. They were $330 out the door. I initially ordered two pair of glasses from Zenni, one clear and one tinted as sunglasses, both with more expensive "no-line" bifocals. They were both metal frame styles. Two pair delivered to my home? $88.00!!! I have since ordered three more pair for myself so I change them depending on what I might be doing that day. I have both metal and plastic framed styles, and all are 1st quality in materials and workmanship. No, they don't give me headaches either. My delivery time has consistently been between 2 and 3 weeks. I know it's not glasses in an hour, but at a sixth the price, who cares? I highly recommend them and will continue to use them for all my vision needs.
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Old 07-16-2011, 09:26 PM   #15
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Shea...They are probably distracted I know I wouldn't be thinking about grabbing the right stuff to get ready. My mind is on the lady I'm with the entire time I'm with her. You probably just gave them the session of the year and they're just reflecting back on what just happened.
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