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Old 07-13-2011, 12:39 PM   #16
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In all my years I've only had to cancel once ....it was a month or so ago ..... I did it the day before and offered to compensate her because of it ...... She refused the compensation but I felt bad about it.....
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Old 07-13-2011, 07:45 PM   #17
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Sorry for rubbing it in but geddon you really f****d up I just got home from seeing her she awesome one of a kind provider beautiful rockin body and a real sweetheart! I really feel sorry for you for missing out!
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Old 07-13-2011, 08:03 PM   #18
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Before you vent i would tell the whole story,sounds like you had more than one appointment you cancelled .Amber has a great reputation that was not given to her,she earned it.
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Old 07-13-2011, 08:40 PM   #19
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Old 07-13-2011, 08:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
Amber are you all booked up? Damn I woulda filled that slot both you and Ashley? Damn!!!


Amber well written. After that I definitely would see you, all booked up?!! Please say it aint so!
amber all booked up? that's a good question. how about it amber, are you booked up?
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Old 07-13-2011, 11:35 PM   #21
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Amber and Ashley, I want to apologize to both you. I am sorry I did not call you. It was a immature thing to do. I am sorry i had canceled the appointment TWICE. You gave me TWO chances to meet you, and you put me ahead of your old friends, me, someone that has never met you before. That was very stupid of me to cancel twice with you and Ashley. I am sorry for being inconsiderate of your time and flakey. I am sorry for not taking into account the money you lost because of MY immaturity. I use my crohn's as a excuse, a crutch, but, I have realized that the real reason I did not make it, is because I didn't get enough SLEEP. I knew going to work the next day I would be very tired. I know better than that, and because I did not get enough rest, that in of itself proves i didn't take our meeting very seriously. You treated me the same as i treated you. I ignored your time, and you ignored me. I understand now and deserved that. I also realize I am becoming someone who is flakey, and is not being serious about keeping a time with a provider. I don't want to become that kind of person. From now on, I will not make an appointment with someone unless i'm absolutely CERTAIN and SERIOUS about meeting them at a particular date and time. I will do WHATEVER it takes. I will also NOT change the appointment just because another provider comes into town. If I have any DOUBT in my mind, I will not make an appointment. I also need to stop complaining about only seeing providers on my days off. I need to plan accordingly, when ladies do visit Lafayette when I am working. I need to appreciate those days off that I do have, so I CAN drive to Baton Rouge, or New Orleans.

I also want to apologize to Nikki, Genesis, Aria, June, Lauren and Keri, for being flakey to them.

Amber, thank you for taking the time, out of your busy day, to tell me what i did wrong. You are right about everything you said. I have been a baby. I did not respect your time. You both took a chance on me and I screwed it up. I know you and Ashley are booked up for the rest of the trip......If you would give me one more opportunity for an appointment when you both return back to Lafayette, I WILL be there. I will even compensate you more than what your going rate is.

Also, thanks Rick, and gimme that, for telling me what I did wrong. And anyone else for pointing out my errors.
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Old 07-14-2011, 01:17 AM   #22
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Default wow a lil overboard.

Her response was warranted......but you didn't name her in your initial post. She straight came on this thread to bring your name and your rep for untimely cancellations to the forefront........

I understand your apologetic.....but geez ima say it.....grab your testicular fortitude and see someone else dude. If for some reason beyond your control you had to cancel yet again it would be worse. And so what you will tip her considerably if she sees you........she could give you a lesss than stellar ssession to spite ur ass......and you might be so unrelaxed going into the session and not really make requests and just settle on what services she gives ya.

I mean damn dude she called you a damn baby. You were no doubt wrong but got dammit your a man dude....but sheed where's the incentive now for you and here the incentive for her. She already told you your measely $$$ doesn't scratch the service of what she could make so just try and keep your appointment with other ladies you see.

I hope everything works out for you. That post was hhard for me to read without getting pissed because you kept attacking yourself and I had to say something.
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Old 07-14-2011, 01:25 AM   #23
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Geez! Poor me!!??? Come on now.

Originally Posted by lowgear View Post
Before you vent i would tell the whole story,sounds like you had more than one appointment you cancelled .Amber has a great reputation that was not given to her,she earned it.
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Old 07-14-2011, 04:43 AM   #24
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I don't think its overboard. I'm saying that I did screw up majorly. I get that. The reason why I didn't name her in the beginning was because I did not want to start any drama.
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Old 07-14-2011, 07:22 AM   #25
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Thank you for the apology Geddeon.

I will accept it even though you did call me quite a few names during our text conversation....

Water under the bridge and the best of luck to you!

Genesis Nicole

Take care of yourself as you never told me you had Crohn's
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Old 07-14-2011, 07:30 AM   #26
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Things come up for all of us.... God knows it does for me.... however if you had canceled more than once I would be a lil hesitant to book with u again.. But for the fact we have men interested in us {that might have to cancel more than once} none of us would be making money. Maybe your providr should have been a lil more understanding. But like they always say..... (YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE)
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Old 07-14-2011, 08:22 AM   #27
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The apology says a lot for you, geddon, imho. It seems u learned where your mistake was and now can put that learning into action. We are all human and from time to time we are screw up, lie, do something dumb without thinking, no big deal. I just like to look at my screw ups, learn from them, and move on. I would leave Amber and Ashley to their business they see your apology, IMHO the issue is over. Someimtes the only way to correct a past wrong is for me to not do it to anyone else in the future, the damage I created to the one person is done and I cannot take it back, so I can live in my guilt and misery or I can buckle up and move forward treating others better. Just my .02
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Old 07-14-2011, 08:37 AM   #28
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With my job I never really know when I will be home or for how long Amber is one of the coolest hottest young ladies I have ever met and is very understandng of my fucked up schedule.
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Old 07-14-2011, 09:01 AM   #29
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It's all about respect and treating people the way you would want to be treated. You don't want people wasting your time or talking rudely to you so you don't treat them that way. A lot of hobbyist and providers think because they were treaty poorly by one hobbyist or provider it makes it ok for them to treat the next person that way. Just treat everyone like you want to be treated until they give you reason not to and most if not all of these problems disappear.

It's amazing to me, but some hobbyist look down on providers as something to be used and tossed away. These hobbyist give other hobbyist a bad name and make things worse for everyone. Some providers look down on hobbyist and see them only as an ATM. Get their money and get them out. These providers give other providers a bad name and make things worse for everyone.

This is a transaction that should work for both sides. Providers have something that hobbyist want/need and hobbyist have something that providers want/need. It's really not that difficult to treat each other with a little respect before, during and after the exchange. Because of the nature of the hobby, the exchange is very personal. All the more reason to be respectful and considerate of the other person involved.
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Old 07-14-2011, 10:11 AM   #30
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well said TwistedTiger!!!

{btw:I would so do Amber...lol}

Geddon...hope ya keep having fun!
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