Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
C) As for false advertising/photos/ misleading ages...I don't engage in it myself and I'm definitely enough of a loud mouth on this board that if I did you'd see dozens of posts after this with some kind of proof that I am not who I claim to be.
Howdy, Folks!
As I posted earlier - I don't haggle.
I look at posted prices. If the posted prices aren't to my liking, I move on to the next one, find one who's posted prices are more to my liking.
This quoted post by Hannah is an interesting post.
Let's parse it a bit...
Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
As for...[snip]/photos/[/snip] ...I don't engage in it myself...
Let's look here:
Okay - One review on Eccie only(March 2011), no pics in the review; no showcase set up, so no photos on Eccie.
Let's look at the website set up:
No photos here, either.
Back to
http://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=56673 :
"My TER ID& TER Reviews: 165402/My p411 ID: P53733" [neither of these are hot links]
p411 shows the following when searching by that ID:
"Information available to members only!
Click Here to Become a Member" - No pics available to Eccie members.
Over at TER:
TER shows no pics for Eccie members, last TER review March 2011.
So, as for photos - Hannah is quite correct; it appears she doesn't engage in posting them where Eccie members may see them.
Therefore, no one can state she's not who she claims to be, as there's nothing for comparison.
Interestingly written post, to get that information across.
Ultimately - what does "...false advertising/photos/ misleading ages..." have to do with haggling?