Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
considering all the "no recommendations" from your reviews I guess I can see why you want pictures ...maybe some further research would help as well 
Fortunately, most "NO" recommendations come from over-priced and poorly presented services or false advertising....which is what I call anyone who uses someone elses pics regardless of reason. I do not remember actually using "her looks" to make a go-no go decision. I believe if you actually READ my reviews you would see that looks has little or nothing to do with the NO recommendation. I usually keep my eyes shut anyway since I am concentrating so hard....LOL
I have seen many providers that had I seen their pic first I would not have seen them at all.....for obvious reasons. Nor would I be so insensitive to suggest that Mack trucks should stay out of distance from her. You will have to show me a review I wrote that used looks as the reason. I am not aware of one that maybe you are.
I do my research extremely well which is why I do not see most providers. I'm too picky and actually do not like writing ANY negative review. I had rather not see them if I suspect I might have to write a bad review. Membership requires me to be honest and if I cannot recommend them for any reason be it looks, performance, or even PERSONAL taste, it should be dealt with honestly and accurately in the review. Out of the hundreds of reviews I have written for this board and previous boards you will not find many NO recommendations. I'm guessing maybe 10-20 or so out of close to three hundred reviews. That is not bad. I cannot tell you how many reviews I did NOT write due to me feeling sorry for the provider.