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Old 07-10-2011, 02:07 PM   #286
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by oralick View Post
Thor, earlier you stated "While I don't always agree with what Whispers says, I will defend his right to say it until the Board Owners change the Guidelines." Guideline #3 states"Disrespect to others in general, will be considered a item of low tolerance, especially when posting in Co-ed Forum". So it would appear obvious that the owners want a Co-ed forum that does not have to be hateful and attacking, unless the guidelines are just words and you, again, know something I don't. If guys want to talk really bad about someone and vent, we have the Men's Lounge, just like the ladies have their place we can't go. Now the board is offering a new place to go, a Spider Hole. So there is no need for Whispers, or anyone, to verbally abuse and intimidate a provider or anyone else on this board, except ego. You compare him to Larry Flint. Last I heard he hadn't put together a Club that he was proposing, much less a National Magazine like Hustler. Does that mean he is in a wheelchair? Does he pay people to say things like that? Where did that come from? I get it that you don't like Yssup and some of his perceived actions you have taken personally, not as just Board talk. That happens.

Terrible form to quote someone then chop up the sentence to suit your needs. Difference between "I will defend his right to say it until the Board Owners change the Guidelines." and "I will defend his right to say it (until the board owners decide to change the guidelines and methods with which they implement those guidelines)" is huge.

Enforcement of the law is often times more important than the law itself. Calm down, I know we're not talking about laws, but "guidelines" on a forum. Now, easiest comparison would be speed limit. We all know that there is a buffer above the posted limit that essentially increases the limit - usually about 10 mph. This limit decreases around school zones. It is a tool given to the LE to allow them to make decision in the field. This applies to our situation the same way. The owners and admins have drawn up the guidelines, they have also given guidelines on how those guidelines are to be enforced by the moderators. They also control who the moderators are. So who the moderators are and how they enforce those rules are still under the control of the owners. If the owners truly want to change things, they can communicate the changes they want to the local mods or change the mods.

As for venting in ML or Spider Hole, those reach certain population of the board. CoEd is one of the most read sections. You see ego as the only reason to put out negative information about a provider? This is a review board - we're supposed to share information, good and bad. Are you against people who write bad reviews on Amazon or eBay? Yeah, I know. Vendors on Amazon and eBay aren't selling pussy. Get over the nature of the product and understand the nature of where you're posting.

As for Whispers and Yssup. When I compared Whispers to Larry Flint, it's the nature of his posts, information that is comparable. He says shit that's not always popular, he says shit that's not always agreeable, but he is pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable and sharing information and sharing our love of women's bodies and smut. As for Yssup, the fact that he threatened people of outing is not my perception. It is a documented fact. As for taking his BS personal, I don't. I left him alone for a while after he came back from his first ban. He decided that he was feeling froggy and took a few shots at me, I decided to not let him get away with it.

How do you bully someone on a forum? I can see that someone stronger, tougher, or just crazier might bully someone else in person. This is a verbal medium. Unless you are saying that women are mentally inferior and incapable of defending themselves verbally, there is no bullying. There may be a few long standing feuds, but I fail to see bullying in the sense you seem to think is going on.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:46 PM   #287
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
yea, coe-ed isn't really coed. Vyt most eloquently posted the reasons that the women don't tend to post which changed the way I see this little corner of the forums. Spacemountain also posted that the forum guidelines are just that.. guidelines.

So I have changed my view of this forum as more akin to a Hockey Game than co-ed flag football. Fights and name calling are permissible up to a point and then people get thrown in the penalty box from time to time.

Personally I don't see much sharing of information in the personal insults directed at each other or at the ladies. I also see little value of information when its only shared through PM's and private meet and greets. I should be able to search this forum and find what I need, otherwise its all so much bullshit and circle jerking to me.

But in the spirit of co-ed "Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!", there's a lot of leeway on what some see as tasteless narcissism and others as pure entertainment. So keep on keeping on, and so shall I.
There is actually a lot more information shared now than on ASPD or before on ECCIE. Some of the older CoEd and Stripper review posts share more information on landing strippers and sugar babies than were done before. The PMs and private meets are still there, they will always be part of the hobby, but the amount of public information has increased. Even Other review section has regular posts now.

The general perception of hobby has changed on this board. Previously, if you weren't seeing the ECCIE girls or a few agency girls, you were a fringe pervert, not in the hobby. Now many understand that there are other forms of P4P than what's written in Independent Reviews and Agency Reviews section.

As for the information (and reviews) previously available...that's a whole different story.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:56 PM   #288
Reya Sunshine
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I think what he means by bullying is that the "attack pack" is choosing to start shit with women who(whom?), though not necessarily less capable of defending themselves basically have their hands tied because they can't shit where they eat. It comes off like bullying because they are acting aggressive and insulting towards women who by all accounts will be cutting off their nose to spite their face if they engage in their own defense. I speak from personal experience in that arena because god only knows how much revenue I've lost from defending my view point here and I will add for any girls considering it that it's a thorough and complete waste of time. In fact, it's getting a bit old on my end... I'm starting to reconsider my involvement in coed.

Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Terrible form to quote someone then chop up the sentence to suit your needs. Difference between "I will defend his right to say it until the Board Owners change the Guidelines." and "I will defend his right to say it (until the board owners decide to change the guidelines and methods with which they implement those guidelines)" is huge.

Enforcement of the law is often times more important than the law itself. Calm down, I know we're not talking about laws, but "guidelines" on a forum. Now, easiest comparison would be speed limit. We all know that there is a buffer above the posted limit that essentially increases the limit - usually about 10 mph. This limit decreases around school zones. It is a tool given to the LE to allow them to make decision in the field. This applies to our situation the same way. The owners and admins have drawn up the guidelines, they have also given guidelines on how those guidelines are to be enforced by the moderators. They also control who the moderators are. So who the moderators are and how they enforce those rules are still under the control of the owners. If the owners truly want to change things, they can communicate the changes they want to the local mods or change the mods.

As for venting in ML or Spider Hole, those reach certain population of the board. CoEd is one of the most read sections. You see ego as the only reason to put out negative information about a provider? This is a review board - we're supposed to share information, good and bad. Are you against people who write bad reviews on Amazon or eBay? Yeah, I know. Vendors on Amazon and eBay aren't selling pussy. Get over the nature of the product and understand the nature of where you're posting.

As for Whispers and Yssup. When I compared Whispers to Larry Flint, it's the nature of his posts, information that is comparable. He says shit that's not always popular, he says shit that's not always agreeable, but he is pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable and sharing information and sharing our love of women's bodies and smut. As for Yssup, the fact that he threatened people of outing is not my perception. It is a documented fact. As for taking his BS personal, I don't. I left him alone for a while after he came back from his first ban. He decided that he was feeling froggy and took a few shots at me, I decided to not let him get away with it.

How do you bully someone on a forum? I can see that someone stronger, tougher, or just crazier might bully someone else in person. This is a verbal medium. Unless you are saying that women are mentally inferior and incapable of defending themselves verbally, there is no bullying. There may be a few long standing feuds, but I fail to see bullying in the sense you seem to think is going on.
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:19 PM   #289
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Agreed, you can bully on a forum. It's quite habitual for certain members to either come to each others defense or dog pile on to someone when there's blood in the water. And its usually the same names doing it. If we looked at the % of ladies psoting in co-ed which we don't really need to, this is more a mens forum and they dont feel particularly welcome... because their all wrong, opinions invalid, or pathetic.. right???? God forbid we agree with a prostitute from time to time.

Then again its masochism that I come back to read and post. I don't hobby much anymore and the lady I do see has a no review policy so why am I here??? fuckifIknow
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Old 07-11-2011, 12:54 AM   #290
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
I don't hobby much anymore and the lady I do see has a no review policy so why am I here??? fuckifIknow
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe you can tell me at one of those lunches you throw....

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Old 07-11-2011, 03:49 AM   #291
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy View Post
I think what he means by bullying is that the "attack pack" is choosing to start shit with women who(whom?), though not necessarily less capable of defending themselves basically have their hands tied because they can't shit where they eat. It comes off like bullying because they are acting aggressive and insulting towards women who by all accounts will be cutting off their nose to spite their face if they engage in their own defense. I speak from personal experience in that arena because god only knows how much revenue I've lost from defending my view point here and I will add for any girls considering it that it's a thorough and complete waste of time. In fact, it's getting a bit old on my end... I'm starting to reconsider my involvement in coed.
I'm still unsure who are in the Pack. I would imagine Whispers, Sixxbach and Wyldeman are members. Budman and myself probably belong on the roster, depending on who you ask. Who are these women that they/we start shit with? WickedMILF and Hunter Maiden? Those two are "strong women" by their own admission who have no problems putting their detractors in their place.

Then again, according to this post, it only helps their business. I thought you were doing pretty well holding your own...though you only have this love/hate thing going with Sixx. I haven't seen much back and forth between you and Whispers. In fact, the Pack doesn't seem to be acting much like a pack in regards to you.
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Old 07-11-2011, 04:00 AM   #292
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
Agreed, you can bully on a forum. It's quite habitual for certain members to either come to each others defense or dog pile on to someone when there's blood in the water. And its usually the same names doing it.
Just as Yssup, you, oralick, snoopy, and sometimes Booth, Smoking Joe, and Bobave to come to each others' defense or dog pile? Yet there's no conspiracy theory concerning that side. Surprisingly, there's a list of usual suspects on that side as well.
If we looked at the % of ladies psoting in co-ed which we don't really need to, this is more a mens forum and they dont feel particularly welcome... because their all wrong, opinions invalid, or pathetic.. right???? God forbid we agree with a prostitute from time to time.
Of course the counter to that is, just because they have a vagina does not make them infallible, nor do they need to be protected by guys who see it their divine duty to protect any vagina on this board. I've agreed with plenty of women on here, including Hannah in this thread. I also have no problems disagreeing with someone, woman or man. Only person called pathetic in this thread is Yssup.

Then again its masochism that I come back to read and post. I don't hobby much anymore and the lady I do see has a no review policy so why am I here??? fuckifIknow
You're an addict to the drama. Grab popcorn and stir some more shit up. I prefer you to Puddles, at least you know where to draw the line.
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Old 07-11-2011, 07:04 AM   #293
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
yea, coe-ed isn't really coed. Vyt most eloquently posted the reasons that the women don't tend to post which changed the way I see this little corner of the forums. Spacemountain also posted that the forum guidelines are just that.. guidelines.

So I have changed my view of this forum as more akin to a Hockey Game than co-ed flag football. Fights and name calling are permissible up to a point and then people get thrown in the penalty box from time to time.

Personally I don't see much sharing of information in the personal insults directed at each other or at the ladies. I also see little value of information when its only shared through PM's and private meet and greets. I should be able to search this forum and find what I need, otherwise its all so much bullshit and circle jerking to me.

But in the spirit of co-ed "Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!", there's a lot of leeway on what some see as tasteless narcissism and others as pure entertainment. So keep on keeping on, and so shall I.

Please show me your contribution to information sharing. You have zero reviews and most of your posts are directed at the "attack pack". Don't come here whining about that way information is passed around when you contribute absolutely nothing to the cause.
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Old 07-11-2011, 07:22 AM   #294
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe you can tell me at one of those lunches you throw....


Sure thing
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Old 07-11-2011, 07:27 AM   #295
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Please show me your contribution to information sharing. You have zero reviews and most of your posts are directed at the "attack pack". Don't come here whining about that way information is passed around when you contribute absolutely nothing to the cause.
fair enough but I don't ever claim to be a fount of information either. I can come here whenever I choose, call it like I see it and the only whining is yours sir. What attack pack? I post my opinions on the hobby... You just don't like them.
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Old 07-11-2011, 07:44 AM   #296
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
fair enough but I don't ever claim to be a fount of information either. I can come here whenever I choose, call it like I see it and the only whining is yours sir. What attack pack? I post my opinions on the hobby... You just don't like them.

As can everyone else.

As for most of your post being hobby related, that is complete bullshit. You post your drivel in the silly political threads and follow Sup around like a puppy dog sniffing his ass at every opprotunity. You must feel really lost with your master in time-out. Your other posts seem to be attacking the so called "Attack Pack". If you are so concerned about sharing information why don't you try and contribute just a bit.
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Old 07-11-2011, 07:49 AM   #297
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does someone need a hug?
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Old 07-11-2011, 04:45 PM   #298
Reya Sunshine
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More than one person has created a list of "attack pack" members...from what I recall the list is something like: 1) Whispers 2) Sixx 3) 78704 4) Wyldeman 5) Rand 6) Budman 7) Cruzer(spelling might be wrong on that one?) as well as a few others who's names escape me at the moment.

As for the women they/y'all start shit with: it's a longer list than just WickedMilf and Hunter/ Maiden...my memory isn't very great but we could add Roxy and Maxeen to it as well as me and that's just off the top of my head. There's also an undertone of general disrespect and whatnot RE: ALL providers. Maybe it's misplaced anger at yourselves for having to pay for sex with women you deem inferior(the flip side of that being some providers that act all mad and crazy because they are angry at themselves for selling their time/bodies/youth/whathaveyou to people who have little appreciation for it.)

As for the "attack pack" not treating me in a "packish" manner- I think it's because I don't give y'all much ammo. I don't lie about my age or really anything other than my name, I don't stir shit for the sake of stirring it, don't start threaADs, don't have any issues that make for good gossip and generally don't hang out with hobby people socially unless I'm getting paid my hourly fee. I don't ask for or expect anything from anyone here unless they set up some time with me. I just don't give y'all much to work with.

As for why I rarely argue with Whispers- honestly it's because I have other things going on and unlike whispers I usually don't have the luxury of typing page long manifestos and then defending my point with circular logic indefinitely and to the death. I have shit to do and can't make the time commitment, it's certainly not out of fear if that was what you were implying.

Debating with Sixx is much more concise and time effective- it usually goes "You're an asshole!" "Ohhh noooo, YOU are an asshole!" and ends shortly after thus leaving me free to get on with whatever I was doing or thinking about earlier while somehow putting a spring in my step since I reminded him he's an asshole and that he should work on not being one.

There is no love/hate relationship with Sixx- it might look that way because when he starts to lose an argument he sweetens up to me real quick and I have a hard time being mean to people that are being nice to me. I don't hate him or even dislike him but I do despise the way he takes advantage of the less fortunate and i think it says a lot of things about who he is as a man.

FWIW, I don't think you guys have a club house or anything but you are usually of the same mindset when it comes to P4P and you're outspoken and take up for each other. Aside from that you, Rand, always pointedly ignore my blatant flirting and appear dead set on denying me your yellow cock into eternity.

Shit, this was long.

Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
I'm still unsure who are in the Pack. I would imagine Whispers, Sixxbach and Wyldeman are members. Budman and myself probably belong on the roster, depending on who you ask. Who are these women that they/we start shit with? WickedMILF and Hunter Maiden? Those two are "strong women" by their own admission who have no problems putting their detractors in their place.

Then again, according to this post, it only helps their business. I thought you were doing pretty well holding your own...though you only have this love/hate thing going with Sixx. I haven't seen much back and forth between you and Whispers. In fact, the Pack doesn't seem to be acting much like a pack in regards to you.
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Old 07-11-2011, 05:02 PM   #299
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Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy View Post
More than one person has created a list of "attack pack" members...from what I recall the list is something like: 1) Whispers 2) Sixx 3) 78704 4) Wyldeman 5) Rand 6) Budman 7) Cruzer(spelling might be wrong on that one?) as well as a few others who's names escape me at the moment.

Cruzer one time made a comment on something and he is labeled an attack pack member? That's just plain silly and petty.

Debating with Sixx is much more concise and time effective- it usually goes "You're an asshole!" "Ohhh noooo, YOU are an asshole!" and ends shortly after thus leaving me free to get on with whatever I was doing or thinking about earlier while somehow putting a spring in my step since I reminded him he's an asshole and that he should work on not being one.

I like to get to the point. I have to admit something Hannah. Arguing with you kind of makes my blood boil. In a good way of course. We argue like a brother and sister. I think that is the best way to describe us. Neither one of us would fuck each other if we were the last hooker or john on earth.

There is no love/hate relationship with Sixx- it might look that way because when he starts to lose an argument he sweetens up to me real quick and I have a hard time being mean to people that are being nice to me. I don't hate him or even dislike him but I do despise the way he takes advantage of the less fortunate and i think it says a lot of things about who he is as a man.

Sweet? Please, I don't share that side of me. Sorry, no can do. I do have issue with saying I take advantage of people. I am not doing anything worse than anyone else on this site. Providers take advantage of us hobbyists like me who can't always get laid right away. Much more time efficient to pay a provider. You also take advantage of the guys who couldn't get a lady unless they are paying for it. I could go on but you get the idea. You have no right to say how I am as a man outside this board. You are simply running your mouth not knowing what the fuck you are talking about. And I mean that in our brother/sister regard. Know what you are talking about. Do you want me to judge you for always needing to be kept by a man? What the hell do you think that says about you toots?

FWIW, I don't think you guys have a club house or anything but you are usually of the same mindset when it comes to P4P and you're outspoken and take up for each other. Aside from that you, Rand, always pointedly ignore my blatant flirting and appear dead set on denying me your yellow cock into eternity.

Sure, if I agree with a point by someone I know, I am going to say something. Not that they need my help

Shit, this was long.
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Old 07-11-2011, 05:25 PM   #300
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Holy shit. I'm part of a club and I didn't even know it. When do I get the secret handshake and letter jacket? I'm feeling kind of short changed.
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