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Old 07-08-2011, 08:33 PM   #1
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Default NASA - RIP

Once the Hallmark of American competence and creativity. Once the envy of the world, and one of the few branches of government worth the money, NASA is for the most part, over. Estimated that 23,000 jobs will be lost, along with the technological advances that drove our economy in the last century, all of it - gone. Once a source of pride for all Americans - no more.

I guess the President did bring some change. And hope, because I hope he won't be re-elected.


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Old 07-09-2011, 03:36 AM   #2
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Let me get this straight. You're upset that a big government socialist space program is being wound down to make room for privatized space exploration? M-kaaaay.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that the shuttle program was safe, cheap, and that it over-delivered on what was promised. HA!
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Old 07-09-2011, 01:32 PM   #3
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Longer, do you have any idea the benefits the space program has brought to our society? It has paid for itself over and over and over. Or maybe you think all these advances came from retro-engineering of the crash at Roswell. That must be it.

President Bush gave NASA the blindfold and cigarette, and President Obama loaded the rifle and shot. NASA, over and out.
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Old 07-09-2011, 02:10 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Longer, do you have any idea the benefits the space program has brought to our society? It has paid for itself over and over and over.
How about some examples? Tang? Velcro? Moon rocks? I think your statement really doesn't have any merit COG.
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Old 07-09-2011, 03:27 PM   #5
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Jesus, Papa, you can't possibly be that ignorant. OK, just a few. Teflon, medical robotics, artificial heart pumps (Dr. Michael DeBakey based this on a pumping system used in the shuttle), cataract treatments, micro-circuitry, communication systems, protective sealants, food safety protocols (now adopted by the FDA), body imaging equipment, the little camera on the end of the device that the proctologist uses when he looks up your ass, improved, lighter firefighter breathing apparatus, virtual reality, cell phone technology, scratch resistant lenses for eyeglasses, barcoding, slicker lubricants for industry, 3D technology (remember that when you see Green Lantern), computer joysticks for gaming, and so on, and so on, etc. Thousands if not millions more.

Furthermore, for every dollar spent on space exploration, the government receives about $7-8 in return in the form of taxes. It pays for itself in so many ways.

The shuttle should not be our primary program, but it sure shouldn't be scrapped. Those birds could fly another 25 years, providing needed support for missions to the moon, Mars, and asteroids.
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Old 07-09-2011, 06:23 PM   #6
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So NASA made all the profits from these, thus paying for itself, or it just introduced these to market? Plus, how about some proof about these. I looked up on Wikipedia and it states Teflon was invented in 1938. Was this before or after NASA was created? LOL. Are you saying the FDA owes its existence to freeze dried foods? Now who is being ignorant. Very little of what you mentioned was developed by NASA. Seems the first commercial robot used was in 1961 by GM and invented in 1956, which was, say it with me... prior to NASA. Communication systems? Which ones? TV, radio, internet, the telephone? None were created by NASA. They were nice enough to put the satellites up for the DoD, NWS, and the TV/Cable/Telephone companies. Barcodes? Not according to Wikipedia. Now I agree that NASA should stick around, but NASA does not pay for itself.
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Old 07-09-2011, 06:56 PM   #7
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So basically if it shoots big phallic rockets into space its good, if it feeds or houses the poor it is bad. If the defense dept and CIA can use it to launch huge robot spies into the heavens good...medicare for everyone bad. Just wanted to make sure about the categories of what govt does that is good vs bad.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:03 PM   #8
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Monies need to be spent on the crisis here on earth, not the moon or space.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Bartman1963 View Post
So basically if it shoots big phallic rockets into space its good, if it feeds or houses the poor it is bad. If the defense dept and CIA can use it to launch huge robot spies into the heavens good...medicare for everyone bad. Just wanted to make sure about the categories of what govt does that is good vs bad.
How about both? I would like medicare for all and good national security. I think both are good.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:29 PM   #10
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Losing NASA is bad for our country.

The space race in the 1960's was a great economic boost. Over time they lost focus, and made some great errors. But I am sure the benefits outweighed the cost. I am sure there was plenty invented and conceived that we don't know about yet.

Now China, Japan, and many other countries are racing to get into space. Why? The moon does hold some special elements that can help with our energy crisis (Helium-3). Who knows what else is out there?

Once space is controlled by private industry, can they be trusted? When the companies are controlled by foreign companies, will they want to launch our spy satellites and such?

Sometimes cost isn't everything. It will take years to see if it was the right decision.

As for spending our money on the right things, there are plenty of other places to cut fat, but I am sure the lobby industry won't allow that.

As far as the lobbyist's are concerned, how many politicians received contributions from private space industries and defense corporations in support of shutting down NASA? I am sure there are plenty.

Sometimes cost isn't everything. It will take years to see if it was the right decision.

As for spending our money on the right things, there are plenty of other places to cut fat, but I am sure the lobby industry won't allow that.

As far as the lobbiest's are concerned, how many politicians received contributions from private space industries and defense corporations in support of shutting down NASA? I am sure there are plenty.
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Old 07-09-2011, 11:35 PM   #11
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Wow! Wikipedia. I didn't know you were such a scholar! I give in, the space program was a waste, nothing good came from it. Wow. Wikipedia. Damn!
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Old 07-10-2011, 12:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Wow! Wikipedia. I didn't know you were such a scholar! I give in, the space program was a waste, nothing good came from it. Wow. Wikipedia. Damn!
Tell me what I wrote is wrong. Prove it wrong or else we can assume, once again that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It could be a vast conspiracy by those at Wikipedia allowing misleading information to allow me to prove your post on ECCIE wrong. What a conspiracy that would be. Once again, did you not read the part that I said I agree that the space program should be funded and continue? But to state they pay for themselves is to say they don't need any budgetary appropriations from the government. Now I will concede that NASA did invent the light sabre, laser guns and the Millennium Falcon, but only if you concede that they also created the Death Star and evil jedis in black suits with kick ass CNN announceresque voices. The Most Trusted Name in News.
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Old 07-10-2011, 01:07 AM   #13
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You got it from Wikipedia. How can it be wrong? Nope, you win this round, hands down. I mean, we got to the moon, sent the shuttle up over a hundred times, built a space station, kept the astronauts safe (for the most part), all with items we can purchase at WalMart. Gee, imagine what it would have cost if we had to INVENT anything! Or improve any current technology. I guess we got out in the nick of time, I would hate to screw up President Obama's recovery with a program that only returns 8 to 1. And does nothing to advance science. Whew, that was close!
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:24 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bartman1963 View Post
So basically if it shoots big phallic rockets into space its good, if it feeds or houses the poor it is bad. If the defense dept and CIA can use it to launch huge robot spies into the heavens good...medicare for everyone bad. Just wanted to make sure about the categories of what govt does that is good vs bad.
Bartman, how the hell are ya, have not seen you around for a while
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Old 07-10-2011, 11:17 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You got it from Wikipedia. How can it be wrong? Nope, you win this round, hands down. I mean, we got to the moon, sent the shuttle up over a hundred times, built a space station, kept the astronauts safe (for the most part), all with items we can purchase at WalMart. Gee, imagine what it would have cost if we had to INVENT anything! Or improve any current technology. I guess we got out in the nick of time, I would hate to screw up President Obama's recovery with a program that only returns 8 to 1. And does nothing to advance science. Whew, that was close!
So you aren't going to offer any proof. I guess we'll file your post under the "typical bullshit rhetoric" file then. Did you know the military pays for itself 47.092048 to 1? They also invented American cheese. See I can l make up stuff as well. At least I cite my sources, unlike you, to let others make their own conclusion. While Wikipedia is not something to use in scholarly work, we aren't performing scholarly work are we. At least we can definitely say that you are not with your lack of proof of anything. However, much of what is on Wikipedia is vetted. Also, I noticed you did not, or could not, disprove anything I wrote.
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