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Old 07-06-2011, 04:10 PM   #226
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I don't know, or care, about someone changing handles over the years. As a hobbyist, I don't want to spend my time with someone that hates my ass (who said it was fat?). So I guess you are calling those who posted good reviews for her, fools? Or men who like to bang women who hate them? Or is that your opinion because she hates you? Regardless, it is a low thing to say to a provider that depends on men for her income and doesn't come close to being comparable to someone being called a asshole (or having a fat ass!). IMHO
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Old 07-06-2011, 04:24 PM   #227
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As far the "banned one" being unstable, I don't know about that. I just know he gave me a lot of enjoyment "verbally" kicking your butt on this board, and it is missed. In a way ya'll reminded me of a gothic debater versus a comedic debater, that made for good entertainment if only some of the "very"personal attacks were removed.
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:08 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by oralick View Post
As far the "banned one" being unstable, I don't know about that. I just know he gave me a lot of enjoyment "verbally" kicking your butt on this board, and it is missed. In a way ya'll reminded me of a gothic debater versus a comedic debater, that made for good entertainment if only some of the "very"personal attacks were removed.
Well..... the only butt that seems to have got kicked was his right off the board...... but he did do that to himself......

Watch for Round III when he gets back......
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Old 07-06-2011, 05:22 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by oralick View Post
I was only replying to your open post that told me to read the guideline/rules. It was not intended to "call you out". I am sorry you took it that way. As I stated earlier, I am just trying to learn how to navigate around on this board.
I think that the key here is that I was responding to your post where you called me by name, you read me (and the others that you didn't call by name) the rules as if we had not seen them or better yet we had seen them and routinely ignored them, you accused me (since you did call out my name) of outright favoritism in my Moderating , and then you added insult to injury by saying that you "were starting to feel a little sorry for you guys!" I don't know any other way to take the original post by you. I appreciate that you are trying to learn. Understand, I am not upset! You said it, I responded, the best thing to do is let it drop and let's move forward. I know that in reality, none of this is personal.

Originally Posted by oralick View Post
Maybe, if I change my Avatar, everyone can find that happy place. Oh No, that sounds as conceited as you know who!
Nah, leave it. Most of us usually get a lady to take us to our happy place!!

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Old 07-06-2011, 05:22 PM   #230
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Originally Posted by oralick View Post
As far the "banned one" being unstable, I don't know about that. I just know he gave me a lot of enjoyment "verbally" kicking your butt on this board, and it is missed. In a way ya'll reminded me of a gothic debater versus a comedic debater, that made for good entertainment if only some of the "very"personal attacks were removed.
I have yet to see that dude kick anyone's butt on here...
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Old 07-06-2011, 06:41 PM   #231
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I was simply responding to your posting to me earlier. I was not singling you out, in any way. Right now I would use the quote button to respond but it has some other trash on there that I can't get off. Still learning the system.It had been awile so I used your name. I don't, or didn't, know your personal relationship with Whispers. I asked if what he does is acceptable and you told me to read the rules. I read them, and they seem to indicate "no, he shouldn't be allowed to", so I was puzzled. He is the one who pointed out how the position of Admin can be abused, and now I am the one critisized? Anyway, we can agree to disagree and move on. Nothing Personal taken, and Nothing Personal given.
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Old 07-06-2011, 07:10 PM   #232
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Whispers you are consistent, bringing out the "whining" word when "you" start whining and throwing out childish accusations. "Grow up, quit whining like a little boy". I am quite content with my popularity and have my share of fun. If anything were to bring me it would be curiosity. Nah!
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Old 07-06-2011, 07:14 PM   #233
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Or recognize it when it happens, Wyldeman.
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Old 07-06-2011, 10:00 PM   #234
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Note: these are my OPINIONS, not board policy! When I have to make moderation decisions, I do so according to board policy, not my OPINION. Feel free to tell me my OPINIONS are full of shit at your leisure!

So, I think a lot of the problem here is that a lot of long timers, both hobbyists and providers, remember ASPD.

ASPD was a very different environment. Some preferred it. Some didn't. (I go back and forth - I made some great friends there, and near the end I was so disgusted I wish I could have gotten a refund for all the money I sent them) But one of the main differences is in the tone of the board - the culture, if you will.

ECCIE is a lot more confrontational and in your face. A lot of people, especially on the Austin board, will tell you when they disagree with you. There is a lot more free exchange of information and opinion. As a hobbyist - this is great. I have seen more self-posted alerts, both by hobbyists and providers, on ECCIE then I ever had on ASPD. There are a lot of people willing to share info on various subjects on the periphery of our world, such as how best to manage your time at strip clubs, how to manage sugar baby/sugar daddy relationships, etc. that wasn't there at ASPD. This is also good. Information - and opinions - flow much freer here. And that is by design. It is much harder to be sanctioned here than ASPD ever was because the owners believe that a free flow of information is what it's all about.

And yet there's another side to that. You don't see a lot of providers contributing to that. Oh, some do - the very young ones who haven't yet figured out the relationship between cause and effect, and the older ones who really don't care what people think of their opinions any more. But for many providers - exchanging opinions freely is dangerous. Because to them, this is where they earn a living. This is their day job - not how they blow off time after work like your average hobbyist. And to keep their day job, it is *vital* that they have a good reputation - they do not make waves - they do not spill drama all over the boards. The most successful providers in Austin never post here. They post ads, they post the very occasional response to an ISO or to a hobbyist singing their praises in co-ed - but for the most part, they keep a low profile. This is by design. They do not want to alienate people who may disagree with the opinion leaders of the board. For that matter, there's a lot of men who are simply intimidated by women who express opinions in general - and they can't afford to lose their business.

On ASPD it was safer for them to post because there wasn't the back and forth and the jabs and the occasional slap. It wasn't contentious - it was safe. Which is not necessarily better, especially depending on where you come from - but it is different. And a lot of people who remember those days do miss them and miss the random flirty banter with providers which often led to a fairly sizzling BCD session when you find someone you click with. That still happens here (pause as I tip my virtual hat to my new #1-with-a-bullet ATF) but not as often, because many providers simply do not want to risk their livelihood by being as opinionated as we are.

In any event, ECCIE is not ASPD. And it's worth noting that the competing boards that explicitly try for a far more heavily moderated ASPD-style experience do not do as well as ECCIE - some would argue because ECCIE has critical mass as 'the default', others because we're all a bunch of car-wreck gawkers who love drama, and others that simply believe that there is a benefit to as little limit on information, conversation and contention as possible.

It is what it is. And it has its good points and bad points.
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Old 07-06-2011, 10:58 PM   #235
Reya Sunshine
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Soo... Am I the young inexperienced provider who doesn't know any better than to express herself or am I the old apathetic provider...your tone implied there isn't much of a middle ground. You've been around longer than me...are you advising me to just shut up, start placing ads, put up a showcase and stop interacting on co-Ed with anything other than the standard bullshit replies? Its an honest question and I value ur opinion.

Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
Note: these are my OPINIONS, not board policy! When I have to make moderation decisions, I do so according to board policy, not my OPINION. Feel free to tell me my OPINIONS are full of shit at your leisure!

So, I think a lot of the problem here is that a lot of long timers, both hobbyists and providers, remember ASPD.

ASPD was a very different environment. Some preferred it. Some didn't. (I go back and forth - I made some great friends there, and near the end I was so disgusted I wish I could have gotten a refund for all the money I sent them) But one of the main differences is in the tone of the board - the culture, if you will.

ECCIE is a lot more confrontational and in your face. A lot of people, especially on the Austin board, will tell you when they disagree with you. There is a lot more free exchange of information and opinion. As a hobbyist - this is great. I have seen more self-posted alerts, both by hobbyists and providers, on ECCIE then I ever had on ASPD. There are a lot of people willing to share info on various subjects on the periphery of our world, such as how best to manage your time at strip clubs, how to manage sugar baby/sugar daddy relationships, etc. that wasn't there at ASPD. This is also good. Information - and opinions - flow much freer here. And that is by design. It is much harder to be sanctioned here than ASPD ever was because the owners believe that a free flow of information is what it's all about.

And yet there's another side to that. You don't see a lot of providers contributing to that. Oh, some do - the very young ones who haven't yet figured out the relationship between cause and effect, and the older ones who really don't care what people think of their opinions any more. But for many providers - exchanging opinions freely is dangerous. Because to them, this is where they earn a living. This is their day job - not how they blow off time after work like your average hobbyist. And to keep their day job, it is *vital* that they have a good reputation - they do not make waves - they do not spill drama all over the boards. The most successful providers in Austin never post here. They post ads, they post the very occasional response to an ISO or to a hobbyist singing their praises in co-ed - but for the most part, they keep a low profile. This is by design. They do not want to alienate people who may disagree with the opinion leaders of the board. For that matter, there's a lot of men who are simply intimidated by women who express opinions in general - and they can't afford to lose their business.

On ASPD it was safer for them to post because there wasn't the back and forth and the jabs and the occasional slap. It wasn't contentious - it was safe. Which is not necessarily better, especially depending on where you come from - but it is different. And a lot of people who remember those days do miss them and miss the random flirty banter with providers which often led to a fairly sizzling BCD session when you find someone you click with. That still happens here (pause as I tip my virtual hat to my new #1-with-a-bullet ATF) but not as often, because many providers simply do not want to risk their livelihood by being as opinionated as we are.

In any event, ECCIE is not ASPD. And it's worth noting that the competing boards that explicitly try for a far more heavily moderated ASPD-style experience do not do as well as ECCIE - some would argue because ECCIE has critical mass as 'the default', others because we're all a bunch of car-wreck gawkers who love drama, and others that simply believe that there is a benefit to as little limit on information, conversation and contention as possible.

It is what it is. And it has its good points and bad points.
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:19 PM   #236
Hope I haven't bored you!
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You might try just reading what you quoted Hannah, He was not making suggestions or giving advice..... He simply assessed what he perceived the differences between ECCIE and ASPD were ,,,, It was his opinion....

he wasn't suggesting anything
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:24 PM   #237
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I did read it whispers...maybe u should read it again if you can't see the implication of what he said while comparing the differences between ASPD and ...furthermore it was a question to vyt not you.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You might try just reading what you quoted Hannah, He was not making suggestions or giving advice..... He simply assessed what he perceived the differences between ECCIE and ASPD were ,,,, It was his opinion....

he wasn't suggesting anything
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:32 PM   #238
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I think you are very honest in your posts and it is refreshing. I think it also may sometimes work against you if your only goal was to work on winning new clients.
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:40 PM   #239
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Oh yea, agreed. If I just wanted to make as much money as I possibly can then I would do a lot of things differently.

Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
I think you are very honest in your posts and it is refreshing. I think it also may sometimes work against you if your only goal was to work on winning new clients.
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Old 07-06-2011, 11:44 PM   #240
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If you addressed a question and only want Vyt's response... try using PM's....

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