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Old 07-05-2011, 11:00 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Thank you for making my point KCbigpapa. That phrase came from Spiro Agnew thought the spelling may be different. You have heard it before so you want to jump to the conclusion that someone else said it here which could be true. It is an iconic historical reference. Like researching presidents and their military service. Maybe your JG said and maybe he didn't but it is out there for use by others. If I said "lets get ready to rummmbbbleee!" would you accuse me of being who ever that guy is and if it was also said by JG would you make the same accusation?
Yes, I did use those words on purpose to see if someone would know of their origin. I did consider noting their source but would have taken away from the purpose. It also confirms what I have said about attacking the source and not the argument.
John, John, John, John, John, John, John. The argument is your multiple handles, which is a big no-no. I think you missed the point, like normal. You didn't answer my questions about how school is going? I was really concerned with your schooling.
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Old 07-05-2011, 11:03 AM   #137
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I guess CND needs schooling.
The last election held is the most relevant. In the last election the GOP exceeded expectations with the help of the Tea Party. The Tea Party is relevant and that is why they started a caucus in the Congress.
They have been challenged. What exactly did you expect? I mean really, are you that naive? A first term congressman is at the their most vulnerable and that is when most challenges occur. GOP or not. This is politics 101.
The will of the people? What did Obama say that he was running on? It was not about increasing the national debt, stifling business, getting into more wars, extending current wars, taking over auto companies, or shutting down the oil industry in the Gulf but Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama said they had a mandate to act. They lied big time and then forced themselves on us like a rapist.
The GOP (the conservatives and Tea Party people anyway) ran on getting control of spending, corraling Obama, stopping Obamacare, and trying to pass some business friendly laws. So far they have attempted three of the four but it is an uphill battle. Even in the Senate the GOP is showing some unity though not a real strong drive for change.
CND and anyone else you are, you have been schooled.
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Old 07-05-2011, 11:05 AM   #138
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A little secret; the J does not stand for John and my schooling ended a long time ago in another century.
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Old 07-05-2011, 11:41 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
A little secret; the J does not stand for John and my schooling ended a long time ago in another century.
Sure thing there John.
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Old 07-05-2011, 12:36 PM   #140
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John Galt/Barleycorn

As I recall recent history.............when Barack Obama was installed he inherited the biggest financial disaster since the great depression.

The situation given him was not his agenda. He reacted and tried to fix the issues and has the done the best he could have given that upon inaguration the Minority Leader in the Senate stated that it was his and the GOP's person goal to limit him to one term and fuck the country in the process!

Galt/Barleycorn and I think others you have no message when you are a coward with some many identities. That is the focus and why you are attacked regardless of the drivel you call a message.
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Old 07-05-2011, 12:49 PM   #141
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what does some many identities mean??
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Old 07-05-2011, 01:45 PM   #142
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Default some many identities

It is an old King's English version of so many.

Popular with 19th century poets.
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Old 07-05-2011, 02:37 PM   #143
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That seems to be the way to discredit any argument I make; that they erroneously believe I have multiple identities though it seems they can't agree which ones sometimes. Their plan is to make any argument I make to be eclipsed by their crazy insinutations.

They fill empowered without realizing that that feeling is being is called full of crap.

George W. Bush went to both presidential candidates and asked what they would like him to do as they would be the ones to deal further with the meltdown. Both candidates (one being Obama) said they would like the bailout. It was passed with both their votes in the Senate. Bush also asked for input from the president elect (Obama) about the TARP. Obama wanted TARP. He voted for it in the Senate. Obama has nothing to complain about since he got what he wanted while still a Senator.
That is just a little bit of recent history.
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:54 PM   #144
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Whoever you are, JD, you are correct on that one.
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Old 07-05-2011, 09:44 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Thank you for making my point KCbigpapa. That phrase came from Spiro Agnew thought the spelling may be different. You have heard it before so you want to jump to the conclusion that someone else said it here which could be true. It is an iconic historical reference. Like researching presidents and their military service. Maybe your JG said and maybe he didn't but it is out there for use by others. If I said "lets get ready to rummmbbbleee!" would you accuse me of being who ever that guy is and if it was also said by JG would you make the same accusation?
Yes, I did use those words on purpose to see if someone would know of their origin. I did consider noting their source but would have taken away from the purpose. It also confirms what I have said about attacking the source and not the argument.
When someone uses the obscure phrase and the word is misspelled in the same manner that JG, I mean you, originally misspelled it, it doesn't take a 600+ credit hour college student to figure it out.
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Old 07-06-2011, 06:54 AM   #146
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Default Bush/Obama

So the Bush dude asks Obama if he wants bailouts/Tarp etc. So if he accepts then it is what he wanted and all his fault.

What fucking planet are you from? Of course you want the country is going into the crapper as fast as it can. You act, you do, you throw shit on the wall, you try instead of being Hooverlike. Even Bush knew it when said; "this sucker is going down."

COG; I have come to expect better of you than being a bobble headed syncophant for Galt/Baleycorn.

Bull Shit to both of you and all like you!
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Old 07-06-2011, 07:56 AM   #147
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600 hour student? Probably some good hallucination behind that comment.
It doesn't change the fact that Obama wanted the bailout and the TARP. He has not real excuse for how he used them.
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Old 07-06-2011, 08:11 AM   #148
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I think I heard someone else use the term a couple of weeks ago and it was neither me, JG, COG, or Deacon.

You must have some terrible meds that you take. If you hear a certain phrase then that person is the enemy I take it.
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Old 07-06-2011, 08:58 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I think I heard someone else use the term a couple of weeks ago and it was neither me, JG, COG, or Deacon.

You must have some terrible meds that you take. If you hear a certain phrase then that person is the enemy I take it.
John, will you quit denying who you are? Everything you write shouts John_Galt. I have asked the mods, now that we actually have mods, to look into your multiple handles. I would like to see you banned for your multiple handles. I don't mind your silly, narrow-minded arguments (I find them comically amusing), but you need to follow some of the golden rules here, which are no multiple handles and don't leak BCD information.
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Old 07-06-2011, 10:13 AM   #150
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i will ask the mods the same..if i have multiple handles feel free to ban me as well.
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