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Old 06-28-2011, 01:25 PM   #76
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I understand the visual and detracts from the illusion?

but what illusion? how does a stream of butterflies tracing down a girls arm to her hip and down her leg.. how does a tramp stamp of vines and roses..or how does anything like that detract from the illusion? what about it?

and the pimp brand..i assume you mean a name? sorry im out of the loop?

if someone is seeing a girl that is prone to have pimp brands..then that says the guy needs to see more quality ladies

personally i have been married for 16yrs.. if i chose to get my husbands name (he has mine in korean on him) on me..thats for me.. may be stupid and I might regret it.. but if guys are going into dates needing to think they are "the only one"..then the guy needs a self esteem boost..hell most of the time you ain't even the first of the day even when the girl claims it..but thats another thread

i guess i just still don't get itperhaps I won't get it.. Im visual too..
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Old 06-28-2011, 01:25 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
the only thing that i have wondered for 10yrs on these boards.. what is so damn distracting about a tat? i see it all the time.. how can a tat distract one from fucking a girl?
My concentration is pretty good, but if I was fucking Scarlett Johansson and she had a piece of spinach in her teeth, I'd probably be looking at only the spinach.
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Old 06-28-2011, 01:29 PM   #78
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ok i gotcha.. so its something you may not find attractive to begin with and it simply makes the focus on that stand out more and less about the purpose of being there..

I can get that..

but why do guys put in reviews "not distracting" if it was shouldn't the guy have been aware of that before booking? i mean do most guys know girls have tats..?

and what makes one distracting and not distracting?

i get what your saying now tho
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Old 06-28-2011, 02:14 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
but why do guys put in reviews "not distracting" if it was shouldn't the guy have been aware of that before booking? i mean do most guys know girls have tats..?
We all know there's a place in a girl's showcase to state whether she has tattoos. I think at least a few of the images in a girl's showcase should depict her tattoos, especially if they're large (and I think we'd all agree it's just fine for parts of tattoos to be obscured for privacy reasons). If a number of the images in a showcase DON'T show a tattoo on the same part of the body while others do, we know that the provider is using some old pics (hello, miss provider who posted in this thread -- this applies to you -- haha).

Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
and what makes one distracting and not distracting?
Size, content, artistry, and placement. I could show you hundreds and divide them into what I think is "hot" or "not." You may agree with some of my choices but not others. So it's largely a matter of personal taste. But at the same time, I think about 99% of folks would say the tattoos on the following web site are beyond the pale:

Ugliest Tattoos: The Gallery of Regrets
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Old 06-28-2011, 02:24 PM   #80
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Hell i learned something today then..like i said..in all my years.. the "not distracting" comment in reviews had always baffled me.. makes more sense now

I agree.. if someone has a tat they should be honest about it.. some guys absolutely don't wanna see girls with them.. thats understandable..also pics that in one instances show NO TATS..and you arrive and there is tats..thats a big no no too..

I would have a hard time displaying my tat..since its in a private place lmao but agree..if they are large.. or out in the open..one might wanna be honest about that..

its funny how something that one would think is so meaningless to anyone else..obviously means alot to people..
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Old 06-28-2011, 03:06 PM   #81
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As I said in an earlier post, for me (and I suspect most guys) it's all about the fantasy. Sometimes the fantasy doesn't include tattoos. In fact for me, most of the time, but if the provider meets many of the other traits I'm going for at the time, then I can overlook the tattoo(s). Maybe. But not if they're on their breasts (or probably a few other places), poorly done, too large, or distasteful. I know the provider doesn't care what I think about any of her attributes, but if she doesn't appear to have what I'm looking at the time (and what I'm looking for changes almost with every "fantasy experience") she and I just won't get together. And I (like some of the previous posters) doubt many (if any) guys see a provider because she has tattoos.
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Old 06-28-2011, 05:40 PM   #82
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Weird Al Yankovic, "Another Tattoo"
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:04 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
Without trying to move the thread in another direction, go check out the tattoos on both sexes on the Mugshot mayhem page of KDFW's web site.

Some people haven't aged well.

That is so wild. Another handle named "outer" linked to a photo (#6) on the exact same fox website. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to say the name of that other site. What are the odds? Too great to be a coincidence.
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Old 06-29-2011, 11:31 AM   #84
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Thank you Reese.....I'm am also a FAN of yours. I'm just a free spirited person. And it just makes me so mad when I read all this complaining about stupid bs. If you don't like it, YAY YOU, find another lady that fits your liking. Like the old saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all. I know its all about opinions and this being an open board to talk. But I'm thinking thats probably the problem here. Its ok to state your opinion.....but it is not ok to bash someone for the things they choose to do. And as most of my reviews state....my tats are non distracting. Hmmmmm, guess those guys were more focused on what they actrally came to see me for.....and what counts the most, my outstanding, personable, non rush personality, my smoking hot body, my oh so good doggy style view and a damn good blow job
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Old 06-29-2011, 01:01 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Carly's Angels View Post
Like the old saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all. I know its all about opinions and this being an open board to talk. But I'm thinking thats probably the problem here. Its ok to state your opinion.....but it is not ok to bash someone for the things they choose to do.
Part of the problem with ASPD and now ECCIE is that too many people have been allowed to run rampant posting to reviews with comments that don't contribute anything worthwhile.

Posting to a review that the OP forgot to mention the provider HAS tattoos is one thing but posting a nasty comment ABOUT her tattoos in a review is quite another.

It's been stated over and over both here and back on ASPD that if you have something factual, post it but don't be an asshole about it.

IF all you have is idle speculation, shut the fuck up.

I wish ECCIE had a point system where people could get pointed for posting speculation about other members, that would sure cut down on the bad feelings that only grow worse over time. And double points if they make review comments that are intended solely to hurt the provider.
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Old 06-30-2011, 08:06 AM   #86
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For a model, or a politician, or clergy, or an actor, or anyone in sales, choosing to get a tattoo or choosing the wrong tattoo can effect their job prospects and earnings. If they are serious about their chosen profession and earnings, they will take that into consideration when deciding to get one.

To those in this thread who's advice and sentiment is for providers to ignore what seems to be a large majority opinion by potential clients, why is providing any different than other professions?

I suppose it is possible that those who feel that way would give the same advice to a model or clergy? I've already said most tats don't bother me, and a few have attracted me in a big way. I just wonder about the origin of what seems to be illogical professional advice.
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Old 06-30-2011, 10:48 AM   #87
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It's simple really.. for the large majority of opinion by potential clients that don't like them..there is an equally large number that don't care..

its no different than how someone with my body can make money in a world filled with skinny people.. guys like different things.. some don't care at all..

I guess most importantly some have better concentration than others and can focus on the task at hand..

In this world its not like its completely unexcepted.. you can still make money and damn good money having tats.. where as a clergy its generally accepted as a whole that tats are not a good thing and frowned upon.. a model may or may not have tats.. plenty of quality high paid actors have tats.. have we heard of airbrushing?

So in a world filled with ladies often lacking self esteem or confidence issues i think its one more step against them if they listen to abunch of guys bitching just to bitch with reasons many could find illogical towards being able to concentrate about FUCKING.. i mean really tattoos.. So if a lady wants or has tats she should get one or not worry about having one because she LIKES IT.. its hers..its her right to self expression

While on most subjects I totally agree that ladies should listen to clients.. not on something as personal as tattoos or piercings.. I don't think girls should listen to clients about hair color, hair style tattoos, makeup, etc.. thats my personal choices and for every guy it bothers there are 3 more that it doesn't

while this is a profession and we are here to gain clients..at some point that does HAVE to cease to trump some stuff and personal body decisions is one of them

You shouldn't diet to gain clients, you should change hair color for clients..

just be who you wanna be.. and let the chips fall where they may..

and most of all

fuck em if they can't take a joke
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Old 06-30-2011, 11:09 AM   #88
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add one addition to my statement.. which is

guys have every right NOT to like tats..they have every right to review and point out if its distracting or not distracting.

they have every right not to see girls with them and to expect to be informed if the girl does have them

but to attack or speak in a manner as if a girl should re-think getting one because guys on here don't like them, or for girls to catch heat and be almost 'attacked" because they have tats is foolish and speaks more about the guy "needing to control stuff" and not realizing that instead of trying to persuade a girl who is thinking about a tat or girls that have tats.. simple SEE SOMEONE ELSE!!!

Like i said.. Im a big girl.. guys still see me.. yep..they have amazing concentration and i guess either aren't distracted easily or are blind perhaps.. I have tats..1 that is in a place that is the "business area" did i think twice? hell no.. my body, my choice..guys have a problem they simply don't see me..

I'm here to make money yes.. i am not here to act like guys will influence life decisions.. some stuff the client can either conform too or see someone else
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Old 06-30-2011, 12:48 PM   #89
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Well answered. I get it.
That just leaves me with one un-answered question. What's with all the half finished tats? Is it a time issue, a money issue, a "ran out of Jack Daniels" issue? I've never had one, so maybe it's something else? I see girls who have had the same half finished tat for up to 2 years and counting. It seems counter to any self expression - deep personal reason for getting one. I suppose unfinished could be an expression of something it's self, but somehow I doubt it.
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Old 06-30-2011, 01:17 PM   #90
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At the end of the day, a tatoo doesn't change a person on the inside and that's the most important thing to me. I am "old school" and prefer no tatoo to having one, but it's not as big of a factor to me as I thought it would be. And of course, some look better than others to me, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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