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Old 06-05-2011, 09:05 AM   #16
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http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/618...rn-the-british looks like she is smarter then most...huh? lmao....she had just visited the historic sites, most likely read & heard the real story within a few hours of having a camera stuck in her face in the lunch line..lmao you cant make this kinda shit up..the media now looks the fool..priceless.
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:30 AM   #17
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You copied and pasted exactly what that guy wrote. When trying to refute something, be original at least.

I'll stick with the historical sites, books and their version thanks.

And no, she isn't smarter than most. I have a 12 yr old niece who is smarter than Palin.
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:42 AM   #18
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she made you look like an idiot. everything she said was factual. you sound like a 12 year old. you think you know more about history then the person who wrote the article? you think he is making up history? lmao..keep puting yourself in a smaller box.
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Old 06-05-2011, 11:17 AM   #19
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According to a letter he wrote many years after that night, Revere had two missions. The first was to warn John Adams and John Hancock, a pair of leaders within the revolutionary movement, that British troops had left Boston and were headed northeast more than 30 miles to Lexington to arrest them. The second was to depart for Concord to inform that British troops were seeking to destroy guns and ammunition stored in Concord. He never completed that portion of his mission, although another messenger with him managed to escape British officers and complete the mission. Along the first leg of his ride, and with help from companions in part of the second, Revere famously alerted people and the militia of the advancing troops.
According to a history of the ride by David Hackett Fischer in his 1995 book "Paul Revere's Ride," after Revere awakened the community in Medford, just north of Boston, Revere rode to the house of Captain Isaac Hall, commander of Medford's minutemen, "who instantly triggered the town's alarm system. A townsman remembered that 'repeated gunshots, the beating of drums and the ringing of bells filled the air.............................. .............................. NOW TELL ME WHAT SHE SAID THAT WASNT RIGHT??? I will be waiting genius.
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Old 06-05-2011, 12:23 PM   #20
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http://www.masshist.org/database/doc...php?item_id=99 - Paul Revere's own words from letters he sent. You can change the font and how you view these letters on the page.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Revere - I usually don't cite wiki as a good reference, but their cites are pretty much on point.

I don't think the people who wrote the history books were wrong, Paul Revere wrote those letters and gave detail as to what happened. Someone should go back in time and tell them all they have it wrong huh? Yes, the all flash and no substance Palin is right again. >eyeroll<

http://blogs.forbes.com/rickungar/20...d-the-british/ - love this article.

Anyway that we can keep this discussion civil without YOU hurling insults at me.
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Old 06-05-2011, 12:32 PM   #21
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lame...palin was right about what she said. another attempt of the lamestream media who thought they had somthing and didnt..she comes out on top..again. lol..i like the one you love..the first prargraph pretty much sums it up.
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Old 06-05-2011, 01:22 PM   #22
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“Those quibbling with Governor Palin’s statements have their history incomplete. During Paul Revere’s ride he was stopped by British soldiers, which Revere recounts in a 1789 letter maintained by the Massachusetts Historical Society ,in his original language (emphasis mine):
I observed a Wood at a Small distance, & made for that. When I got there, out Started Six officers, on Horse back,and orderd me to dismount;-one of them, who appeared to have the command, examined me, where I came from,& what my Name Was? I told him. it was Revere, he asked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. He imediately rode towards those who stoppd us, when all five of them came down upon a full gallop; one of them, whom I afterwards found to be Major Mitchel, of the 5th Regiment, Clapped his pistol to my head, called me by name, & told me he was going to ask me some questions, & if I did not give him true answers, he would blow my brains out. He then asked me similar questions to those above. He then orderd me to mount my Horse, after searching me for arms.He then orderd them to advance, & to lead me in front. When we got to the Road, they turned down towards Lexington. When we had got about one Mile, the Major Rode up to the officer that was leading me, & told him to give me to the Sergeant. As soon as he took me, the Major orderd him, if I attempted to run, or any body insulted them, to blow my brains out. We rode till we got near Lexington Meeting-house, when the Militia fired a Voley of Guns, which appeared to alarm them very much.”
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Old 06-05-2011, 03:33 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by deacon View Post
“Those quibbling with Governor Palin’s statements have their history incomplete. During Paul Revere’s ride he was stopped by British soldiers, which Revere recounts in a 1789 letter maintained by the Massachusetts Historical Society ,in his original language (emphasis mine):
I observed a Wood at a Small distance, & made for that. When I got there, out Started Six officers, on Horse back,and orderd me to dismount;-one of them, who appeared to have the command, examined me, where I came from,& what my Name Was? I told him. it was Revere, he asked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. He imediately rode towards those who stoppd us, when all five of them came down upon a full gallop; one of them, whom I afterwards found to be Major Mitchel, of the 5th Regiment, Clapped his pistol to my head, called me by name, & told me he was going to ask me some questions, & if I did not give him true answers, he would blow my brains out. He then asked me similar questions to those above. He then orderd me to mount my Horse, after searching me for arms.He then orderd them to advance, & to lead me in front. When we got to the Road, they turned down towards Lexington. When we had got about one Mile, the Major Rode up to the officer that was leading me, & told him to give me to the Sergeant. As soon as he took me, the Major orderd him, if I attempted to run, or any body insulted them, to blow my brains out. We rode till we got near Lexington Meeting-house, when the Militia fired a Voley of Guns, which appeared to alarm them very much.”
"He who warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms, and by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots, and bells, that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free" - Palin

There's really no way to spin what she said. She got it wrong. Own it and Accept it.
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Old 06-05-2011, 03:53 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by thorough9 View Post
"He who warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms, and by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots, and bells, that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free" - Palin

There's really no way to spin what she said. She got it wrong. Own it and Accept it.
........are you insane? read some history on this..you are the one with the spin..accept it.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:01 AM   #25
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Dilf milf gilf all the same money monger she's not smart but has a great agent to keep her in the lime light what makes it so bad she's not even blonde
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Old 06-06-2011, 09:14 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
If we're talking about misspeaking, how about VP Bite-me, who once asked a parapelgic to stand up and be recognized at a campaign stop.

Didn't Bush make fun of a blind reporter for wearing sunglasses at a press event? Politicians will always make mistakes, but to assert that they are correct when the facts prove otherwise is extreme arrogance or stupidity on their part.
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Old 06-06-2011, 09:44 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by KCJoe View Post
Didn't Bush make fun of a blind reporter for wearing sunglasses at a press event? Politicians will always make mistakes, but to assert that they are correct when the facts prove otherwise is extreme arrogance or stupidity on their part.
I don't know - can you cite the reference?
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:03 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
I don't know - can you cite the reference?

Is this what you wanted? Bush did later apologize to the reporter for needling him.

As far as Palin goes, she still believes that her version of Paul Reveres ride is correct.

"You realize that you messed up about Paul Revere, don't you?" "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace asked the potential 2012 presidential candidate.
"I didn't mess up about Paul Revere," replied Palin, a paid contributor to the network.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:09 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by KCJoe View Post

Is this what you wanted? Bush did later apologize to the reporter for needling him.

As far as Palin goes, she still believes that her version of Paul Reveres ride is correct.

"You realize that you messed up about Paul Revere, don't you?" "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace asked the potential 2012 presidential candidate.
"I didn't mess up about Paul Revere," replied Palin, a paid contributor to the network.
...........then wallace at the end of the conversation said he got on google and had to look it up himself and agreed she had it right and she did. all this did is show how stupid the mainstream media is and they know it..one up for palin on this one,she won.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:52 AM   #30
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I read recently that when you poll republicans they still think Obama wasn't born in the U.S. I can only assume that now they will accept Sarah's version of Paul Revere's ride. Bachman has already cleared the slave holding founding fathers of any wrong doing in that they cleaned it up in the constitution?

If Mitt Romney and Huntsman wear funny underwear to keep out the evil spirits then I can't let em have a nuke button.

I do look forward to learning lots of new things as the campaign progresses and a variety of historical revisions as needed by the candidates.
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