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Old 06-04-2011, 06:13 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Billy_Saul View Post
He spelled it both ways, google it. Already burned the Billy Sol ID.
No, he didn't.
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:15 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I suppose a good old personal attack takes precedent over reading any day.

What attacks??? Just calling it BS

This discussion is referring to a poll that discusses the way news media gets away with misinformation and the poor sheep they herd to that song of misinformation ... like YOU!

The typical left stance that the rights audience are all dumb and uneducated.


Read the same old rehashed drivel... Why??

Or you can call people names... which of course is a heck of alot less work than reading.
You claim you are the original chithead! I have not called you anything that you have not called yourself. I do believe you have slung a lot more personal attacks my way Cochise. Send me your cliff notes I have not got time to read all your lies.
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:20 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
And thanks for staying on topic. The reaearch presented along with subsequent analysis bears out that Fox preys on the ignorance of an under educated WHITE public to build its base
The demographics in the poll you cite closely mirror the US population as a whole. Looks like an exceptionally well done poll. That's why I failed to see what point you were trying to make.

From the US census 2009 figures:

White, Non-Hispanic .............69% / 65.1% actual
Black, Non-Hispanic...............12 / 12.9%
Other, Non-Hispanic.............. 6 / 5.8%
Hispanic .............................1 2 / 15.8%
2+ Races, Non-Hispanic ........1 / 1.7%

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Old 06-04-2011, 06:37 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
And thanks for staying on topic. The reaearch presented along with subsequent analysis bears out that Fox preys on the ignorance of an under educated WHITE public to build its base
Clearly, once again the point you are trying to bear out is not supported by facts. Poll numbers reflect a more educated pool of participants then the population as a whole.

Less than high school............12% / 13.32% actual
High school........................ ..31 / 44.4% actual no collage
Some college....................... .29 no breakdown
BA+........................... .........29 no breakdown

Associates plus is 38.54% in the actual population

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Old 06-04-2011, 06:46 PM   #95
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You actually referenced the Jon Sterwart show.. He is an actual comedian and a far left wing fanatic. Fox doctors video or does Jon Stewart doctor video. Really come on you guys are reaching here...
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:50 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Billy_Saul View Post
The demographics in the poll you cite closely mirror the US population as a whole. Looks like an exceptionally well done poll. That's why I failed to see what point you were trying to make.

From the US census 2009 figures:

White, Non-Hispanic .............69% / 65.1% actual
Black, Non-Hispanic...............12 / 12.9%
Other, Non-Hispanic.............. 6 / 5.8%
Hispanic .............................1 2 / 15.8%
2+ Races, Non-Hispanic ........1 / 1.7%

Try comparing that make-up of viewership by CNN or MSNBC viewers. Those numbers however are not as important to the discussion as the amount of misinfomation those people are being fed by Faux and end up believing. Honestly, look at the pecentages here...You think the weak-minded among us are coming to these false conclusions all on their own? Not a chance! This is Faux hard at work brainwashing America's meatheads:
  • 40% of voters believed incorrectly that the TARP legislation was initiated under Barack Obama, rather than George Bush
  • 31% believed it was proven true that the US Chamber of Commerce spent large amounts of money it had raised from foreign sources to support Republican candidates
  • 54% believed that there were no tax cuts in the stimulus legislation
  • 86% assumed their taxes had gone up (38%) or stayed the same (48%), while only 10% were aware that their taxes had gone down since 2009
  • 53% thought that the bailout of GM and Chrysler occurred only under Obama, though it was initiated under Bush
I remember quite clearly watching Fox clips post election stating over and over again, "The Obama Bailouts", and "Obama's War in Afghanistan". This is propaganda hard at work knowing full well that if you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, some idiots will eventually start believing it. For you Fox viewers among us, think about the things you believe and ask yourself why you believe them. If Fox news is the source, I would emplore you to go do some independent research and see what differences you can assertain. The list above is quite a good one. Here's another....When NATO passed resolution 1973 regarding Libya, what did Fox starting saying OVER and OVER again as if on a recorded loop:

"Obama's War"

You heard it for weeks after it started, as if Fox has no idea how the UN Security Council works, or has any understanding of multilateral enforcement of UN resolutions. Fact is, they know most of their viewership does not, and of course preyed on that fact along with their viewerships bias to form a result supporting their agenda. So now we end up with a bunch of meatheads walking around thinking Obama started a war in Libya...thinking as if it was Bush invading Iraq and no other Security Council countries involved in the decision making process or implementation. It's truly amazing how easy it is to brainwash some people, and Fox has mastered it.
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:53 PM   #97
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One channel to brainwash the world and all the rest to distract us.

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Old 06-04-2011, 06:59 PM   #98
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Number one -- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WYLDEMAN? I'm sorry. You probably need a solid meal! Might I recommend something absorbant? Like a maxipad?

What does this have to do with the poll being discussed right now? Jon Stewart works for Comedy Central! So does Stephen Colbert. And both of them are hysterical. Neither are sources of news, same as the Fox commentators are no sources of news.

Some of us can tell the difference between live video and cartoons. I may have to quote Bugs Bunny or Sesame Street to get shit onto your level of comprehension.

Damn! You're giving me a headache! I had an easier time coaching Little League kids.

Number two -- Billy "Saul", I didn't make these numbers up. THESE were the demographics of the poll presented by F-Sharp. I, nor he, never represented them as a snapshot of the American public. So what's your point? That the poll was skewed? You're goddamned right it was skewed. As such, you're agreeing with me, but obviously not able to realize that.

In fact, the numbers you've presented show that the education level of those who believe "the earth is flat" in this poll are actually higher than the number of Americans who are undereducated. THAT'S COMFORTING! Dumber, slower and more expensive. God Bless the USA!

If you poll a bunch of undereducated white people you're going to get opinions that are influenced by FOX News. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Glad you agree! Thank God they picked the brightest of the bright instead of the 44% with NO college at all.

FOX preys on the ignorant (I'm guessing even a few folks with AA degrees!) to build its base. That's my point.

You've only proved it further.
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:00 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post

And ... 52% of this group said they sympathetic with the Tea Party movement.

I think you can draw certain conclusions simply from the demographics of the sample, making the results somewhat predictable.

Good read! Thanks, F-Sharp!
And according to Gallop, the % of population sympathetic to the tea party is..... 52%....... which is same figure as in your poll. Those who identify them self as Tea Party supporters come in at 30%.

Once again this destroys your claim that the poll is skewed one way or another.


You guys post such an endless barrage of liberal nonsense the shear volume of it is overwhelming. It would probably serve your point better if you were to be more concise and accurate. IMO
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:06 PM   #100
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There seams to be a lot of hatred from the left against one News channel. I wonder what they are afraid of. Lots of hate and scare tactics toward the most popular and watched channel....Is it jealousy? Is it fear that they are on to the lefts agenda to bankrupt this country?

Did not like any bailouts by Bush or Obama.....
Free Market systems needs failure to grow... Bad business practices fail and New ones come up. Throwing money at problems is just a band aid on big wound.
I did not get a tax cut and I made less money. My taxes did go up...
Bush and Obama wars. Obama has increased troops in these wars. It is all in the WWE plan they are in on it together.

The UN is a joke...

The Media is a Joke all of it to some point.

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Old 06-04-2011, 07:09 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Billy_Saul View Post
And according to Gallop, the % of population sympathetic to the tea party is..... 52%....... which is same figure as in your poll. Those who identify them self as Tea Party supporters come in at 30%.

Once again this destroys your claim that the poll is skewed one way or another.


You guys post such an endless barrage of liberal nonsense the shear volume of it is overwhelming. It would probably serve your point better if you were to be more concise and accurate. IMO
Hey man. What about this don't you understand. I'm quoting the demographics (look it up) of the poll that was presented. I am sure the numbers for the entire country are different. But not the people sampled in this poll.

Is there something fundamentally wrong here, or are you arguing that the poll demographics are misprinted?

Do you UNDERSTAND what a poll is? How it's conducted? How data is analyzed?

Obviously this is all very confusing to you. First you argue that the demographics of the poll are wrong. Now you say they're not. You're agreeing with my and disagreeing with me all the same. Fact is, these are not points of agreement or disagreement? You're drooling, bubba! WTF are you on about?

These aren't facts to be argued. These are the ABSOLUTE numbers of the people who were polled in the study in question. Not the census numbers. Not anything else.

Why don't you read a thread or two and quit wasting bandwidth with statements of ignorance? (Didn't say stupid, but I DID say ignorant!)

A better retort from you would be: "Yeah, but that sample is skewed. The real demographic makeup of the United States is different that what is reflected in that poll."

I'd agree with that. (BTW -- HORSES GALLOP! The poll is conducted by that Gallup Organization.)

I'd suggest you hearken back to your high school civics class. Unless, of course...
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:10 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
There seams to be a lot of hatred from the left against one News channel. I wonder what they are afraid of. Lots of hate and scare tactics toward the most popular and watched channel....Is it jealousy? Is it fear that they are on to the lefts agenda to bankrupt this country?

Did not like any bailouts by Bush or Obama.....
Free Market systems needs failure to grow... Bad business practices fail and New ones come up. Throwing money at problems is just a band aid on big wound.
I did not get a tax cut and I made less money. My taxes did go up...
Bush and Obama wars. Obama has increased troops in these wars. It is all in the WWE plan they are in on it together.

The UN is a joke...

The Media is a Joke all of it to some point.

No hatred here. I don't think anybody's expressed hatred. Certainly didn't make comments about anybody's nose, Wyldeman.

But at least the UN is a joke -- where the hell did that come from?

Please start a new thread about that. I'd be fascinated with your take on this subject as well!
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:12 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
No, he didn't.
Yeah you are correct, he didn't but many have in historic recollections. Sorry that it bothers you so much. Guess I shouldn't have changed the spelling from ASPD days.

Say, are you the guy who always recommends the brisket at Rudy's in every BBQ thread? My, what exquisite taste you have.
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:14 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
What does this have to do with the poll being discussed right now? Jon Stewart works for Comedy Central! So does Stephen Colbert. And both of them are hysterical. Neither are sources of news, same as the Fox commentators are no sources of news.

I think those guys you mentioned are idiots and I find them not funny.

Some of us can tell the difference between live video and cartoons. I may have to quote Bugs Bunny or Sesame Street to get shit onto your level of comprehension.

This really bugs you....

Damn! You're giving me a headache! I had an easier time coaching Little League kids.

Then why do you feel the need to keep doing it???

If you poll a bunch of undereducated white people you're going to get opinions that are influenced by FOX News. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING.

That is such a shocker a liberal saying that all conservatives are white and uneducated....

FOX preys on the ignorant (I'm guessing even a few folks with AA degrees!) to build its base. That's my point.
Fox preys on the ignorant the good ole left wing battle cry if you are not inline with their beliefs or views you are ignorant.
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:18 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
A better retort from you would be: "Yeah, but that sample is skewed. The real demographic makeup of the United States is different that what is reflected in that poll."
but it is not different, it is almost identical which is contrary to your statement saying that it is skewed towards uneducated rednecks, but then it is rather obvious that no one can expect you to understand that.
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