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Old 05-24-2011, 01:56 PM   #46
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This guy reminds me so much of Bill Clinton....Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick and there are many other stories of his inappropriate behavior with women.....

Usually the men who behave like this are of the political pursuasion that believe people are generally incapable of taking care of themselves. They believe the common person needs to be told what is good for them. They have a general disrespect for people. They are your leftist/socialist types......
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Old 05-24-2011, 02:25 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
I have always wondered why the victim doesn't bite the damn thing as hard as she can.
It's scary how much thought you have given this......
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:23 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
I can't imagine the horror and shock of being assulted or raped & I've never had a penis in my mouth, but I have always wondered why the victim doesn't bite the damn thing as hard as she can.

Hey atl, maybe you can start a self defense penis biting school!

Anybody remember Shawshank Redemption?

Andy Dufresne: All right. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar.
Where do you get this shit?
Andy Dufresne:
I read it. You know how to read, you ignorant fuck?

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Old 05-24-2011, 04:54 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
This guy reminds me so much of Bill Clinton....Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick and there are many other stories of his inappropriate behavior with women.....

Usually the men who behave like this are of the political pursuasion that believe people are generally incapable of taking care of themselves. They believe the common person needs to be told what is good for them. They have a general disrespect for people. They are your leftist/socialist types......
Marshall, Marshall, Marshall.

Its not Bill's fault Hillary can't deliver a good BJ. Maybe she "clamped down on it" one time.

Seriously, I never could understand why N.O.W. always covered for Bill.
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:57 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Marshall, Marshall, Marshall.

Its not Bill's fault Hillary can't deliver a good BJ. Maybe she "clamped down on it" one time.

Seriously, I never could understand why N.O.W. always covered for Bill.
The same reason N.O.W. does not support S. Palin.
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Old 05-24-2011, 05:10 PM   #51
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And what's that Humble Moderator?
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Old 05-24-2011, 05:16 PM   #52
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IMHO it's because she's pro life.
She is everything that women aspired to when N.O.W. was created.

The same reason that N.O.W. believes that a woman has complete control and choice over her body, UNLESS she choose to be an escort.

It's political and that's that. Or hypocrisy as some here would rant.
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Old 05-24-2011, 05:48 PM   #53
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Another interesting factoid is that the IMF was set up during the original Bretton Woods. It's a little odd that the second Bretton Woods was being held and ran by the George Soros who is notorious in the EU for taking down the Pound et.al. Breton Woods set the Dollar as the world reserve currency, established the World Bank. the IMF, et.al.

Soros is advocating that the Dollar be removed as the worlds reserve currency. You could very well be on to a real conspiracy, Nina. Unfortunately, if anyone does say it's a conspiracy, they will be called crazy. When it comes to large amounts of money, well... if Strauss-Kahn didn't agree with the dollar being dropped, they dropped Strauss-Kahn. It might be worth some digging.
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Old 05-24-2011, 06:14 PM   #54
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This character, Dominique was so damn smug that he had the audacity to call the hotel from the airport after what he did to the maid to ask them if he had left anything behind.

Imagine that scene. He assaults the hotel maid and forces her to suck his dick, but then after he leaves her gagging with his semen, he has the audacity to call the hotel to innocently ask if he had left anything behind.

It seems to me that he was fishing and trying to gauge the scene of the crime he had just left behind and trying to act normal.

The hotel management told him that he had left his cell phone behind and he told them that he was at the airport and could they bring it over.

That is when the police discovered his location and pulled his arrogant ass off the first class seat where he was seated waiting for take-off and out of jurisdiction.

Maybe if he had not made that call and told the hotel management that he was at John F. Kennedy airport, they would have not known where he was and he would have gotten away one more time!

I imagine the black men will be waiting for him in prison when he gets there

. . . and what do you think they have planned for his white ass?
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Old 05-24-2011, 06:17 PM   #55
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Interesting update..........

The IMF douche and his people offered 6 million dollars for the victim's silence. http://yourjewishnews.com/6486.aspx This is how I think its going to play out:

1. NY prosecutor is going to make a career out of this high profile case. He/she will drag this one into next election season. More charges could be explored like witness tampering, bribery, trying to pervert the course of justice. Cost to Taxpayer = $1 to $5 MILLION.

2. The victim's lawyers are going to go for the jugular, $6 million is chump change for the french man. Monetary and Punitive damages will be explored. Cost to French Douche bag = $15 to 20 MILLION.

3. IMF Director's & Officers liability insurance may also take a hit. French douche bag was on official business in NY, on official pay roll. Cost to IMF = possible $10 to 15 MILLION.

Gosh! This is going to turn out to be the most expensive session an old man has ever paid for a rushed BJ and an attempted FS. And don't forget, the most painful shower play an old man will get, when he is frequently visited by his new boyfriends in maximum security prison.

Time for a very Bad Joke: Another IMF official screws another African!

PS: Don't believe my estimates. They don't mean shyt! But I would like to give the conspiracy theorists some red meat.
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Old 05-24-2011, 08:27 PM   #56
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An even bigger picture
A lady that won the booker prize wrote an essay about the IMF. This was a reviewer's comment

"Now for those not familiar with the draconian IMF/World Bank structural adjustments, forced upon governments in need of loans, they are designed to suck the life blood of society by extreme cuts to education, health care, infrastruture, local agriculture, local ANYTHING. Because in the international Help Business, local is a very bad four letter word, no matter how you choose to spell it: local is to be extermintated with extreme prejudice."

this is a long essay, but shows how the World Bank operates; very much Shylock

The IMF itself IMHO is not a noble institution; we still have too many banking geniuses that make too good of a living

We now hear this guy- he is known as the "Great Seducer" and the "Hot Rabbit", invited 2 receptionists to his room for champagne. For a guy that could have scheduled an escort maybe crossing lines is what gets him going; he attacked one woman & now his wife's fortune is keeping him out of Rikkers Island! How ironic......

the US Dept of Justice says there is a rape victim every 2 minutes..how sad
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Old 05-25-2011, 06:54 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Marshall, Marshall, Marshall.

Its not Bill's fault Hillary can't deliver a good BJ. Maybe she "clamped down on it" one time.
Hillary is only a cunning linguist......
Seriously, I never could understand why N.O.W. always covered for Bill.
N.O.W.? You don't understand? It's not really an organization to advance women's rights, it's an organization advancing the liberal agenda....it's like this with all these organizations.......
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Old 05-25-2011, 08:11 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
N.O.W.? You don't understand? It's not really an organization to advance women's rights, it's an organization advancing the liberal agenda....it's like this with all these organizations.......

Haven't you heard...every organization advances their own agenda. That includes conservative institutions.

People overlook indiscretion of people they like or people they think will help them more in the long run. Everybody does that. It is called reality
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Old 05-25-2011, 04:00 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
IMHO it's because she's pro life.
She is everything that women aspired to when N.O.W. was created.

The same reason that N.O.W. believes that a woman has complete control and choice over her body, UNLESS she choose to be an escort.

It's political and that's that. Or hypocrisy as some here would rant.
I think you've too narrowly defined NOW's purpose. It was also heavily into sexual harassment and equality in the workplace. That's why I've always been puzzled as to why they constantly covered for Bill. He had a long history of improprieties. I don't think you'd see a anti-abortion group supporting a politician that kept walking into the abortion mill to get serviced.

I think NOW's problem with female escorts is they are having sex...with MEN.

...OK, in doing a little web research it appears that in recent years they are nothing more than an arm of the Democratic party.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:16 PM   #60
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It sure doesn't seem right that this guy is living so high on the hog while waiting for his trial date.

He is currently living like royalty in a $50,000 per month town house in Manhatten.

Meanwhile, I doubt that the maid he sodomized makes that much in a year.

I hope they throw the book at this scumbag and send a loud message to the rest of the predators that prey on weak women who are too intimidated to press charges.

That is how he get away with his behavior for so long and that needs to stop.

He needs to get about 25 years in the cooler to finally get the message drummed into that thick arrogant head of his.
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