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Old 05-22-2011, 07:24 PM   #1
Barny Stinson
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Default With all this talk about discounts how bout a frequent flyer discount!

Ok I have seen talk about discount how about if you have seen the lady more than 4 times discount. or a regular discount like a once a month guy once a week guy?i never get these offers as i usually only see these ladies once or twice with the exception of a select few. I am in this hobby for variety! but it might keep me out of the welcome wagon looking for the next new hottie at her introductory rate if yours was comparable! just a thought!
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Old 05-22-2011, 07:52 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by marjk74 View Post
Ok I have seen talk about discount how about if you have seen the lady more than 4 times discount. or a regular discount like a once a month guy once a week guy?i never get these offers as i usually only see these ladies once or twice with the exception of a select few. I am in this hobby for variety! but it might keep me out of the welcome wagon looking for the next new hottie at her introductory rate if yours was comparable! just a thought!
How can you expect a frequent flyer discount if you don't build up a rapport with the lady?

Yeah.. lemme give you a FFdiscount on the hopes that you will follow through...

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Old 05-22-2011, 08:05 PM   #3
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I have offered these in the past - a discount on a repeat visit within a certain timeframe. But, you aren't going to get it on the first visit.

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Old 05-22-2011, 10:50 PM   #4
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Why not college discounts?
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Old 05-22-2011, 11:46 PM   #5
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This again?

p.s. frequent flyer would be more than 1 or 2 visits-and not the over a 5 year period time either
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Old 05-23-2011, 06:29 AM   #6
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Some ladies probably do that for regular clients already on a case-by-case basis; certainly several have alluded to the practice. Case-by-case may work better than a rigid rule, though, based on her assessment of the guy. is he already seeing her regularly, say, monthly? Might he move on soon at her current rates? (One reason some ladies grandfather regulars, but not all clients, when they raise their rates -- don't want to give up a steady income stream until they re-establish themselves at the higher rate.) Would he likely see her more often if offerred a discount?

Not being offerred a discount doesn't necessarily mean the lady doesn't want our business and even more of it. It may just mean she's satisifed with the level of her business. Or that she doesn't think a discount would contribute much to keeping or increasing the business from us, in which case she might lose money by offerring the discount.

Or sometimes that she can easily replace us and is not that interested in keeping a particular client. More of our business is not always appealing.

Most of the ladies are pretty smart, and they know their business much better than we do. If they don't offer us a particular discount or opportunity, it's not because they haven't thought of it -- it's because it's not as attractive from their perspective as it is from ours.
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Old 05-23-2011, 07:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chevalier View Post
Some ladies probably do that for regular clients already on a case-by-case basis ...

Not being offerred a discount doesn't necessarily mean the lady doesn't want our business and even more of it. It may just mean ...

Most of the ladies are pretty smart, and they know their business much better than we do. If they don't offer us a particular discount or opportunity, it's not because they haven't thought of it -- it's because ...
unless i really know why a woman offers a discount, or multi hour discount, or loves to do whatever, any speculation on my part is just that - speculation.

you said it yourself [see bolded part]

it really is simple.
she sets her consulting fees according to her plan/needs/whatever.
we either consult w/ her and pay her consulting fee according to our plan/resources/whatever or we dont consult with her.

it only gets complicated when someone attempts to figure out why she does what she does or why us guys do what we do.

btw, i remember one women back in aspd days who had a phrequent phuckers discount plan - after some number of consultations [more than 5?], you received a free consultation.
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Old 05-23-2011, 07:58 AM   #8
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I don't think it's a matter of whether ladies should or should not offer discounts. It's more a matter of whether ladies see an opportunity to improve their business in some way. That might be to make more money, keep a small, but regular clientele, whatever, by offering some sort of incentive to achieve that goal, (which would necessarily differ to achieve differet goals). Some guys are rate oriented. Some would appreciate more personal sessions, etc. However, the attitude on both sides seems to be - ``you first.''
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Old 05-23-2011, 09:24 AM   #9
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Discounts, discounts, discounts.

If you any of you guys work in the following.

1. Doctor's office
2. An airlines - Preferably American Airlines.
3. A five star or four star hotel in Las Vegas or Italy.
4. A really nice nice furniture store.
5. A surgeon
6. A dentist
7. A lawyer's office.

Can I please please please get a discount if im a frequent visitor.
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Old 05-23-2011, 09:44 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by marjk74 View Post
Ok I have seen talk about discount how about if you have seen the lady more than 4 times discount. or a regular discount like a once a month guy once a week guy?i never get these offers as i usually only see these ladies once or twice with the exception of a select few. I am in this hobby for variety! but it might keep me out of the welcome wagon looking for the next new hottie at her introductory rate if yours was comparable! just a thought!

How about you pay the advertised price the first time and the lady decides if she'd like to see you again first?

This is not The Salvation Army.

Why do people constantly try to intimidate people into lowering their rates? What would you do if your business offered a great special? A special you figured is fair but you were unwilling to go lower. But then more and more people came in wanting you to do so, and then criticizing you when you dont?

This is a fun hobby to be in IF you can afford it. Period.
BUT it is also a business and sole income for some of the beautiful ladies who here and elsewhere.

It surprises me, and this is not at all directed to the OP- he may be VERY respectful, but it surprises me that alot of the time those looking for discounts in the first place are usually the ones who degrade many of the ladies they are trying to see, attempted to see in the past, or otherwise.

Just thinking out loud.

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Old 05-23-2011, 10:19 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 View Post
Discounts, discounts, discounts.

If you any of you guys work in the following.

7. A lawyer's office.

Can I please please please get a discount if im a frequent visitor.
I do provide a discounted rate to a few clients, who request it based on a large volume of business. They usually don't bitch about the bill or ask us to write off time, they pay promptly, and they're easy to deal with. It makes sense. Of course, that may be over $1 million in fees a year for the entire firm (not just me).

And some clients I charge higher than normal rates.

It's up to the ladies what they want to charge. A discount would be nice, but mostly I'd like to avoid the second category, paying more than others.


Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
btw, i remember one women back in aspd days who had a phrequent phuckers discount plan - after some number of consultations [more than 5?], you received a free consultation.
Lena. I think you got one free after every four or maybe five times you saw her. I only saw her once, never earned the free session.
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Old 05-23-2011, 10:30 AM   #12
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Take me out and hang me by my short hairs now. My AARP post was dry humor that some got and some did not. I do so humbly appoligise for getting the topic of discounts, pricing, etc going again. I am happy to pay what the ladies asks and never ask for any kind of discount. If the lady wishes to for some reason, offer me a discounted rate at some point I would be honored and flattered but would never dream of asking for it.

Perhaps I should schedule with a dom so I can be properly punished for my transgression and poor attempt at humor.
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Old 05-23-2011, 11:04 AM   #13
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Thank you.

Originally Posted by Chevalier View Post
I do provide a discounted rate to a few clients, who request it based on a large volume of business. They usually don't bitch about the bill or ask us to write off time, they pay promptly, and they're easy to deal with. It makes sense. Of course, that may be over $1 million in fees a year for the entire firm (not just me).

And some clients I charge higher than normal rates.

It's up to the ladies what they want to charge. A discount would be nice, but mostly I'd like to avoid the second category, paying more than others.


Lena. I think you got one free after every four or maybe five times you saw her. I only saw her once, never earned the free session.
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Old 05-23-2011, 12:53 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn View Post
How about you pay the advertised price the first time and the lady decides if she'd like to see you again first?

This is not The Salvation Army.

Why do people constantly try to intimidate people into lowering their rates? What would you do if your business offered a great special? A special you figured is fair but you were unwilling to go lower. But then more and more people came in wanting you to do so, and then criticizing you when you dont?

This is a fun hobby to be in IF you can afford it. Period.
BUT it is also a business and sole income for some of the beautiful ladies who here and elsewhere.

...snipped one parapgraph...

Just thinking out loud.

as you have more first hand knowledge that i do,
you said it much better and with more credibility that i did.
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Old 05-23-2011, 07:12 PM   #15
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I think women rule the world and that no man has ever done anything that a woman either hasn't allowed him to do or encouraged him to do."
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