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Old 05-16-2011, 10:48 AM   #1
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Default Civility

It goes without saying that our board has more than it's fair share of members with strong personalities, with even stronger views that like to have the last word as well lol. But lately when I log on well.......So many personal attacks, half truths. Replys full of snide or condescending remarks. I've had the good fortune to live in many other parts of the country. And one of the things that people have always commented on. No not the lack of mountains or that there's no ocean lol. But how friendly,helpful we are and how well we treat each other. Surely we can disagree, have our own views yet still treat each other with respect can't we???
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Old 05-16-2011, 12:31 PM   #2
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I see the same on other non-hobby related boards as well. There's a lot of bitterness in our country. I think a lot of people feel like their voices are not being heard, or that they are being ignored or overlooked, which adds to the need to have the last word.

My 02.

I'm not speaking politically, but I predict it will only take a few more posts for it to degenerate into the old political "blame game."
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Old 05-16-2011, 01:16 PM   #3
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This form of social media gives the opportunity for everyone to have a voice and an opinion.

I liken it to your kid's soccer coach. When everyone is busy it is possible for someone otherwise incompetent, who seeks power, social standing and influence to become the coach. It requires eternal vigilance as everyone likes to have power and influence in their lives and if you are too busy or tired it can have consequences.

There are so many haters today. We are so polarized and divided. It degenerates into a shouting match when for those that it matters most they feel they must put their point in play over all others. Protect my guns, take the government back, make everyone have an I.D., shoot illegals, burn the Koran and vote to have Grandma taken off life support(at a decent savings I might add).

I don't care for the environment all that much but I will repeat that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance and if you see or smell bullshit then you are duty bound to call it out.

In politics we are far beyond the days of giving speeches at the Cooper-Union and having it read in the newspaper. It is too easy to lie and generate rumors today that flash in a millisecond and are difficult to disprove.

I think technology and new media forms are beyond our ability to manage at the moment.

If an in depth study were commissioned it would come out that it is C.O.G's fault!
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Old 05-16-2011, 01:39 PM   #4
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Growler, I was just thinking that same thing when I logged on today. Some of the mean things that people say to eachother on here make me cringe. It feels like there is almost more adversity than what the board is actually here for, which is for us all to get to know eachother better & keep eachother safe. It feels like sometimes people use it as a way to air their personal greivances with other members in a passive aggressive way also. I wish we could find a happy medium or maybe some of us could use the edit option when we have had a chance to regain our composure after writing a disparaging comment or reply.
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Old 05-16-2011, 01:54 PM   #5
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I don't post often but several times I have had the urge but decided not to because my view did not agree with the OP. I know I have my opinion and it will agree with some and disagree with others. Rather than getting into a pissing contest I do not respond. I don't like to argue. Over the years I have learned if it's not that important walk away. On the other hand though, I don't like when someone gets down on someone for some lame reason and beats the underdog. If we always agreed we would only have chocolate ice cream, but I can still be civil to those that like vanilla. I know some will disagree but just be civil.
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Old 05-16-2011, 02:23 PM   #6
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I have to agree with one thing Catnipdipper said
Its all COG's fault!!!!

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Old 05-16-2011, 04:00 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Thequeen View Post
I have to agree with one thing Catnipdipper said
Its all COG's fault!!!!

That was mean.

You should be spanked and taught a lesson. I think COG should do the spanking. I might even pay half if I got to watch.

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Old 05-16-2011, 04:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by catnipdipper View Post
I think technology and new media forms are beyond our ability to manage at the moment.
I don't think it's the technology as much as the anonymity. When I post I try to read everything over a time or two before I hit the submit button. I have a simple test:

If I were sitting face to face with this person would I say the same thing?


Not really all that hard to manage.

When you're anonymous, though, it's pretty easy to be the tough SOB (or Bitch) behind the keyboard when IRL that's nothing like you. In fact in a lot of cases I've found those that play the toughest on the boards are the biggest pussies in real life because there are no consequences to their actions.

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Old 05-16-2011, 06:23 PM   #9
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:32 PM   #10
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As long as there are places to post on the internet there will always be those who feel the need to be chipy. I'd like to say I have never been sarcastic but I'm sure in years gone by I have. I really strive to be civil nowadays. From what I have seen and heard over the years it's clear that those who engage in constant flaming do themselves no favors in the lifestyle and are apt to gain a less than favorable reputation.

I read a quote one time by Lyndon Johnson that said:

"If we must disagree, can we at least do so without being disagreeable."
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Old 05-16-2011, 09:10 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ksjack View Post

When you're anonymous, though, it's pretty easy to be the tough SOB (or Bitch) behind the keyboard when IRL that's nothing like you.
I agree. We see it every day on our roads. People being aggressive behind the wheel, because 4000 pounds of steel gives the illusion of anonymity. Would they really cut in line, or flip you off if they were face to face? Usually not, but someone could make the point that if a person does this once, no matter what the circumstances, then it really is a part of them.
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Old 05-16-2011, 11:11 PM   #12
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Queen, prepare for your punishment. Who says we can't be civil?
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Old 05-17-2011, 09:21 AM   #13
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I agree that many will say things behind the veil of an avatar they'd never dream of saying in person. And I am certainly head-strong and opinionated, but I attempt to be civil until it's shown that's no longer the appropriate response.

But, I think many here that do know me will testify, what I say on these boards, I'd say to your face. I am who I am. No need for an alternate persona. But I don't see the need for a lot of the nastiness that has prevailed in many areas. But, compared to what you'll see on other geographic areas of this board, we are still comparatively polite.
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Old 05-17-2011, 10:43 AM   #14
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Well, I got to also agree with ksjack, especially his thoughts regarding anonymity and
the false bravo it can bring.

Certainly the KC board is not nearly as cut throat as some of the other areas...take a look especially at the Texas boards or some of the cliquish Nat'l boards.

But still, there are times when some of our threads get out of hand.

And let's face it, whether its the Sandbox or another area, when things get heated...does anyone of us really believe that in those heated exchanges anyone is going to get someone to change their mind or wave the white flag and say ur right?

That's not to say that a civil disagreement or debate can not be fun or even infomative. And this is a board design to share info and even disagree with each other...and yes occasionally take a light hearted shot at someone that keeps pushing the envelope.

But ultimately the ones that get nasty, in addition to being uncalled for, also our the ones, that I think, carry less creditability not only on one issue, but on most future issues.
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Old 05-17-2011, 10:43 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Muffrider View Post
I'm not speaking politically, but I predict it will only take a few more posts for it to degenerate into the old political "blame game."
I'm guessing you've noticed it was the very next post....

There are so many haters today. We are so polarized and divided. It degenerates into a shouting match when for those that it matters most they feel they must put their point in play over all others. Protect my guns, take the government back, make everyone have an I.D., shoot illegals, burn the Koran and vote to have Grandma taken off life support(at a decent savings I might add).

On another note, I read with interest, the review by the guy from Alabama about his time with Jessi. At the end of his review, he mentioned having spent several days reading literally all posts in the KC section and described us as "kinda harsh". I found that to be an interesting observation on his part and decided to change my attitude.

Sens is right, things can and do get very ugly in some of the National Forum threads and especially down in Texas! So, we're lucky in some respects. Here's hoping our luck gets even better.

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