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Old 05-08-2011, 07:58 PM   #46
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Sometimes it is not really worth time or effort trying to make someone see reason, because they are not to be persuaded.

Rodram, this is fantasy land. There are people who are not going to follow normal society's rules. I would also be outraged if this were to happen in the real world and if we were in Nevada. These ladies are not really professionals. There is a certain coldness that comes with a real professional. These ladies are warm and careing. You are not just a number (in most cases, there are some exceptions). Do understand that they will discriminate and there is nothing anyone can do about it. You may try, but the community would instantly dissolve. Try sueing a person that doesn't exist.

Anyways, I'm just stating that you should respect their wishes. To those gents in the AA category, I'm sorry that this is what some people prefer. Perhaps one day we'll live in a society were all of this frustration is non existing.
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:08 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Rodram View Post
So, by your definition of what "I just don't understand" means that a doctor can refuse service to you because your black? And if your going to respond like a child because you are incapable of having a debate based on facts then don't and wait for dennisrn to post a picture or something.

Well holy crap I did not realize that what these ladies provided was on the same level as what I go to my primary Dr. to get when I am sick. Chit maybe I need to find out where they went to Medical school at and if they will show me where they signed the hippocratic oath. I guess by your analogy if a Dr. is not taking new patients then he is discriminating against a certain race huh Rodram? But I will give you credit for being totally clueless and agree totally with Mokoa as to how your posts make you look here. And BTW I do happen to be a Dr. but one of the animal variety. And yeah I don't discriminate as I do take horses of all colors as patients.
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:41 PM   #48
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.....and with the exception of emergencies ==> you will not get past the front desk of any reputable physician's office or "doc in a box" unless they are accepting new patients; or you are a referral from another provider; or your insurance company has directed there. PFB can be controlled with a mirror and toothpick..

And I am quite lucid.

And I'll add this as some would not!!

As a matter of fact the only thing I will have difficulty in remembering is your handle three or four months from now when many of us (guys and gals who know one another personally) are sitting around with our favorite beverages and laughing about some of the people who fill our screens with nonsense.

Take pride in knowing you are only one of many!!

Look Ma - no pictures!!!
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:19 PM   #49
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I never argued that the providers should go against their preferences. I've simply debated whether or not the escort business is recognized as a legitimate business and whether or not it falls under the auspices of the American Civil Rights Act.

I suspected this conversation would not bear fruit or provide different insight especially since I seem to attract mental midgets that only seem capable of snide remarks and ignorant assumptions. Oh, well I tried.
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:30 PM   #50
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Yawn, I skipped this whole thread to say.......

this subject is as played out as BBFS and truly to me anyway, a threAD. Why not put in your sig line that you don't see AA's, etc?

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Old 05-08-2011, 09:53 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by OneHotMale View Post
Well holy crap I did not realize that what these ladies provided was on the same level as what I go to my primary Dr. to get when I am sick. Chit maybe I need to find out where they went to Medical school at and if they will show me where they signed the hippocratic oath. I guess by your analogy if a Dr. is not taking new patients then he is discriminating against a certain race huh Rodram? But I will give you credit for being totally clueless and agree totally with Mokoa as to how your posts make you look here. And BTW I do happen to be a Dr. but one of the animal variety. And yeah I don't discriminate as I do take horses of all colors as patients.
Wow if that's true and considering the way you've completely misunderstood this issue and how I've presented it makes me worry for your patients. Well maybe not, it probably doesnt take much to service a donkeys ass as a profession
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Old 05-08-2011, 10:11 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by dennisrn View Post
.....and with the exception of emergencies ==> you will not get past the front desk of any reputable physician's office or "doc in a box" unless they are accepting new patients; or you are a referral from another provider; or your insurance company has directed there. PFB can be controlled with a mirror and toothpick..

And I am quite lucid.

And I'll add this as some would not!!

As a matter of fact the only thing I will have difficulty in remembering is your handle three or four months from now when many of us (guys and gals who know one another personally) are sitting around with our favorite beverages and laughing about some of the people who fill our screens with nonsense.

Take pride in knowing you are only one of many!!

Look Ma - no pictures!!!
Just how does a doctor refusing a patient because
of insurance or because he's overloaded have to do with refusing a patient because of ethnicity? Civil rights and how they apply to business is the subject moron.
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:14 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Rodram View Post
First off MOKOA, I don't give a rats ass what this post makes me look like since the context of the questions are simply technical and how the Federal Civil Rights Act may apply in a hypothetical situation.
Your predilection for perpetuating this nonsense clearly demonstrates that you do not care. Well, it is your funeral.

Originally Posted by Rodram View Post
Signing a contract has nothing to do with establishing a civil rights violation since verbal contracts are binding in the court of law:

A contract, whether verbal or in writing, is a legally binding agreement enforceable in a court of law"
Since you believe that nothing in writing is required how would you prove your claim when you have nothing tangible to back it up?
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:31 PM   #54
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I here you, Rodram, on all your points. I've argued them pretty much the same way (or tried to) for years. Blatant racism is accepted and, I'll even go so far as to say CONDONED, on this board. Look at some of the responses. Hell, half can't even give you a reasonable counterpoint. As if the horrible analogies aren't bad enough, some just almost outright say, 'sucks to be you/glad it ain't my problem'. Let a doctor refuse to treat someone because of their race. That mofo will never work again, or if he does he's lucky. Speaking of lucky, these 'preferential' providers are quite lucky that this business hasn't really turned the corner as far as legal and moral issues go, or else they would be getting sued or made to feel quite uncomfortable working in this business.

Looking through this thread, I see that no one has mentioned not being attracted to black men as an excuse not to see them (yeah, that's one of the lines they use), as if to say every non-black man walking the Earth is so mouth-wateringly sexy and dreamy. This one is almost as bad as the 'I had bad experiences with AA'. Please. White men (and other races as well) have HUNG people, cut them up into pieces, dragged them down highways, and tons of other horrific shit...and all this in the last decade.

Look, I get it that ladies can see who they want to see. I REALLY DO. But when that decision on whom to see or not to see is based SOLELY ON RACE, and to defend it with the vigor some of you do, that's just a crock of shit.

In defense of some of these providers, they're being misled by a group of guys who love every minute of situations like this. They sit back with a shit-eating grin every time they read an ad that states no AA/black men. Then they turn right around and come on this board with their silly analogies and nonsensical counterpoints, knowing damn well they would feel the same way if the situation was reversed. Some even threaten providers if they see black men, threatening to ruin her business or worse. What's a girl to do in that situation, particularly a young one who may have only this business as income and depend on a client base that might be 90% caucasian?

I've said way too much in this thread (or so it feels). Nothing wrong with fighting the good fight, Rodram, but the short term answer is to privately seek out the ones that screen better and don't have such silly restrictions.

Best wishes.
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:45 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
I've said way too much in this thread (or so it feels). Nothing wrong with fighting the good fight, Rodram, but the short term answer is to privately seek out the ones that screen better and don't have such silly restrictions.
That was exactly my point back in Post 15 but he just could not leave it at that.

He made his bed. Now he gets to lay in it.
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:52 PM   #56
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great points rambo!!!!

true---i would be livid & try to take action if a "business" denied me bc of race.
i get it. the reasons for them denying is silly!! (not attracted, bc of a bad situation, ex.) but in all honesty, they dont have to provide us with any reasoning, no explaination, and can just say "because i say so" *shrugs*

i disagree with their reasoning. but i dont think a lady should be forced to be an equal oppurtunist in this industry.----black men all around are probably hating me, and probably thinking im brainwashed, im "one of them", confused, yada yada yada.

but hey, i dont care!*shrugs again lol*
ill be damned if someone tells me i 'have' to take a date.
at that point, ill quit. ill sit back---and watch how everything plays out.
and be glad that i when i joined this world of naughty adults, i was able to make my own rules.

by the way---loving the avatar!!!
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:55 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
Nothing wrong with fighting the good fight, Rodram, but the short term answer is to privately seek out the ones that screen better and don't have such silly restrictions.

Somehow I have the feeling that Rodram isn't AA and just arguing for the sake of arguing.
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Old 05-08-2011, 11:57 PM   #58
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Well, some situations are seen as universal wrongs.
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Old 05-09-2011, 12:05 AM   #59
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i know.
the way people feel about race wont change either.
and these posts, bickering back & forth wont change anything either
its just the way things are.
*not saying that you were a part of the bickering
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Old 05-09-2011, 12:09 AM   #60
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This is not about me or whether Im being rejected, this is about a very simple question and that again for the umpteenth thousandth time is whether an escort is recognized as a legitimate business AND IF SO, DO THEY FALL UNDER THE SAME LAWS THAT REGULAR BUSINESS'S DO, THATS ALL I'M ARGUING NOT WHETHER ITS RIGHT OUR WRONG FOR A PROVIDER TO MAKE THAT DISTINCTION.
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