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Old 05-05-2011, 11:38 AM   #1
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Default Plan B - Does that requirement kill the fun in hobbying for you?

I'm mostly a bodyrub kinda guy, and I'll say 99% of the bodyrub girls I've seen have been reliable, responsible, and prompt. I will usually develop an ATF bodyrub girl as a regular weekly thing, or, as I've done several times and most recently, find a young hottie who's seeking a "sugardaddy" type guy to help her through school or just to supplement her regular income. My criteria in selecting my new friend is always reliability, after the requisite degree of being my "type," of course. It's always worked well for me, and each new girl seems to be an "upgrade" from the previous model lol. I had one FS provider who I saw approximately three times per month for six months on a regular basis several years ago, and she was also reliable, responsible and prompt, and she's now what I would call a HDH. I attribute that to her beauty and "fun factor," of course, but without the reliability, responsibility and promptness I don't think she could have reached the level she has.

However, it seems that most of the FS girls I contact, when the mood strikes and their pics are hot, do not have that reliability, responsibility and promptness, and those traits just don't seem to have importance to them. To the contrary, should something unexpected arise for them, whether it's a genuine family emergency, or just a "regular" customer maybe calling after I've scheduled my appointment, the first words out of their mouths when canceling or attempting to reschedule is always, "You did have a Plan B, didn't you?"

My question is NOT whether Plan B should or shouldn't be a part of the hobby; it clearly is. My question is just as the title suggests: Does the requirement that you have a Plan B kill the fun in hobbying for you as well and cause you to seek other means of fun?

I'm genuinely interested in others' mind-sets about this and have therefore posted it in both Austin and Dallas, where I regularly hobby.
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Old 05-05-2011, 11:52 AM   #2
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ferdburf, I too prefer massage/rubs to FS. The providers of that service do seem to be better at maintaining a schedule. Maybe it is because their massage background requires they see more clients in a day and they have to stay focused.

If I am seeing someone new, I do have a few reliable "Plan Bs" in my directory. The urge doesn't go away just because the circumstances changed. I would never actually book an appointment with Plan B unless A fell through. If B is busy too, there's always tomorrow.
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Old 05-05-2011, 12:38 PM   #3
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For me I only do Plan A! I don't want to go see another woman after I have already gotten excited to see the lady who cancelled. I've turned around on a more then a couple occasions after I get the "Somethings come up" call, or worse the no call. I hate this part of the hobby worse than anything.

Which is why I pretty much have quit seeing providers all together. It just seems to be a waste of my time & gas.
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Old 05-05-2011, 12:46 PM   #4
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My plan B for a FBSM appt is an Asian place where walk ins are welcome. The boss lady there knows me and knows what I like. It's a great fallback position. For FS, my plan B is one of the Dallas amps. The service there is strongly dependent on which girl I get, but they're always available, and another good fallback position.

Sure last minute cancellations and NCNS are disappointing, but having a reliable plan B actually helps to soften the blow of those disappointments for me.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:37 PM   #5
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I used to have a plan B always on hand if something happened to plan A. But I stopped using plan B since I was really only interested in seeing plan A originally and found myself disappointed that it fell thru for whatever reason.

Now if plan A cancels I just forget about it and try again later in the week with either her or someone else I am interested in. Things do happen but kind of puts me out of the mood if I have to search for the alternative.
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Old 05-05-2011, 04:52 PM   #6
consulting for delites
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as w/ most of my consultations, i rarely setup a backup consultant ["plan B"].

recently, i had wanted to consult w/ one of my favorite consultants. we exchanged emails over a two week period, set things up, and even confirmed a few days before.

the night before, she emailed that she had gotten sick and had to cancel [positive points for her doing so].

i understood why she did but still felt a bit down that the meeting was off.
c'est la vie!!

the day of, got up, did some work, felt like i needed some consulting anyway. so, i took out my gvha list, called a consultant and was consulting with her several hours later. if you want to call that an unplanned Plan B, so be it.

i just called it deliteful. [you knew that was coming...]
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Old 05-06-2011, 06:09 PM   #7
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Lmao. 50% of my reviews are "plan B'. Sorry, but I'm too damn horny to just give up and drive home. When ya gotta have it, ya gotta have it, lol.
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Old 05-06-2011, 08:09 PM   #8
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Once I find and set a Plan A my search stops. Often these days I only send out a small number requests so if no Plan A is developed or does not survive reality then I am just shit outta luck. Of course I am in general SOL because many attempts go unanswered and I am a picky Dick.

Of course I still have urge that is left unmet but then I still have money to spend on something that might last longer.

If that urge really needs to be satisfied then I will go to one of those walk in places that is not busy.
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Old 05-07-2011, 01:16 AM   #9
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I never have a Plan B. It's plan A or no go. I keep it simple.
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Old 05-07-2011, 10:54 AM   #10
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Although I hate polls and refuse to be the instigator of one, I think it would be interesting to see the age breakdown of those who do and those who do not hobby with a Plan B action plan. My current working theory is that us old farts just refuse to put up with people who are unreliable, irresponsible and habitually tardy (and simply migrate to other hobby areas such as FBSM, AMPs, Sugarbabies) when we've been required to possess those same qualities in order to work and build to an income level where we can afford this little hobby of ours. (I'll shut up now, for fear I'm starting to sound like my grandmother).
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