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Old 04-30-2011, 10:12 AM   #1
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Default what was he thinking? not good for the donald

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Old 04-30-2011, 05:24 PM   #2
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Sure, he talks tough...
That's about all he can do though. Besides talking tough, he doesn't have an act.
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Old 04-30-2011, 08:53 PM   #3
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Hey, it was fun to listen to.
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Old 05-01-2011, 09:19 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Longermonger View Post
Sure, he talks tough...
That's about all he can do though. Besides talking tough, he doesn't have an act.
He's made billions and more importantly, created hundreds of thousands of jobs. How about you? Or how about the community organizing job destroying sack of shit in the Oval Office?

No, he's not my Presidential choice either. But to argue that Donald Trump has no 'act' is moronic at the least. Unlike the President, he has actually done things in the real world.
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Old 05-01-2011, 09:24 AM   #5
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not my choice either,but obama couldnt carry water for trump.
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:17 PM   #6
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Default DO TELL!!!!

Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
He's made billions and more importantly, created hundreds of thousands of jobs. How about you? Or how about the community organizing job destroying sack of shit in the Oval Office?

No, he's not my Presidential choice either. But to argue that Donald Trump has no 'act' is moronic at the least. Unlike the President, he has actually done things in the real world.

Commmunity organizing, job destroying sack of shit? Really!? You're very ....passionate about Donald Trump.... Very Passionate indeed. LOL. And you get the "Saying Aloud What Others Only Whisper In Private" award. HOORAY for you! You get a gold star!!

I'd love to hear any supporting arguments/facts concerning/explanation/ etc or are these assertions just your erroneous opinion that you've morphed into "facts"
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by thorough9 View Post
Commmunity organizing, job destroying sack of shit? Really!? You're very ....passionate about Donald Trump.... Very Passionate indeed. LOL. And you get the "Saying Aloud What Others Only Whisper In Private" award. HOORAY for you! You get a gold star!!

I'd love to hear any supporting arguments/facts concerning/explanation/ etc or are these assertions just your erroneous opinion that you've morphed into "facts"
I'm not sure about Trump, either, and I wouldn't vote for him in a primary, but KSHunter is right - Obama is a community-organizing, job-destroying, lying (KSHunter forgot that adjective) sack of shit. You don't have to be passionate about Trump to be passionate against the Bamster. Just like your ilk were passionate against Bush43. Or some of us were against Comrade Clinton. Or some of you were against Bush41 and Reagan....and so on....and so on...and so on...
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Old 05-01-2011, 02:29 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by thorough9 View Post
Commmunity organizing, job destroying sack of shit? Really!? You're very ....passionate about Donald Trump.... Very Passionate indeed. LOL. And you get the "Saying Aloud What Others Only Whisper In Private" award. HOORAY for you! You get a gold star!!

I'd love to hear any supporting arguments/facts concerning/explanation/ etc or are these assertions just your erroneous opinion that you've morphed into "facts"
You're kidding, right? Here are a few measurements:

Unemployment rate
Value of a dollar
National debt and annual Federal deficit
Gas prices

Those five measurements above show what devastation Obama has wrought on our economy. You have to be economically illiterate not to understand them.

Let me go farther - not only has Donald Trump done more for the United States economic condition than has Obama, so has any other independent business owner.
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Old 05-01-2011, 03:53 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
You're kidding, right? Here are a few measurements:

Unemployment rate
Value of a dollar
National debt and annual Federal deficit
Gas prices

Those five measurements above show what devastation Obama has wrought on our economy. You have to be economically illiterate not to understand them.

Let me go farther - not only has Donald Trump done more for the United States economic condition than has Obama, so has any other independent business owner.
I think that someone missed the Civics class lesson on "How the U.S. Government works" i.e. you have no idea how government works. Here's a recap for the governmental illiterate:

1. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their job is to make laws for our country.

2. The executive branch of Government makes sure that the laws of the United States are obeyed. The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch of government.

3.The judicial branch of government is made up of the court system. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. Courts decide arguments about the meaning of laws, how they are applied, and whether they break the rules of the Constitution. The judicial branch interprets the laws.

And, by your logic, since independent business owners have done so much more for the economy, as well as Donald Trump, then I'd think that they must be the blame for the current state of the economy. LMAO

Unemployment rate: Obama has what to do with creating jobs? Congress passes the laws and sets the policies that affect job growth. The few appointees that have a direct hand in policy, like Fed Chairmen, etc. and their policies don't affect the every-day-man one bit.

Value of a dollar:
The dollar has been devalued due to the deficit, which didn't accrue in the last two years....

National debt and annual Federal deficit:
Yep, i remember now. When bush left office, the national debt was $0.00, as was the federal deficit! The current debt was all accrued in the last two years.

Gas prices:
WTF does the president have to do with oil prices. Not a damned thing. Remember this free-market economy that is so highly touted? Well bend over, bite the stick, and take it like a man!

So, your insinuations, are really just gripes. Gripes that are pointed toward a convenient target: the president, who through the system of checks and balances, and in a free-market economy, has very limited powers, especially concerning the economy. Sounds to me like you're looking for a scapegoat. You want to blame someone, call your congressman and the independent business owners who keep the economy afloat. BTW, providers(no offense) don't count as independent business owners. LOL! I'm pretty sure that everyone that you know is either an independent business owner or employed by one - A whole gang of Joe The Plumber's. Take away the giants - the GM's, the Schools and Universities, Cessna's, Koch's, Federal Facilities, Hospitals, Fast food, Boeing's, Home Depot's, Walmart's, Banks, Shopping Centers, The Federal, State, and Local Governments, and what do you have? Thousands of unemployed people. Small, independent business owners(no offense), my ass. Your insinuations are wrapped around regurgitated, unsubstantiated, party-line BS

Don't drink the Kool-aid.

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Old 05-01-2011, 04:45 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by deacon View Post
not my choice either,but obama couldnt carry water for trump.

Let's see.

Donald Trump: Son of Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump, who was a prominent American builder and real estate developer. By the time of his death, Frederick Trump had amassed a $400 million estate, left largely to his children, contributing a significant amount to Donald Trump's fortune. By 1994, Donald Trump had amassed a $900 million personal debt and nearly $3.5 billion in business debt. Trump's 2009 libel lawsuit against Timothy O'Brien, for O'Brien's estimating his net worth at less than $250 million, was dismissed.

Barack Obama: Son of a Kansan and an absentee father, lived with grandparents, graduated from the Columbia University in 1983 with a major in Political Science and a specialization in International Relations,went on to become the president of the Harvard Law Review, graduated from the Harvard Law School in 1991, between 1993 and 2004 worked as a lawyer for a law firm and a part-time lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School from 1993 to 2004; he taught constitutional law at the law school.was elected to the United States Senate in 2004, and was elected as the 44th president of the United States in 2008 with an estimated net worth of $10.5 million dollars.

You're right. Do the math. Couldn't carry water for Trump. LOL. I guess that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. LOL.
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:04 PM   #11
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Thorough 9 why did you put your hands down in a fist fight? That means you set yourself up for a knockout but I doubt you will realize that.
1. Congress is responsible for making laws and BUDGETS. The democrats have been in control of both houses since 2007. Every budget passed or not passed is their responsibility. The Senate has been in the hands of the democrats since 2004 when they convinced a RINO, Jim Jeffords, to switch parties. Every treaty and confirmed nomination is their responsibility. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were voted for by democrats and yet, they have not taken up the idea on how to pay for them. They talked about how stretched our military is but have not voted on expanding that same military. They voted for the bail out and then stood by while the money was wasted.
2. The president keeps the laws unless they involve Black Panthers in which our Justice department drops the charges after a conviction and they don't even enforce the law of the land when it concerns abortion. The Justice department puts out memos saying that civil rights cases will not be taken up if the "victim" is white.
3. The Supreme court now has justices that have taken up cases as attorneys that will not recluse themselves from the court which runs counter to two hundred years of jurisprudence. I'm talking about former solicitor Elena Kagen.

You're right Obama has nothing to do with creating jobs but he has a lot to do with killing jobs. Ask the oil rig workers in the Gulf of Mexico, 31,000 out of work. Or the people who lost their businesses because the government (Obama) decided who was going to be successful and who was not going to get a government bailout. All the regulations being initiated by the EPA which is killing jobs without helping the environment. So, yes, Obama (or any president) does not create jobs but they can sure kill them by the thousands.
The gradual deficit has not helped the value of the dollar, that is true but the wholesale printing of money since June of 2009 has resulted in the increased price of oil. The WSJ prints that $1.30 of every gallon of gas is because the dollar is that much weaker. In June of 2009 the fed started QE (quantitative easing) by printing dollars without backing. That was not done by anyone else but the people in charge of the Federal Reserve whom Obama just renominated back to office. Obama has blessed the operation. Jump ahead to see what the president has to do with gas prices and the moratorium in the Gulf.
The national debt has been the responsibility of every president since World War I but some presidents have done more like FDR and especially Barack Hussein Obama Jr. In January 2009 the debt was $5,727,776,738,304 and it increased by $4,899,101,310,609 under eight years of George Bush, 9/11, and two wars. That is $612,787,676,077 a year.
The debt now stands at $14,282,598,097,540 and it has increased by $3,655,721,948,527 or $1,589,444,325,329 per year. So Obama has been increasing the debt over twice as fast as Bush with no additional spending for anything except Obama's war of choice, Libya By the time Obama leaves office in 2013 our debt will likely be $6,357,777,300,00 higher which will be 50% higher in 4 years under Barry than eight years under Bush.
You can blame party line BS but you can't argue with numbers (I know you will, you have no real choice).
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:13 PM   #12
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wow, I mean...wow but I have some questions; what happened to the other Trump children? I guess the Donald had more a head for business that they did or maybe he was more tenacious. Anyway, it would appear that he has fought some real battles out in the business world that he didn't learn in the Wharton School of Business. I guess his time in the New York Military Academy (where he got honors) did him some good.
Barack on the other hand couldn't even get himself published when he was the editor of the Harvard Law review. He either couldn't do it or he didn't try. After reading his first book I was say that he was incapable.
Forget about education; we don't know enough about Obama's to talk about it but lets talk about women. We all know about the Donald's many wives and more than a few of his partners. According to the legend Obama has only had Michelle. Can you imagine that. This mover, shaker, scholar, community organizer, and player has only had ONE single lady in his laugh. It must be true, the press hasn't reported any others. Not like his daddy who got kicked out of Harvard because he couldn't keep in his pants.
You see that is the problem with talking about Barry, we don't know much about his past other than what he wants us to know.
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:57 AM   #13
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blah blah blah. Distort the facts. Destroy or attack someone's credibility. Point the voter away from the real issues and play to their pettiness, selfishness, and hatreds. Stick to the pre-fabricated talking points, and conveniently ignore everything that you can't combat (facts and truth) and doesn't fit into your thought process and talk about Hyperboles, Hypotheticals, and One-Sided Exaggerations. The definition of illogical - as Mr. Spock would say. Typical party line(Conservative, Republican, Tea-Bagger) BS. You're obviously an Obama-Hater.. That's kind of sad. One man is to blame for the problems of decades and an entire nation. What's even more sad(sadder LOL), is if you really believe some of the things that you've said/insinuated. What i'd really like to hear is what you'd say about POTUS if there were no penalties for saying it.................. Although, Nothing you said would shock me.......

Conservative, Republican, Tea-Bagger Philosophy: Rule or Ruin!

Damn, STOP drinking the Kool-aid (Hater-ade) and change your channel from FOX news every once in a while.

Talk as bad about POTUS as you wish, He is still POTUS, and will be POTUS again following the next election. If you don't like it, you can always move to Cuba - but you probably won't because - Saints Alive - they have free shit - like healthcare. I actually hope that Trump runs and wins. Then he can bankrupt the country in the same way that he bankrupted himself - TWICE. I guess that Bush didn't fuck up the country bad enough and now you're clamoring for more. Obama's spent most of his presidency cleaning up Republican shit, which falls in line with Conservative's 1950esque social policies - a woman or minority cleaning up white men's shit - but party line BS has obviously ruined your olfactory system. They say that if you're around an odor long enough, you can't smell it anymore. and before you say it, the stench is not a new one that only started in Nov 2008. SMH.

I'm done with it. Something about "arguing with fools" comes to mind.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:05 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
Thorough 9 why did you put your hands down in a fist fight? That means you set yourself up for a knockout but I doubt you will realize that.
1. Congress is responsible for making laws and BUDGETS. The democrats have been in control of both houses since 2007. Bush was elected in 2000. So from 2000 to 2007, there was a Republican President and Republican Congress. WTF did they accomplish? SEVEN Years! They should have turned the world righside up - if you listen to their "no one is right , except us" rhetoric. Every budget passed or not passed is their responsibility. Touche, Republicans! The Senate has been in the hands of the democrats since 2004 wrong 2007. Dems had it from 2001 to 2003 when they convinced a RINO, Jim Jeffords, to switch parties. Every treaty and confirmed nomination proposed by BUSH is their responsibility. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Proposed or initiated by BUSH were voted for by democrats and yet, they have not taken up the idea on how to pay for them Yeah, Democrats as well as Republicans, swept up in the "for us or against us", unquestionable patriotism, "they're gonna attack us again", republican generated paranoia from the cowboy from texas voted for it, and GOP held both houses until 2007. They talked about how stretched our military is but have not voted on expanding that same military. How're they gonna pay for it(your words) and BUSH stretched them with an illegal war, based upon lies, in IRAQ. If there was only one war, in Afghanistan, the troop numbers would be sufficient. Not to mention the piss-poor planning that necessitated a "surge"(more troops) They voted for the bail out and then stood by while the money was wasted. The bailout was a necessary evil or the country would have been plunged into a depression. I'm sure that GOP voted for the bailout too. Again, BUSH's shit.
2. The president keeps the laws unless they involve Black Panthers in which our Justice department drops the charges after a conviction and they don't even enforce the law of the land when it concerns abortion. The Justice department puts out memos saying that civil rights cases will not be taken up if the "victim" is white. blah, blah, blah angry white man syndrome. What in the Blue Hell do you have to be so angry about? LOL
3. The Supreme court now has justices that have taken up cases as attorneys that will not recluse themselves from the court which runs counter to two hundred years of jurisprudence. I'm talking about former solicitor Elena Kagen. blah, blah, blah. That case is gonna be the straw that's gonna break the camel's back, I'm sure.

You're right Obama has nothing to do with creating jobs but he has a lot to do with killing jobs. Ask the oil rig workers in the Gulf of Mexico, 31,000 out of work. the whole coast is plastered in crude sludge, environmental genocide - Not to mention the thousands of small businesses that depended upon fishing -Of course they're out of a job - they'd just dumped a million barrels of crude into the ocean -DUH/ Or the people who lost their businesses because the government (Obama) decided who was going to be successful and who was not going to get a government bailout. Yep, Obama personally approved/disapproved every individual transaction. POPPYCOCK!! All the regulations being initiated by the EPA which is killing jobs without helping the environment. Yeah, Fuck the environment, as long as we make money. We can buy a new planet. So, yes, Obama (or any president) does not create jobs but they can sure kill them by the thousands.
The gradual deficit has not helped the value of the dollar, that is true but the wholesale printing of money since June of 2009 has resulted in the increased price of oil Again, I call BULLSHIT. The price of oil was pretty stable under Clinton. THEN, an oil-man( talk about a conflict of interests) steals an election, with the help of his brother, the governor of FL, and the price of gas skyrockets. Yeah, the price of gas only increased since 2009.The WSJ prints that $1.30 of every gallon of gas is because the dollar is that much weaker. In June of 2009 the fed started QE (quantitative easing) by printing dollars without backing. That was not done by anyone else but the people in charge of the Federal Reserve whom Obama just renominated back to office. Obama has blessed the operation. Jump ahead to see what the president has to do with gas prices and the moratorium in the Gulf. blah blah blah
The national debt has been the responsibility of every president since World War I but some presidents have done more like FDR(Great Depression) and especially Barack Hussein Obama Jr(Great Recession). In January 2009 the debt was $5,727,776,738,304 and it increased by $4,899,101,310,609 under eight years of George Bush, 9/11, and two wars. That is $612,787,676,077 a year.
The debt now stands at $14,282,598,097,540 and it has increased by $3,655,721,948,527 or $1,589,444,325,329 per year. So Obama has been increasing the debt over twice as fast as Bush with no additional spending for anything except Obama's war (Now it's Obama's war -how convenient. Libya is not even a skirmish. not even a training exercise. The word "war" should burn the lips of your ilk when uttered as an accusation) of choice, Libya By the time Obama leaves office in 2013 our debt will likely be $6,357,777,300,00 higher which will be 50% higher in 4 years under Barry than eight years under Bush.
You can blame party line BS but you can't argue with numbers (I know you will, you have no real choice).
What do you expect them to do? Cut taxes. LAMO!!A Depression and the worst recession since? Sometimes I wish that they'd done nothing and let the country go to shit to teach the likes of you (haters) the true meaning of disgruntled. Two men faced with tasks that would have overwhelmed Trump(can't file for bankruptcy with the government) and they pull an entire country through some bullshit that is entirely the fault of greed(just like gas prices) and deregulation, and haters are thankless.
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Old 05-02-2011, 05:56 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by thorough9 View Post
blah blah blah. Distort the facts. Destroy or attack someone's credibility. Point the voter away from the real issues and play to their pettiness, selfishness, and hatreds. Stick to the pre-fabricated talking points, and conveniently ignore everything that you can't combat (facts and truth) and doesn't fit into your thought process and talk about Hyperboles, Hypotheticals, and One-Sided Exaggerations. The definition of illogical - as Mr. Spock would say. Typical party line(Conservative, Republican, Tea-Bagger) BS. You're obviously an Obama-Hater.. That's kind of sad. One man is to blame for the problems of decades and an entire nation. What's even more sad(sadder LOL), is if you really believe some of the things that you've said/insinuated. What i'd really like to hear is what you'd say about POTUS if there were no penalties for saying it.................. Although, Nothing you said would shock me.......

Conservative, Republican, Tea-Bagger Philosophy: Rule or Ruin!

Damn, STOP drinking the Kool-aid (Hater-ade) and change your channel from FOX news every once in a while.

Talk as bad about POTUS as you wish, He is still POTUS, and will be POTUS again following the next election. If you don't like it, you can always move to Cuba - but you probably won't because - Saints Alive - they have free shit - like healthcare. I actually hope that Trump runs and wins. Then he can bankrupt the country in the same way that he bankrupted himself - TWICE. I guess that Bush didn't fuck up the country bad enough and now you're clamoring for more. Obama's spent most of his presidency cleaning up Republican shit, which falls in line with Conservative's 1950esque social policies - a woman or minority cleaning up white men's shit - but party line BS has obviously ruined your olfactory system. They say that if you're around an odor long enough, you can't smell it anymore. and before you say it, the stench is not a new one that only started in Nov 2008. SMH.

blah, blah, blah. Distort the facts. Destroy or attack someone's credibility. Point the voter away from the real issues and play to their pettiness, selfishness, and hatreds. Stick to the pre-fabricated talking points, and conveniently ignore everything that you can't combat (facts and truth) and doesn't fit into your thought process and talk about Hyperboles, Hypotheticals, and One-Sided Exaggerations.

Amazing that this is a two-way street.

Originally Posted by thorough9 View Post
I'm done with it. Something about "arguing with fools" comes to mind.
And yet, you continue to argue and post...
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