Quite often we see posts where the ladies complain about the cleanliness of certain hobbyist .
There has also been a post by one lady in which she actually gives instructions to the men on how to prepare for a session.
I totally agree with the ladies when they post these threads but I must say whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
In my experiences in the hobby nothing has ruined a session for me more than the smell of week old halibut from a fish market.

Ladies please,please make sure you shower and douche before a session.
If you are running late ask the guy to take a shower with you or wait for you to finish.
If you don't know how , the instructions for using the douche is right on the box.
You ladies expect the men to be clean , we expect the same or more from you.
Nothing finer than a fresh tasting lady and nothing worse than one that isn't.
As for running late to a session , try waking up a couple hours before the session then you have plenty of time to prepare.
Just venting a bit , if I wanted fish I would go to Red Lobster.