Originally Posted by Longermonger
If Republicans only hated Obama for things that he'd actually done, they'd hate him for saving the country from a massive depression, pulling it out of a recession, saving the entire U.S. auto industry, and putting the nation on the road to recovery (jobs included).
Well, it is Easter, so in LM's mind, Obama has risen from the dead.
Actually, I hate him for trying to take over 1/6 of the American economy against the will of the people. I hate him for apologizing to the world. I hate him for bowing to leaders of foreign countries. I hate him for making the US a laughing stock around the world. I hate him for saying he will ignore a federal judge's ruling that Obamacare was unconstitutional. I hate him for being a two-faced jackass (a proud symbol of the Democrat party) by telling the country that Bush 43's decisions about Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, the debt ceiling and signing statements were wrong and then doing the exact same things Bush 43 did. I hate him for not coming clean about his birth certificate and just releasing it to shut everyone up. I hate him because he does not allow for domestic exploration of oil and keeps up the moratorium on drilling in the Gulf and ANWAR. I hate him because he is a socialist liberal who thinks that American exceptionalism is archaic and that the Constitution can be used as toilet paper.
Mainly, I hate him because his policies and his politics will ultimately ruin the country and he must be defeated and destroyed (politically) at every turn and at every opportunity. I hope he fails.
But, he's probably a wonderful husband and father...
How's that, LM, for hating him for things he's actually done...

- Your turn