At this point in my P4P odyssey, chemistry is very highly valued. Which
can be chemistry with several ladies in the rotation, thus maintaining
some degree of variety as well.
Of course, chemistry sometimes fades and ladies sometime retire. Not to mention that there's probably room for one more in the rotation.

So I occasionally check new "prospects.". Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to predict. At best, you can weed out some low probability ladies. Even with careful consideration, the percentage of new prospects who turn out to have that chemistry is relatively low. Of course, chemistry is a two-way street, so that may say more about me than about them. But I rarely see someone for the first time unless I think there's a reasonable possibility of that chemistry. And with occasional exceptions I probably don't see a lady more than once or twice unless there are indications that chemistry is developing.
I'm probably decreasing the extent of seeing new prospects in recent years. At some point, I lose the enthusiasm for "blind dating" with a low probability of success. I haven't found a good way of increasing the odds; even socials (when I went to them) didn't help much. Or maybe it's just that there aren't many ladies who are good matches for me -- again, more about me than about them.