#20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.
DTorchia I dont even know who you are but I like you already!!!
Careful though you just might get all flamed for being a WK or something>>
ATTENTION I have never met DTorchia so let it go if your gonna start a huge stupid rumor>>>>
Ok so I posted rule #20 and thank you sooo much for this:
Not hating but she has a hug rep for alternate handles and or access to men's areas. I believe that is the rep that is being mentioned. Not hating, just saying....
Honey honey honey in my defense I have had one other handle and for merely the only reason it was changed was security reasons. All the mods that have met me yes personally know why and was given permission to change.
The previous handle I had held over 100 great reviews on other reputable sites that are shut down. Yes I have to let all of you know I am not a provider that just lets the lil bunch of meansprited hobbiest continue to bash providers and fellow hobbiest at that. I am the mama of many providers in here that have only became good providers with my help. I feel its my duty to have meanspirited hobbiest attack me verbally so the sweet innocent providers can read what you say so they dont have you BCD....
As far as access to the pathetic LR first of all I have no interest in reading the ridiculous elementary comments made on me or any other provider. I am guessing that the LR is infected by rude and mean hobbiest that have no life. They go on and on about bullshit of good providers instead of focusing on the providers that scam you day in and day out. Where have you all been theres hate sites out there....helllooooo I am assuming who knows who cares....I didnt make em haters did and again I have no interest but to be a good provider...
I have been a fucken great provider for years in between finding love twice throughout ASPD and now here at ECCIE. Yes MANY love me hobbiest and providers. I have a big heart and a big fat meaty tight pussy. Perhaps thats what all the fuss is about is what I am told who fucken cares.
All I know is when I provide in between falling in and out of love I go full force and give my best. Now isnt that what the focus should be all about??? This community consist of thousands of wonderful and professional horny individuals. The drauma these haters cause they dont give a rats ass. They give a fuck if I am going to provide good service or not.
My reputation consists of all the professionals I worked my ass off to please day in and day out as a good provider. If you dont want to meet me because I changed my handle or drauma seems to follow me because I will tell you like it is>>>Then dont see me plain and simple
Do us all fucken HUGE favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP>>If you have nothing nice to say about someone you have never met then stay the fuck quiet....Its a sure way to turn off all the providers in here from seeing you!!!
Have a wonderful flippen day I know I will!!!