Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Some girls like to come in like a hurricane, make their money, and get out. This seems to be her angle and I applaud her for doing what she needs to do to make her goal.
Yeah, kind of like the "weekenders" in Vegas. Drive in from LA Wednesday night, drive home Monday morning. I knew one chick when I lived in LA who would do that every so often. Maybe three a day at $150 a pop (this was in the late 70s) for four nights. Be in his room, stay at a slightly above dump with three friends and go home with maybe $1500. She burned three days of vacation, so she was getting paid twice. Although she was making $1500 a month (she had a BS in EE!!!)
We dated a couple of times and I'd say she was worth the $150.
Although I usually paid for a movie
and dinner. Unless she did.