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Old 04-06-2011, 12:46 AM   #1
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Default ECCIE Social?

Ok, so I was just talking with another poster and a thought hit me. Although Whispers SC events are great fun, what do people think about a full blown ECCIE Social party?!
Now, here's a few thoughts. Instead of this being a clique thing....."I won't come if so and so is there" or "let's not invite so and so"....I'm talking about all sides going beyond their comfort zones and EVERYBODY making a serious effort to attend. Irregardless of who's there, but everybody showing up for an evening of socializing. People get to interact face to face, put handles and faces together and maybe, just MAYBE fun could be had by all?!

What say Ye ECCIE board members????
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Old 04-06-2011, 01:09 AM   #2
Hope I haven't bored you!
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You REALLY should learn to do some research!
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Old 04-06-2011, 01:43 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You REALLY should learn to do some research!
I'm quite aware that Socials have been held before. I'm also aware that some of the socials suffered from small turn out or, in some cases posters complained of not going because of the perception of cliques. The reason for this thread was an outreach toward everyone, to possibly consider coming outside of their comfort zone and attend such an event. I was reaching out to those who may have reservations about attending, for whatever reasons. We all know you're quite the social butterfly Whispers so this thread certainly wasn't an attempt to prod you to attend. I took your attendance as a given.
What I'd like to see is guys who feel they have issues with certain people here or others who are hesitant to attend because of "perceptions" to consider attending a Social.
Sorry if that rubbed you the wrong way or if you see this as a waste of time Whispers.
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Old 04-06-2011, 01:56 AM   #4
Hope I haven't bored you!
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It doesn't rub me the wrong way at all..... Those are the kind of comments that tend to start discussions on a slide.........

Someone brings this up every few months and there is a lot of talk and then it degenerates into control and security issues and nothing ever happens on anything other than a small scale.......

That's what I meant about doing research.....

You might ACTUALLY find that there is STILL regular socials being held......

The BIGGEST reason people SAY they don't go is they were tired of meeting the same old providers time after time after time.....

Who tend to be the ones exerting the "control"..... deciding who is worth allowing to come.....

But I sincerely wish you the best of luck... There are never enough parties.....
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Old 04-06-2011, 03:30 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
It doesn't rub me the wrong way at all..... Those are the kind of comments that tend to start discussions on a slide.........

Someone brings this up every few months and there is a lot of talk and then it degenerates into control and security issues and nothing ever happens on anything other than a small scale.......

That's what I meant about doing research.....

You might ACTUALLY find that there is STILL regular socials being held......

The BIGGEST reason people SAY they don't go is they were tired of meeting the same old providers time after time after time.....

Who tend to be the ones exerting the "control"..... deciding who is worth allowing to come.....

But I sincerely wish you the best of luck... There are never enough parties.....
That's exactly why I would try to gather as diverse a group as possible, of providers and hobbyists. When I throw a pool party at my house, I never invite just my close friends. I try to branch out, get various people from the neighborhood etc so that there's a wide range of personalities, lifestyle and backgrounds in attendance. It usually works. If it works in the civillian world....why not the hobby world?! Call me an optimist You're right, there can never be enough parties.
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Old 04-06-2011, 09:04 AM   #6
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I am in..........Will wear my lowest cut shirt/dress ever............LOL Just in case there is not a sunset to watch lol unless of course you have it at the Oasis. I went there Sunday first time since the fire, The Food was actually good well the Fajitas and Nachos were good. I did not order Dinner and told my friends not to order because the food was so bad last time yet everything we ordered was good food wise.. her drink was maybe a 5 on the recture scale and my mojito was a 8 and well unless your in Miami it is hard to find a 10 mojito Go figure......
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Old 04-06-2011, 10:27 AM   #7
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I am down
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Old 04-06-2011, 10:33 AM   #8
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I can't afford to out myself to this community. It could seriously damage my bid for re-election.

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Old 04-06-2011, 10:54 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Majichands View Post
I am in..........Will wear my lowest cut shirt/dress ever............LOL Just in case there is not a sunset to watch lol unless of course you have it at the Oasis. I went there Sunday first time since the fire, The Food was actually good well the Fajitas and Nachos were good. I did not order Dinner and told my friends not to order because the food was so bad last time yet everything we ordered was good food wise.. her drink was maybe a 5 on the recture scale and my mojito was a 8 and well unless your in Miami it is hard to find a 10 mojito Go figure......
Oasis is not a bad idea....not sure though how folks living out South would feel about that drive. I'll see how much interest there is for the idea of a Social first and then we'll see about location.
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Old 04-06-2011, 11:04 AM   #10
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Sounds fun to me
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Old 04-06-2011, 11:20 AM   #11
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What kind of atmosphere/place would you all like to to see considered for the possible Social?
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Old 04-06-2011, 11:20 AM   #12
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I have no issues with socials. I was told once that I would not be welcome at one of the other socials. Whether or not that came from the host or not, I decided not to attend those socials. I have enough people I can hang out with on the boards and off to not worry about some BS.

Regardless of POV, I have stated on these boards that I can grab a drink with anyone and exchange war stories, etc.

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Old 04-06-2011, 11:20 AM   #13
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I'm down!
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Old 04-06-2011, 11:29 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I have no issues with socials. I was told once that I would not be welcome at one of the other socials. Whether or not that came from the host or not, I decided not to attend those socials. I have enough people I can hang out with on the boards and off to not worry about some BS.

Regardless of POV, I have stated on these boards that I can grab a drink with anyone and exchange war stories, etc.

That's exactly what I'm talking about Sixx. I had heard similar complaints about previous socials and that's one thing I would like to avoid at a possible future one. EVERYBODY would be welcome. Your being willing to grab a drink and shoot the breeze with anyone is exactly the type of attitude I hoped all would approach this Social idea with. If more people approach it with that attitude, who knows, some may just find themselves saying: "Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." (Points to those who know where this line is from)
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Old 04-06-2011, 11:47 AM   #15
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We (a bunch of hobbiest's) used to do it all the time in Phoenix (4-6 times a year). We'd rent a villa (private "house" with pool & security fence) at one of the resorts for 3 day/2 nights and stock it up. Guys all had to be known/screened (our membership was roughly 120 guys or so) and gals were invited based on member recommendations. Entire bill was footed by guys (normally a $40 or so door fee {based on 40-50}). ended up with a Thursday afternoon to Sat morning running party.

It's about 50/50 I try to put one together this summer but about 100% for next summer (just don't know enough folks here yet).
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