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Coed Discussions - Austin Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 04-05-2011, 10:30 PM   #16
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You have to register, I think.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:31 PM   #17
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But I'd like to see what I'm registering for first. I guess that's not going to happen.

Edit: I can't even view the FAQ without registering first. Fuck them.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:34 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by DTorchia
In theory I have to agree with you, in practice though, at least on this board as of late, it seems that the ones that conduct themselves respectfully and try to stay above the fray are constantly drowned out by others who don't play that way.

I would have to disagree. Posters like Maxeen, Roxanne, Hannah, and tonight, Naomi seem to be having some fun posting. Sure there was drama a few nights nights ago but these ladies seem to be enjoying themselves the last couple of nights ago.

I tell it like it is. Yes, I contribute to the drama but I am not the only one. The so called martyrs like Yssup and RREB thread hijack and start crap like the rest. Yet, they act like they are on some high horse. They really are no different.

It's pretty obvious when you read some of the posts that there's an attempt to marginalize and drive off or silence those who don't agree with certain view points.

I think its a free for all on both sides........

Sixx, Hit the nail on the head with this one. All those guys do is look for our post and then they do the same thing. Then when any of us get the best of them they start to cry about it.

Attack Pack whatever! Here is the deal there are a few of us that have hung out and drank a few beers together at some SC. We have something in common we like naked women. Duh ! Every Hobbyist here should have at least that in common. All the rest is pure entertainment value. If you can't laugh at some of this stuff. You feel so high and mighty and want to go to another board well see ya later.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:35 PM   #19
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I would have to disagree. Posters like Maxeen, Roxanne, Hannah, and tonight, Naomi seem to be having some fun posting. Sure there was drama a few nights nights ago but these ladies seem to be enjoying themselves the last couple of nights ago.

Well, since you bring that up, I noticed that myself. Now, we're just talking here Sixx, you think that might be because you guys forgive the girls way faster than the guys? I mean after all, you don't wanna f*ck the guys so it seems natural that even if you get in a spat with the girls, they're more readily forgiven. I don't see any attempt though to do the same with the guys that you all usually beef with.

Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I think its a free for all on both sides........

For the record, and before I'm accused of being on one side or the other, or not picking a side at all, my main beef is this. It does at times come across that some people here are bullying other people. That just rubs me the wrong way. Call it a character flaw in me I guess. I've been that way since grade school. I always seemed to jump in to help weaker kids. It does seem though that it's never one on one, but the minute one guy from your group (not calling them a pack) has beef, the others quickly jump in and then it gets ugly. Having said that, some of the "other" guys don't seem to know when to let things drop either. So I'll agree partially with your last statement that at that point, it DOES seem to turn into a free for all. Just my two worthless cents.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:35 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
At any given time, about 4000 people are logged on (yeah, I've been tracking usage). And yes, you have worked so hard and frequently at being obnoxious that everyone knows you're an attack member...

How do you know that for sure seriously? I know you are trying to make a point and all. I just want to know how you know that ALL 4,000 members logged in know I am a member of the attack pack.....
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:37 PM   #21
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Back channels.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:42 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
Lame, dude. You can't counter the substance so you seek diversion through details. Keep jerking off, I have a long day tomorrow with an early start, so I'll check back tomorrow evening or in a few days. Or a few weeks... you'll still be spouting the same useless empty shit whenever ...
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:47 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I think its a free for all on both sides........

Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
Originally Posted by DTorchia
In theory I have to agree with you, in practice though, at least on this board as of late, it seems that the ones that conduct themselves respectfully and try to stay above the fray are constantly drowned out by others who don't play that way.

I would have to disagree. Posters like Maxeen, Roxanne, Hannah, and tonight, Naomi seem to be having some fun posting. Sure there was drama a few nights nights ago but these ladies seem to be enjoying themselves the last couple of nights ago.

I tell it like it is. Yes, I contribute to the drama but I am not the only one. The so called martyrs like Yssup and RREB thread hijack and start crap like the rest. Yet, they act like they are on some high horse. They really are no different.

It's pretty obvious when you read some of the posts that there's an attempt to marginalize and drive off or silence those who don't agree with certain view points.

I think its a free for all on both sides........

Sixx, Hit the nail on the head with this one. All those guys do is look for our post and then they do the same thing. Then when any of us get the best of them they start to cry about it.

Attack Pack whatever! Here is the deal there are a few of us that have hung out and drank a few beers together at some SC. We have something in common we like naked women. Duh ! Every Hobbyist here should have at least that in common. All the rest is pure entertainment value. If you can't laugh at some of this stuff. You feel so high and mighty and want to go to another board well see ya later.
Granted, I've only been to one single event with some of you guys. Got along with everybody there. No issues, no problems. I can't speak for others, only what I myself see and sense going on. That's why I mentioned what I did with you yesterday Wylde, cause I felt you went out of your way to jump on someone. Your response was that most of what you say is joking. Ok, fair enough. I'll grant that the internet at times can obscure real intentions. However I think it's true too, and if you guys are honest, there does seem to be at times a lot of "jumping in" to show you have the other guys back. That's when posters complain about a "pack" mentality. I haven't been here long, but here's how I look at it. Guys like Whispers, Sixx, RandL, they are quite capable of handling themselves. So when they have beef with someone, I sit back and watch the show. I wish at times others in their group would too. When everybody starts piling on though, that's when I sometimes feel the need to speak up.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:51 PM   #24
Reya Sunshine
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Originally Posted by Booth View Post
Back channels.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:54 PM   #25
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I have been watching this board for 5 months. It can be a fun place to be entertained and educated by the good postings.

If our MODS will tighten up on hijacking and attacks it may bring some of the members back that have left the Austin board for more fun ECCIE boards.

I would like to thank our MODS for a tough,unpaid,and long hrs. job of trying to herd chickens and other varmints!!!!
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Old 04-05-2011, 11:02 PM   #26
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Mr. DTorchia

I wish I had your way with words
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Old 04-05-2011, 11:12 PM   #27
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Unless ERAPS is giving credit for my time at ECCIE they can continue to be that exclusive club where only the cool kids go... to be alone and listen to the crickets, lol. Besides I like ECCIE it's been good to me. Possibly because we don't have as many assholes in SA, but that's merely conjecture on my part.

ECCIE is number 1 because of the overwhelming lack of canucks and limeys.
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Old 04-05-2011, 11:28 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
Lame, dude. You can't counter the substance so you seek diversion through details. Keep jerking off, I have a long day tomorrow with an early start, so I'll check back tomorrow evening or in a few days. Or a few weeks... you'll still be spouting the same useless empty shit whenever ...

Yeah.... But in between all that useless shit he spouts he will write a few reviews, contributes some useful information, hang out with some freinds and have a pretty good time over all....

as apposed to those of you that whine!
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Old 04-05-2011, 11:51 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by DTorchia View Post
.........I haven't been here long, but here's how I look at it. Guys like Whispers, Sixx, RandL, they are quite capable of handling themselves. So when they have beef with someone, I sit back and watch the show. I wish at times others in their group would too. When everybody starts piling on though, that's when I sometimes feel the need to speak up.
That's part of the problem.,....

You PERCEIVE that we are a group because we have similar ideas and will support each other.

We also often disagree.....

But there is no ALERT signal that brings forth the troops.....

Other then idiots baiting the waters and looking for confrontation.....

Many of us have come to know each other off the boards as well....

drink in the same bars.... hit on and yes... sleep with the same women.....

there are women that hang out with us as well..... you don't see them posting a lot.... hmmm I wonder why that is?... Maybe.... Maybe thay are pretty well supported by the community they are a part of? Maybe when someone asks for a referral or a recomendation their names come up first?

Pretty much human nature to refer business ot people you aready do business with huh?

complain all you want but we ALL get better mileage and save money as a result of building relationships within the community.....

AS you found out when you came..... It is a diverse group.......

and EVERYONE is welcomed.......

welcomed does not necessarily mean wanted however and that is where some resentment comes to play.....

but that is also the cornerstone of the other "group" around here which is not as diverse or welcoming.....

there is far more fighting here started by people resentful of not being a part of something they could very well be a part of if they wanted too....

You may find things on ERAPS a bit different than you think....

to begin with.... many of us are members there and I recently had a run in a thread there that was NOT allowed here.....

ERAPS is more open on some issues here and handles problems in a different manner.

Yes they have female mods and admins..... but they have rules as well.....

Here your mods won't go toe to toe with you...... there you will find mods that can cut you up on line as well as some think I can.....

It could be a lot of fun.... I like a lot of the folks over there and have posted with some of them for almost 10 years....

The Austin forums are very slow but take a look in Houston or Dallas to see what is tolerated.....

You might be surprised....

If all you are looking for is a place to flirt and play.... Sure..... there are a lot of other places you can look......

I'm a member of and post on a half a dozen different boards.....

But like others have said.....

Try actually contributing useful ideas and threads and respect the right of those that disagree.....

Learn to argue issues and attack concepts... not people......

Most of you need to learn to not get all emotionally wrapped up in words on the internet.....

Maybe this is all some of you have..... If so... damn but...that's pretty fucking pathetic.....

You are being done a favor if someone hurts your feelings and runs you off....... There is a lot of fun to be had outside your doors and away from your computers......

There is a lot of fun here as well....

Wherever you go...... don't worry..... I'm usually around if there is some fun happening!
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Old 04-06-2011, 12:04 AM   #30
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Not sure if you're speaking in general terms or specifically to me since you quoted my post. I didn't mention ERAPS and personally, I can't picture anyone running me off from this board or anywhere else. As others have mentioned, you are intelligent and you DO know exactly what you're doing Whispers. I have no beef with you or anyone else but we do disagree on some things. Personally, I do feel there's a "let's put them in their place" mentality that takes place here at times. That seems to be directed toward some women and men. It's no coincidence that when some of the girls have spoken up before, there seems at times to be an effort (sometimes, not all) to say...."Let's not forget who's paying who here" mentality. It's plain to see. If a guy disagrees with this he's a WK, PWLD, etc.. Let's keep it real here Whispers, you know this is true and you know you and others have done it and done so consciously.
Like you say, own up to your feelings and actions.
I could care less who deems me or others "worthy" of being on the board as to our contributions, reviews etc. It simply doesn't matter to me. I utilize the board for MY purposes as YOU utilize the board for YOURS. Live and let live.
Bottom line....if a woman on the board is needlessly attacked, I'll say something. That's just the way it is. If 10 posters jump on one guy who's trying to make a VALID point (in my opinion), I'll say something. No one's gonna stop that and I'll do so without the slightest concern of which side of the "Fence" that puts me on.
I've met some pretty cool people on this site, both in person and on the board.
I've participated in the hobby but choose not to write about it for varying reasons. Some say that's selfish, I think it's smart given MY situation. I have nothing to "prove" to anyone.
I'll stay here as long as I continue to have fun, as long as it continues to fulfill what I came here for and as long as I stay within the rules and don't get booted.
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