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Old 04-05-2011, 09:40 AM   #166
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Come on now LL we all know or should know he didn't mean "top" as in superior. He actually meant it as "very plain". Such as a level 1 conversation which has no substance. In turn someone as myself that stays mostly at a level 1 (plain) sex I would be the one that could see someone such as the OP as superior to me
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Old 04-05-2011, 09:48 AM   #167
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It would be nice to have such a forum on this board. Perhaps Mr.Rafo would care to resume his duties. Myself I don't care what grief I get but there are others more fearful of backlash. I say to each their own. As long as it doesn't harm anyone(unless they consent) get your freak on. But I'm just breaking into this scene. I'm still "learning the ropes". Itd be nice to have a place where people of a like-mind can exchange information. Unfortunately it is not here. AR is nice but what's to keep someone who has a problem with what I and people like me to keep up with our goings on there?
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Old 04-05-2011, 09:52 AM   #168
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I agree with this in a lot of ways. However the OP started the thread because he felt that it's a shame that some feel the need to hide their preferences due to being rejected by a potential lady they may want to see. By starting a private forum so that they can remain private, wouldn't that defeat the whole thing they are trying to avoid......

I do feel that it is a shame that people have to hide who they are for fear of being condemned. I do however feel that it is interesting that some seem so irritated that some don't have any intrest in that lifestyle in any way. There is a difference in asking someone to sit down and talk to you, hang out, or eat and asking someone to have sex with you

Originally Posted by Mr Clever View Post
This hobby has many levels for all of our different perversions. Most of us stay on top level....However, some have been known to travel deeper. If those who wish to venture downward wanna fuck each other in the ass or whip the shit out of each other while tied up with a red ball in their mouth.

Then so be it. It's not bothering me.

And for the record, RAFO77 was the most upfront hobbyiest to partake in TS girls and review them.

He is the one who's idea it was to start the secret forums. He got tired of taking shit from everyone. He was appointed the only moderator....the forum was called "master of gapes." While talking to him he told me that he himself was surprised who requested access. He wouldn't tell me exactly who they were [big secret] but he said even he was shocked who posted reviews. Guys you would have never imagined. It's more prevalent than most think.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:14 AM   #169
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"What they don't know won't hurt them?" Most people seem comfortable with the fact they don't need to know. But if they did then their feelings about that person change. Its all psychological. There is nothing different between me and say you? Is there?
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:27 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
"What they don't know won't hurt them?" Most people seem comfortable with the fact they don't need to know. But if they did then their feelings about that person change. Its all psychological. There is nothing different between me and say you? Is there?
What I don't know...I don't give a fuck about.

And, to the other guy who questioned my wording....really? [ROLLS EYES]

RAFO has moved back to Peru.
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:31 AM   #171
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As human beings, no there is no difference. Yes most are not comfortable not knowing but some are not.

Is it wrong for a person to not want to sleep with someone that has a sexual intrest that makes them uncomfortable?

I know ladies that don't want to see someone that likes nqns. Is that wrong? I don't think so. I understand the concept of don't ask don't tell. I get it, but to get upset because someone chooses not to see you based on how they feel I believe is the same as not accepting them. Is it not?
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:59 AM   #172
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Once again I wouldn't see someone if they feel uncomfortable with me. I don't run around saying I'm Oob with other ladies. I just so happened to approach Audrina here then schedule with her through P411. She did some research and found me to be acceptable. Even said I was a "sweet" guy. But me revealing what I'm into is irrelevant when I decide to see a woman. Those I have revealed my proclivities to I had some sort of rapport. And so far they are ok with it.
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Old 04-05-2011, 11:22 AM   #173
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OOB I really wasn't accusing you of doing so and don't mean to come off that way. Unfortunately I'm not the best at wording my thoughts lol. People do what I'm talking about everyday. Some are complete pricks towards others and then purposely schedule thru other means therefore taking a person's option of saying no due to not liking how they are being treated. Personally I think that is wrong. It's just my opinion so it doesn't really matter.

This is a different subject but along the same lines.
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Old 04-05-2011, 12:18 PM   #174
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No offense taken. I use P411 for expediency. I see something I like here I contact through there. Send a request and presto! I'm in. Little to no hassle. I pay for it so why not use it. No hassle of sending a pm with ref's and yadda yadda. It rocks.
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Old 04-05-2011, 12:26 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
There is a difference in asking someone to sit down and talk to you, hang out, or eat and asking someone to have sex with you
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Old 04-05-2011, 06:06 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
No disrespect J353. I was merely comparing an act that could be construed as "dirty" vs. Seeing someone who could be construed as "dirty". I've seen a TS and Don and Naomi see me as "tainted". You've stuck your tongue up a womans bum and some may think "I don't want to kiss him, his tongue has been who knows where". Of course I'm sure your hygeine is impeccable. Just making parallels on the taboo. I myself have an interest in DATO. Never done it, just haven't had enough nerve to try.
No disrespect taken.

Let's look at sexual acts, that can be construed as "dirty" or "filthy." In my case, my form of DATO (which is part of it. My fetish is ass play in general) is a little more extreme than your basic licking of the ass. Yes I have had individuals comment on my reviews and go as far as to PM me to tell me what a sick individual I am. In my own straightforward and direct manner, I usually tell them to go fuck themselves. If they don't like it, tough shit! Now that is other hobbyists that I am referring too.

Providers... Different story all together.

In the 9 years that I have been indulging my cravings in this lifestyle, there have been 2 cases where I ran into a couple ladies who weren't receptive to my lingual offerings.
The first was a spa girl who felt it tickled her so bad that she just couldn't handle it. She wasn't repulsed, she just couldn't handle the sensation.
The second was a very much sought after independent provider that made a comment that she wouldn't kiss me, period. I laughed in her face!!! We were at a social so we were actually face to face when this happened.
She shrugged me off and I dismissed her due to the fact that I had no interest in fucking her in the first place. No loss to me!

For the most part, as long as I don't try to stick my dick in their ass, they let me play with them. Like I said earlier...it feels good to them. They like it.

As far as cleanliness...yes...I am impeccably clean. Now, why would a lady who just let me eat her ass, let me DFK her about 2 seconds later? Because they are impeccably clean themselves and have no worries about it.

Some of these ladies cater to fetishes that would probably make me vomit. So DATO really isn't that extreme, IMHO.


Why would there be individuals on this board who feel that YOU are dirty?

It isn't the sex act, it's who you chose to perform it with. There are many people whether they are in this hobby or civilians, who feel that homosexuality is an unnatural act that there is no excuse for. They were raised their entire lives believing that individuals who will lay down with members of the same sex are sick perverts who should be given no quarter...and they will not give an inch.

What I find astonishing, is women who consider themselves bi-sexual, are applauded for it by the same individuals who are willing to burn a man at the stake for the same damn thing. To me, these people are the epitome of hypocrite.

In my opinion, bi-sexuals are the most liberated out of all of us. They say " sex is sex, why discriminate?" So true...for them.
It is also my opinion that men who salivate over a TS aren't necessarily "gay" due to the fact that they may find that having sex with another masculine figure is repulsive...but...they have a fascination with the male penis. What is the best of both worlds?... a TS. A woman in figure who just happens to be sporting a dick for them to play with. It really isn't anything other than that.

Ok, I've rambled enough...but that is my opinion and beliefs whether anyone chooses to agree or not.
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Old 04-05-2011, 06:51 PM   #177
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Well said, Johnny Numbers.

The small-mindedness and "sexual bigotry" of this community never ceases to amaze me. This thing of ours, even at its most basic, plain-vanilla level, is taboo to the vast majority of folks. Additionally, as a point of fact, it's illegal. You would, therefore, think that those involved would be more tolerant of others' proclivities and perversities, but we're not. This is one big fucking glass house.
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Old 04-05-2011, 07:21 PM   #178
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Here are my truths.
I'm always clean for every provider I've ever seen.
I don't smoke, do drugs or drink.
I always write great reviews for great providers that want them.
I've never missed a session.
I've treated every provider I've ever seen with the utmost respect and kindness.
I've played safe with every provider I've ever been with regular and unleaded.
I've seen most of Houston's top providers through the years.
I've seen several TS providers through the years.
I've been told by a highly respected provider that she did want to session with me after seeing one of my TS reviews.

If you don't want me as one of your clients, it is your loss.
If you think I bring additional risk to you as a client than any other guy, then you don't understand this hobby or the six degrees of seperation that has already been mentioned.
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Old 04-05-2011, 07:41 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by lizardking View Post
The small-mindedness and "sexual bigotry" of this community never ceases to amaze me. This thing of ours, even at its most basic, plain-vanilla level, is taboo to the vast majority of folks. Additionally, as a point of fact, it's illegal. You would, therefore, think that those involved would be more tolerant of others' proclivities and perversities, but we're not. This is one big fucking glass house.
Damn, you're good!!!!!

I agree 100%!
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Old 04-05-2011, 07:47 PM   #180
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Is there a "line" in the hobby? (As in one you won't cross)
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