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Old 04-04-2011, 07:50 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Absolutely not EA. I'm not suggesting anyone try it. Its not for everyone. Its a choice. A CHOICE! But to be like Don or Naomi and suggest there's some sort of "taint" on me or people like me is ludicrous. What about men who seek providers that do greek? Its just a hole. How about women on women? Are they considered to carry a "taint"? As if they're untouchable? So I see a TS then I see provider X and all of a sudden she's "off limits" for some of you? Explain this to me.
I agree that you have not suggested that anyone try what you have "chosen" to try and I respect that.

I find it interesting that noone seems to have a problem with others in a sense forcing someone to do something they choose not to do by not saying, hiding, lieing, whatever word you wanna use, therefore taking that "choice" away.

While I am well aware that there is no way any of us will ever fully know what someone else is into and the likelihood (pretty sure that isn't spelled right.lol) that we have already done something we would rather have not is high. We all do the best we can to know who we are seeing and accepting that we will not know everything.

I also find it sad that so many here that say it is wrong to say that what others choose to do is wrong are hell bent on telling someone here that they are wrong.

As for judging others..... Everyone of us here judge others on a daily basis by reading reviews and forming our own opinions. Providers do it by screening and forming an opinion based on references. We all judge each other so I suggest getting used to it.....

OOB I have quite a bit of respect for the fact that you are willing to live your life without fear of what others think. I have done the same. I don't have to hide what I do from anyone and am willing to talk about it with anyone that wants to know about why I do what I do. Most here are not willing to do that.
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:58 PM   #152
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Naomi is banned???
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:00 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Don, I haven't named ONE name in this thread. IF you'll recall you brought up sweetmandy. And Audrina chimed in of her own accord. I wouldn't do such a thing to you. I can't keep you from seeing any review I post. Whether it be TS or a normal woman. You will have to deal with your own shortcomings.
Exactly, OOB never named anyone. I "self-alerted" myself (lol). Then Don must have done a little research (which he said he wouldn't do because he wants to avoid the images) to find out about Mandy.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:06 PM   #154
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There is a lot of underlying homophobia in this thread.

Me, I don't give a shit.

OOB, it's your money and your fantasy. Do your thing, no problems from me.

Let's go back to 6 degrees of separation, most of us have somehow or another slept with each other. Say for example both OOB and I have slept with Naomi, then by the theory of 6 degrees of separation (assuming OOB has seen a TS) I've slept with a TS if I see her after OOB has.

My mistake is thinking the hobby is pretty much free from most forms of discrimination, but I was wrong and this thread proves it.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:16 PM   #155
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If I'm not mistaken the title of this thread includes TS's. If someone wants to avoid all things gay, bi, or TS why even click the link?
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:18 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
My mistake is thinking the hobby is pretty much free from most forms of discrimination, but I was wrong and this thread proves it.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:18 PM   #157
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With the sheer amount of times I've posted in this thread I guess I've proven that I'm not homophobic....lol.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:23 PM   #158
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Let's take a different tack for a moment. If I may sir J353 borrow you for an example. He likes to DATO. Its a fetish of his sticking his tongue in the orifice of where a woman defecates. Would a provider be less likely to see him? Shit! He's practically popular for it!
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:23 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak View Post
I got no beef with homosexuals doing what they do, so long as they keep it to themselves and don't take smug, self-congratulatory delight in causing disgust among people who believe these acts are unnatural and perverted. My beef is with homosexual zealots who love causing disgust so much they won't shut up, and with the government which has created a protected class ... of perverts.

Senor Numbers, respectfully, I wish you would let this wash over you: my plea, and I believe Naomi's as well...although I may be wrong about hers...is not to eliminate possibilities, which would be impossible and quixotic; it is to eliminate nausea-inducing imagery. If I don't know about it, I do not give a fuck. I won't care because there would be no chance of some damn unwanted vision robbing me of my ardor. This is why I've politely asked the OP to please stop naming names...it's de facto psychological cockblocking.
Yummy, I bet you're almost as delicious as Santorum http://www.spreadingsantorum.com/

How dare those homos be proud of their acts of unnaturalness because you sir are so very natural, bitch please.

Also, I can't believe you actually said "unnatural" I'm reminded of the Lenny Bruce bit regarding The Lone Ranger and they ask what he wants Tonto or the horse for and he responds with "an unnatural act" and it ends with a cacophony of "the lone ranger is a fag man a fag man." good stuff.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:29 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Let's take a different tack for a moment. If I may sir J353 borrow you for an example. He likes to DATO. Its a fetish of his sticking his tongue in the orifice of where a woman defecates. Would a provider be less likely to see him? Shit! He's practically popular for it!
One of the things I respect about John and yourself is you both make it known what you do and like therefore if a provider doesn't want to see you based on what you are into then that's her choice and what do you guys do...... you accept it and move on to someone who does want to see you. Or so I assume you do.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:10 PM   #161
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Definitely EA. I wouldn't want to see someone who feels similar the way Naomi does towards someone like me. That would not be a good time. I'm not really trying to stir shit up, but look at it from the others who have to hide. It saddens me a little. As for judging me I don't care. I'm comfortable with who I am. I had to come to that decision before I acted on my desires.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:17 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Let's take a different tack for a moment. If I may sir J353 borrow you for an example. He likes to DATO. Its a fetish of his sticking his tongue in the orifice of where a woman defecates. Would a provider be less likely to see him? Shit! He's practically popular for it!
No problem, but isn't this comparing apples to oranges?

I indulge my fetish strictly with women and therefore there are no homophobic fingers being cast my way due to that fact. This is not the case here. Besides, what I do is enjoyable for them. They like it...it feels good.

Let me say this just for the sake of saying so...

I am not homophobic. I really couldn't care any less than I do right now, who you choose to see or don't see. Will I see a provider that you have written a review on...KNOWING...that you have seen a couple TS beforehand? Absolutely.

Why? For the same reasons I have been harping throughout this entire thread. Either live with the risks, or get out of this life style. I don't question the providers I see, and they don't question me. I see them for my own reasons and the buck stops there, literally.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:33 PM   #163
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No disrespect J353. I was merely comparing an act that could be construed as "dirty" vs. Seeing someone who could be construed as "dirty". I've seen a TS and Don and Naomi see me as "tainted". You've stuck your tongue up a womans bum and some may think "I don't want to kiss him, his tongue has been who knows where". Of course I'm sure your hygeine is impeccable. Just making parallels on the taboo. I myself have an interest in DATO. Never done it, just haven't had enough nerve to try.
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Old 04-05-2011, 08:42 AM   #164
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This hobby has many levels for all of our different perversions. Most of us stay on top level....However, some have been known to travel deeper. If those who wish to venture downward wanna fuck each other in the ass or whip the shit out of each other while tied up with a red ball in their mouth.

Then so be it. It's not bothering me.

And for the record, RAFO77 was the most upfront hobbyiest to partake in TS girls and review them.

He is the one who's idea it was to start the secret forums. He got tired of taking shit from everyone. He was appointed the only moderator....the forum was called "master of gapes." While talking to him he told me that he himself was surprised who requested access. He wouldn't tell me exactly who they were [big secret] but he said even he was shocked who posted reviews. Guys you would have never imagined. It's more prevalent than most think.
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Old 04-05-2011, 09:08 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by Mr Clever View Post
This hobby has many levels for all of our different perversions. Most of us stay on top level.......
Mr. Clever, I am not being "picky" with word-choice, but ...

.. who is to say what is the "top level" ? .... and

doesn't the phrase "top level" denote some superior status ... usually?

Generally in our society "top" is used to identify ... better ... such as ...

"top shelf" booze ...

"top" of the class..... etc.
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