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Old 02-08-2010, 03:19 PM   #1
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Default BDSM 101 - Building a Toy Bag for Yourself for around $100

You have just started your journey in this scene and you have been to one or two play parties. You've seen the toy bags people drag along with them and have ooh-ed and aah-ed after finding out what many of those items can do. Now you are ready to take the plunge and start your own toy bag. Let's see what we can put together for around $100. You might want to know why you need a toy bag if you are submissive. As a submissive, someone is going to play with you right? Well, they will be using the same toys they are using with the other women and/or men they play with and how do you know the cleanliness of others. Also, your own toy bag is fun when you want to help someone learn about safety and techniques.

So which stores will you have to go to and what are you going to buy?

The Hardware Store

Yes, the hardware store will be able to give you lots of interesting options and goodies one can play with. I am going to list the items you can get, what you can do with them and the approximate cost to you.
We will total the cost at the end of each section and then give you the grand total at the end of the article.

1. Clothes pins. Clothes pins can be used in the place of expensive clamps that you can generally pay more than $ 20 for at a sex shop or online. You can even paint them different colors if you want to, but this will only cost you more in the beginning and I would not recommend it. I would suggest that you look for clothes pins that do not have splinters in them as this could obviously cause injury. You could buy 30 to 40 at first.

Cost of clothes pegs: $ 3.00 to $ 5.00

2. Rope. You can buy rope at the hardware store. This will be slightly more expensive than the pegs, but will give you hours of fun. You need to look for sash cord as these stores generally do not stock hemp rope or cotton only rope. Be careful of rope used for clotheslines as these are hard and could cause injury. Look at the sash cord and you could expect to buy 50 feet of rope. You could also buy soft nylon rope - 100 feet should cost $15 and 50 feet should be approximately $10.00. You should look for quarter inch rope in both cases.

Cost of rope: Could be as much as $15

3. Batteries. Why batteries? Well you will need them for your collection of dildo's and other vibrating toys. You will need to buy one dildo and one butt plug, but we will get to these last. The large pack of AA batteries holds about 30 batteries.

Cost of batteries: Approximately $12

5. Duct tape. Hmmm yes, duct tape is a must too. You never know when you might want to be gagged and such and this is a quick alternative to rope and leather restraints. Plus in a pinch, duct tape will make for good restraints.

Cost of duct tape: Could be as low as $3.49

6. Dowels. Dowels could be used as canes a temporary measure as these stores sell oak dowels and hardwood dowels and none of these are really strong enough to last as well as bamboo does. For now you can buy either a 1 inch in diameter by 36 inch oak dowel or a 1 and a quarter inch in diameter by 36 inches oak dowel. They hurt just as much but will not last for too long.

Cost: At most $8.00 and could be as low as $4.00

7. Broom sticks (two). Get two of these and make your own spreader bars. You can varnish them if you want, but it is not essential. Buy eye bolts as well to finish off the spreader bars. You can look online for plans for spreader bars or ask at your local moot for instructions.

Cost: Broomsticks - $4 to $5 each
Cost of eye bolts - approximately $5

Cost at Home depot = Approximately $48

Your local convenience store (or dollar store):

You can buy several items from this store like wooden spoons, candles (preferably non-scented non colored as these are safer to play with) and spatulas. You could buy all of this for under $15 at last purchase. The wooden spoons make great paddles and can be used quite effectively in spanking.

Sex Shop:

This is your last stop for now. You need to buy two things here. A good vibrator or dildo and a small butt plug or a set of butt plugs to train with. Your cost would be as follows:
There are good g-spot vibrators that work well in other ways too for $20.You can also get regular 6 inch vibrators for as low as $12. Your butt plug could cost you as little as $10 and a beginner set as little as $15. Let's say you buy the most expensive items, your bill here could be $35. Your cheaper option will cost you only $24. Remember to buy lube as well. You can get Vaseline for this purpose at the dollar store and still be under your budget.

Total = $ 24 to $35

Your total spend would $87 to $98 and you can start playing. From here on out your collection of pervertables can only grow. Enjoy the little discoveries and ideas you will have while shopping too.

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Old 02-08-2010, 03:21 PM   #2
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Default Did I miss anything?

What other items would you recommend for a starter toy bag?
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:40 PM   #3
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Don't forget the Pet Aisle.

Obvious collars and leashes, but I've seen a poly velcro doggie coat used as a face mask. You'll find tug toys rubber balls that make good gags. The squeak toys as gags are hee-lair-ee-us!

Bungee Cords. Brushes, combs, hair clips, non piercing ear-rings. Plastic bead necklaces (ask Dallas to start collecting some for us?), mouse traps, boas (kids toy aisle), fishing weights, water colors, wash off markers, scented markers, that paddle toy (buy a case), cleaning type brushes, sheepskin car wash mittens, those soft drying cloths, scarves of every type fabric, gloves of every type fabric, the gardening gloves with the plastic 'nubs', paint brushes, feather dusters, swim plugs for ears.

Neat Sheet <-brand name.

Purell. Purell. Purell. Purell. Wipes.

There isn't much you can't kink out...just apply that dirty mind.
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Old 02-08-2010, 04:18 PM   #4
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Dayum babee--the more I read your posts, the more I want you to use me.
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Old 02-08-2010, 04:43 PM   #5
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My new bag was costly, but i have been enjoying it, it has rope, only used with regulars i trust to bind me. Butt plug, anal beads, lube, condoms, cat o nine tails 2 of them, a red whip, a flogger, a crop, clothes pins, 2 dildos, one big one small. Feather tickler, rubber whip, horse crop, hmm im sure there is more, lol. Yes, a leash and collar, and various paddles, clit clips, and then some. Some of the toys ive bought, not all. i just started my bag, and got a little carried away. The crop turned out to be a little stiff, not sure if i will actually add it for play. In the wrong hands could leave long term marks, doesn't need swung hard at all, the shaft is very thick.

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Old 02-08-2010, 05:43 PM   #6
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Wow, two of the most important things in my toy bag.

A blindfold, plastic faced with sponge face pads leaving room for the tears to lie, and a very soft blanket to wrap my exhausted subbie in after she has reached several massive orgasms.

Remember, a subbie is very much like a child after being played. She needs to be cuddled and cooed to, reminding her that she is a very good girl.
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Old 02-08-2010, 05:46 PM   #7
Going Vagal
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The pet store is the main shopping aisle of choice. The other "fun" place is the sports department - all of the wonderful rock climbing equipment.... And while it is a little extreme for my taste don't forget the fishing tackle department (ouch!!).
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Old 02-09-2010, 06:38 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Going Vagal View Post
The other "fun" place is the sports department - (ouch!!).
Oh yes, Sporting Goods is a great area. We can't forget the "Boat Oar". It's got a nice wide surface that fits an ass wonderfully. And a good handle for grip. Just don't twist while swinging. It does leave hugh bruises that welp up pretty bad. Believe me, I've had this happen. They also carry Electric FlySwatters (which I don't like).

They will also have things such as "cane poles" which can be cut to size. In 1 cane pole you can get 3 different size and thickness "Canes".

Medical Supply stores.... Carry things such as Tens Units (I don't like these either), braces, ace bandages (for mummifing), clamps, tongs, forceps (sp), ect....
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Old 02-09-2010, 07:20 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by TexasStarr View Post
Medical Supply stores.... Carry things such as Tens Units (I don't like these either), braces, ace bandages (for mummifing), clamps, tongs, forceps (sp), ect....
Any suggestions on where to get inexpensive urethral sounds?
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Old 02-09-2010, 07:21 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by TexasStarr View Post
Oh yes, Sporting Goods is a great area. We can't forget the "Boat Oar". It's got a nice wide surface that fits an ass wonderfully. And a good handle for grip. Just don't twist while swinging. It does leave hugh bruises that welp up pretty bad. Believe me, I've had this happen. They also carry Electric FlySwatters (which I don't like).

They will also have things such as "cane poles" which can be cut to size. In 1 cane pole you can get 3 different size and thickness "Canes".

Medical Supply stores.... Carry things such as Tens Units (I don't like these either), braces, ace bandages (for mummifing), clamps, tongs, forceps (sp), ect....
That's my girl!!!
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:03 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by subcilla View Post
It has Rope, Butt plug, anal beads, lube, condoms, cat o nine tails 2 of them, a red whip, a flogger, a crop, clothes pins, 2 dildos, one big one small. Feather tickler, rubber whip, horse crop, hmm im sure there is more, lol. Yes, a leash and collar, and various paddles, clit clips, and then some.
I was able to get my "starter kit" from Condoms To Go for $150.. It came with everything.. Well everything that Sub Cilla listed!!

I need to add more items to my bag..
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:12 AM   #12
Miss Sophie Bella
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My absolute favorite source for spanking implements is the tack supply store! Riding crops are so yummy and leave nice, pinchable welts when used properly. It's also a fantastic place to find bandages and bandaging tape, leather straps, light whips, sturdy leads and metal bits for bad boys' mouths.
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Old 02-13-2010, 03:22 PM   #13
Monk Rasputin
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Don't forget your refrigerator. and don't forget the produce department.

Ice cubes. (Remember "7-1/2 Weeks"?)

Zucchini, cucumbers, yellow squash, carrots, parsnips...

There's something deliciously perverse about using household items. A coke bottle, a mortar, a doorknob, a c-clamp, a plumber's friend. I've played with them all.

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Old 02-14-2010, 10:24 PM   #14
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note to self: go to Walmart, let kinky mind run wild while shopping see what else can be kinky make stop at Petsmart dog toys, leash collar, (ask for help picking out collar, see if it fits neck of cute girl in dept) get thrown out of store, lol pay bale get out of jail go back to walmart.

just thought some humor here was needed.. let's all have fun!!! Orgy anyone????
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:08 AM   #15
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BTW, if you go to jail, be careful!!! It's hard to sleep with your mouth and ass both against the wall.
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