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Old 03-25-2011, 05:39 PM   #16
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If Pepper can verify the gentleman-I know it's good and I'm in for some fun!! Plus She always texts me back ASAP!! While others don't respond-or maybe they are just super busy!! But I always appreciate those providers!! Thanks Pepper!!
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Old 03-25-2011, 06:05 PM   #17
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yes. if ive built a pretty good "work relationship" with a provider, ill refer guys to her. if shes newbie friendly, even better.

there are some ladies whose refs that i will allow to take the place of 2 refs.
brittny lennox

just to name a few. (sorry if i forgot smeone)
theres a few ladies whom i consider "questionable"....so they 2 provider ref comes in handy!

never have i declined a guy bc of who he has seen
lol..kinda funny but someone told me they wouldnt accept me as a ref. idk if they still feel that way...since it was a misunderstanding on their part..but i thought it was HILARIOUS!!!
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Old 03-25-2011, 06:15 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti View Post
yes. if ive built a pretty good "work relationship" with a provider, ill refer guys to her. if shes newbie friendly, even better.

there are some ladies whose refs that i will allow to take the place of 2 refs.
brittny lennox

just to name a few. (sorry if i forgot smeone)
theres a few ladies whom i consider "questionable"....so they 2 provider ref comes in handy!

never have i declined a guy bc of who he has seen
lol..kinda funny but someone told me they wouldnt accept me as a ref. idk if they still feel that way...since it was a misunderstanding on their part..but i thought it was HILARIOUS!!!

ahehehehe....to me that is just to funny...aghehehehh....but I can relate...aheheh...

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Old 03-25-2011, 06:48 PM   #19
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:14 PM   #20
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Why dont mine count as 2? I guess maybe they dont count at all then? This is how I know if I know them:

1. Check my phone for their number. ( I always "ok" or "no" people)
2. Check my planner. (If they are ok'ed in my phone, I look them up too see if there was even 1 thing I didnt like because I will write it down)
3. If I didn't save the number, cause maybe I had another appt right away, I ask for their email and search my mail, you can do that on yahoo mail, you can search any word or name or number in your inbox)
4. If I see it but I am not sure, I ask them to email me a picture, then I remember for sure, If I don't then sorry! No ref.

Anyway, recently I've been careful with who I see. I live in an upscale place and I dont want drama and ever since I saw bp on the news, I quit using it. You need ref's to see me. So what's wrong with mine? At least I respond and do my best to make sure the girl who asks me for a ref is safe. I think I've been around enough to be trustworthy, but whatever. It's good to know. Thanks for putting it out there. Yes, I'm "touche" too. That's like a public diss to everyone not on your list. Maybe you should have just pm'ed about that.
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:18 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by bjnhouse View Post
I am a relatively new hobbiest and have a few questions.
1. About these references, what about confidentiality? I personally wouldn't name any woman I had been with out of respect for them. and
2. I have had two experiences with the provider not answering my call once I had driven across town to see them, but would be a little apprehensive about naming them because they could easily post some lie about me in retaliation.
Normally you ask the girl first if you can use her as a ref. If she likes you she will say yes
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:20 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by **Karla** View Post
If Pepper can verify the gentleman-I know it's good and I'm in for some fun!! Plus She always texts me back ASAP!! While others don't respond-or maybe they are just super busy!! But I always appreciate those providers!! Thanks Pepper!!
Anytime We should all be safe
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:31 PM   #23
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@ Funnyboy. See what did I say. CAT FIGHT!!!! I could see this coming a mile away.
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:24 PM   #24
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I keep thinking about your question and there are a lot variables to the answers you seek or the drama you want to create...ahehehe..
But anyway,
1. Are there providers whose reference is as good as gold?
It depends....there are different types of "providing" and if that reference is catagorized in "my" type of providing it would be as good as gold to me because your reference matches...now say, you send a request to a provider that the body type, actions, and personlality don't match then no, that reference would not be as good as gold.

Someone that you direct newbie hobbiests to so they can get the reference to see you?
Yes, some have and do refer you to newbie accepting providers that are "similar" to their style.

Someone that by themselves may be worth the 2 references you usually require?
To me, that would be the good as gold reference.

2. Are there providers who, if used as a reference, will cause you not to see the hobbiest no matter what?
Well, you do understand we have a site we post comments about "questionable" clients?
So say, you saw a provider and you were late or requested things she didn't like and she posted that on this site where by, the provider you wish to see reads that information and makes a personal judgement on what she reads, then the answer to your question is yes.

If there is a provider like that do you make it known that this could be detrimental for a future appointment
Detrimental.............Synonyms: adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, harmful, evil,
hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked

I would hope those type of providers don't exist in our little area of the review board.

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Old 03-25-2011, 08:46 PM   #25
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Velvet u count in my book too, I mean I know you were here before me, so u must have met some people before me. Look, I just think if a girl is verified then it should count, if you aren't sure about the girl the guy used then don't go texting/emailing/calling and taking up that girls time by making her look when it doesn't matter to begin with. I'm just gonna put this out there even for girls I have had my differences with, if you need a ref and I can provide it, I will. Even if I have argued about what ever in the past via text, pm, at a bar, or a difference of opinion in these threads, no one deserves to be put in a dangerous situation. I would hope that this applies to me also when I am asking for a ref. So don't be afraid to ask, even if you aren't here for me, I'm not a bitch and I will be here for my fellow providers.
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:58 PM   #26
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1. Are there providers whose reference is as good as gold? Absolutely...not going to list names, so I don't offend anyone, but there are many reputable providers (in good standing) that I consider a reliable source.

RELIABLE is the key word...as it could mean different things to different people. My idea of reliable is someone who is known to have a track record of giving references...to everyone...and someone who is provider friendly. Some ladies are very territorial or only give references to whom they consider *their friends.* References are a necessity, to keep providers *safe,* not just from the eyes of Uncle Leo...but also, away from harm's way.

Providers who are self-centered, catty, and cannot think outside of themselves...then, I would NOT consider those providers as being reliable nor reputable.

Someone that you direct newbie hobbiests to so they can get the reference to see you? I would never direct someone I wouldn't see to anyone else. My reasoning is...if I'm not secure to see someone...I'm certainly not going to direct them to anyone else. I wouldn't want to feel responsible if something bad happens from a referral.

2. Are there providers who, if used as a reference, will cause you not to see the hobbiest no matter what? Yes...I have a personal guideline that I consider to be an ABSOLUTE necessity (for myself) when making my decision to meet someone. Providers who are known to waste our valuable time by not giving references...have bad *habits* and/or have some health issues...and a track record of being involved with devious people...I will definitely decline the offer. This is why it is very important for hobbyists to do research and their homework on providers.

I wonder item 2 because as I am getting back into the game more frequently I am waiting for the text back "well if you have seen her you are never seeing me" when I had no idea that would be the case. I would never decline by making that kind of statement...that sounds a tad catty and comes across as being arrogant. I will politely decline...and if asked for the reason...I will be respectful to give an honest answer.

References can be a touchy subject. It's only natural to get frustrated if a client continually uses a provider for references...and never returns to see her. Personally, it doesn't bother me as long as it's been within a reasonable amount of time. And as WV stated...please be considerate to contact the provider FIRST before using her as a reference.
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Old 03-26-2011, 12:20 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield View Post
I'm just gonna put this out there even for girls I have had my differences with, if you need a ref and I can provide it, I will. Even if I have argued about what ever in the past via text, pm, at a bar, or a difference of opinion in these threads, no one deserves to be put in a dangerous situation. I would hope that this applies to me also when I am asking for a ref. So don't be afraid to ask, even if you aren't here for me, I'm not a bitch and I will be here for my fellow providers.

Nailed It!

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Old 03-26-2011, 01:11 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Likinikki View Post
1. Are there providers whose reference is as good as gold? Absolutely...not going to list names, so I don't offend anyone, but there are many reputable providers (in good standing) that I consider a reliable source.

References can be a touchy subject. It's only natural to get frustrated if a client continually uses a provider for references...and never returns to see her. Personally, it doesn't bother me as long as it's been within a reasonable amount of time.


I love the way you word things........and that is a perfect example of a "good as gold" reference. I can relate....

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Old 03-26-2011, 01:33 AM   #29
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Thanks WV...love the new avatar...very hot! Hope you're doing well!
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Old 03-26-2011, 02:23 AM   #30
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Oops, I may have made a booboo, is it OK to ask after the fact?
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