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Old 03-24-2011, 08:02 PM   #31
incognito isis
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Originally Posted by harry View Post
Yes, I've been robbed by a provider before. It was about 10 years ago, before I discovered the existence of online hobby boards. It was a girl I'd known for about a year and with whom I'd had multiple sessions and had developed a level of trust. How she did it was by suggesting we shower together. Just as we were about to get into the shower, she suddenly said she was thirsty and wanted a soft drink. She suggested I go ahead and get in the shower while she slipped down the hall to the Coke machine and she'd join me in a minute.

As you can guess, she never returned. I found that she had gone through my wallet and taken over $350.00 in cash. At least she didn't take the wallet and left me my credit cards and ID. Although she got about $350.00 for nothing, she forfeited considerably more in future earnings from me. I suspect she had a "demon" she urgently needed to feed that drove her to rob me that night.
Yes, I guess she needed a coke at the coke machine. Read: she needed to go get cocaine at the drug dealers house....
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:06 PM   #32
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Default Deposits on pre-paid cards

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Amusement, that sounds like a good idea. How exactly does that work?? I mean, with the pre-paid card thing. I know you can buy pre-paid cards, but how does a client put a deposit on one for you?

BY the way, Eccie clients are not one for impulse, they are a bit tire kicker-ish from what I can gather. I don't advertise here, but I like the site to chit chat.
There are prepaid cards where people can buy refill packs for them and give you the info. If you are interested PM me for more info.
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:21 PM   #33
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Charles it seems like you have had about the worst luck in the freakin world. If anything bad can happen, it has happened to you. That sucks buddy. Have you ever heard of the theory where the universe responds to your expectations?

This thread is all hate and boy is it ugly.

I would rather get shorted a couple times than even read what some of you claim to want to do over a little bit of change a drug addict stole from you while you were sketchin around the hood lookin to do somethin your momma told you to avoid since you were knee high to a grasshopper.

Chalk it up to experience, better luck next time, lesson learned, say a prayer for yourself that you never end up feelin the need to steal.
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Old 03-24-2011, 10:44 PM   #34
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New handle for Chuck....CharlesMurphy2011. Should we start a poll to vote yes or no?

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Old 03-24-2011, 10:47 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
New handle for Chuck....CharlesMurphy2011. Should we start a poll to vote yes or no?
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:24 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Fellas, have you ever had a provider steal from you at any point during your hobbying?

I've been doing this for over 35 years now, well before P4P started taking advantage of the Internet, including review boards where you could verify that a lady was legit. Frequently you didn't get what you thought you were paying for. For example, $$$ that turned out to be just for showing up and she wanted more just to take her clothes off, let alone allowing any touching. For that matter, even in recent years there have been a few instances where a multi-hour date was cut significantly short without returning a portion of the fee. I suppose some might call that "stealing."

I have had a couple of instances that went beyond just a dispute over the terms of the arrangement, to out-and-out unquestionable stealing:

1) Went back to my hotel with her, she suggested picking up some beer on the way, and in the room I stupidly accepted a beer that she had opened before handing to me. When I woke up (with a bad headache), she'd cleaned out all the cash I had in the room (some hidden), what would be the equivalent in today's dollars of about $1,000.

2) In my car, she suggested I drive to a secluded spot where she, ummm, distracted me briefly while picking my pocket. I realized what had happened and might have gotten it back if her boyfriend hadn't arrived and pounded on me. Not only lost the cash (maybe $125) and my watch (hard to replace), but had fun the next day explaining the black eye.

Those happened many years ago when I was young and stupid, and before review boards. Now I'm old; still stupid, but much more cautious. You look at the risk/reward balance a lot differently after being burned badly a couple of times. In the last ten years, I may have been shortchanged in what I received for the $$$ a few times, but nothing that I would describe as "stealing."

Usually there's not much you can do; "revenge" is not worth the time and effort and obsessing over it, and won't ameliorate the harm to you. To some extent, this sort of thing is part of the price of admission. Luckily, the price has gone down in recent years.
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:34 PM   #37
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Default Plus a million

Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post

Can I + 1,000,000?
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:37 PM   #38
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Another good nickname would be the simple - everlosing - loved by all - Charlie Brown.
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:10 PM   #39
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Wow some of you guys and girls are really lucky...

But to answer the question at hand......?

I forgot TRICKJAMES ran off with my panties...lol

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Old 03-25-2011, 03:28 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy View Post
i think ultimately do what you feel is right but at the end of it all what goes around comes around in one way or another.
but dont stress yourself out too much on revenge because think of all that time you spend thinking how your gonna get someone back, its alot of work right? when you could be relaxing drinking a beer, theyre taking away more from you! but that deffinetly was a shit move what they did, id be mad too
SweetMandy, I really love your style. Nothing works better than good old Karma. Too many people spend too much time going after revenge instead of just letting nature take it's course. Life's too short to stress out over stuff like that. I feel bad for the guy but I think most of us, myself included, have been ripped off in this hobby. It's just one of the prices we pay to be a part of it. Anyone who thinks there are no risks involved for either provider or hobbyist are just plain naive.
Again, I applaud your attitude.
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:41 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Did you subscribe them to any good magazines?? lol just kidding. Why don't you let them know, give me back my money or else I'm contacting IRS, child services and landlord? That will teach them, they cannot do this to people and get away with it. They probably do this to alot of people and get away with it, making a living off doing this. Hey I'm no angel myself, I'm a provider. I don't want to come across as holier than thou, but I WORK for the money I earn. It pisses me off to see people trying ot take short cuts AND give hobbying a bad name.
Although your last sentence is so very true, I'm not sure that "getting even" is good for anyone. I understand why someone might wish for that but in the end, generally that type of stance (calling CPS, outing, IRS, etc.) for revenge or getting back for some wrong doing only backfires and other people are hurt (children, family, work, etc.) and it's bad for your heart.

I am curious about you, though, incognito. You've written some fairly strong topics for someone who is so new to this little world of ours.

It would be very beneficial to get verified provider status and get into the ladies powder room. Perhaps you could pick up some knowledge by being in there. I do know that negativity in all forms can hurt business.

Good luck in your endeavors.

And to answer your question, I have been not paid and shorted. I haven't been robbed. I did have one appointment that attacked me. It was a bad situation that happened a little over 3 years ago but I still feel the effects of it.

I have heard a lot of stories of women taking money from men and men taking money from women. Watch your underwear if you're on their turf. Sometimes, lingerie can go easily missing.

With the one exception above and dealing with just a few unruly guys (which sometimes can be a treat in itself), I haven't had much negative happen while doing this.

It's generally a joy.

Again, good luck.
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:47 PM   #42
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I had a provider a long time ago who took 20 dollars I had on the counter. I thought it was dumb of her as I hadn't paid her yet. It became her entire fee. She never said a thing. Just left and I never saw her again
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:51 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
I had a provider a long time ago who took 20 dollars I had on the counter. I thought it was dumb of her as I hadn't paid her yet. It became her entire fee. She never said a thing. Just left and I never saw her again
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:59 PM   #44
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Elizabeth, thank you for wishing me good luck. But my buisiness isn't hurting. Yes, I have negative views on things, and positive as well. It makes me human. I'm not here seeking clients, and I've stated that else where. I'm here to communicate. So if you are suggesting my views on things will hurt my buisiness, well, I'm here ingognito. When meeting clients, my happy facade always shines thru. Hey maybe thats why they all get crushes on me, because of my chipper attitude.

I don't know if I could get verified provider status....the powder room sounds great and others have suggested that. But being incognito makes it hard to prove who I am. However, I do enjoy the main forum where I can chat with women and men. I love nothing more then to get BOTH perspectives on things......

I have recieved a few PM's from people asking me to disclose my identity, or atleast give them a little hint. I gave some vague hints in PM, but I will not reveal my identity. As you stated, I've written about some strong topics. If I tell y'all who I am, then my views might offend some of my clients. Oh and alot of my clients are in fact here, on the boards.

How I think, and why I think the way I do, is something I care to share with the Eccie audience, but I prefer to do so in an annonymous way. I'm really sorry that you had a tragic incident a few years back. Fortunitely (or unfortunitely) the worse things I've had to deal with are clingy clients and my bout with Hepatitis B. No one has ever assaulted me.

Hey thanks for your suggestions, best of luck (and safety) to you as well, Incognito Isis
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Old 03-25-2011, 04:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
but I will not reveal my identity.
I don't blame you. Continue posting. I do enjoy reading your posts.
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