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Coed Discussions - Austin Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 03-23-2011, 01:32 PM   #1
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Default What is a Coed Thread or Topic?

It seems that lately there are lots of threads started here that make one scratch their heads and go, hmmmmm.

At the top of this forum is this statement:
Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

As I read the current threads on page 1, I ask myself what do some of them have to do with the Hobby which is the first criteria for threads posted here?? I agree that some of them are entertaining, and some could be considered thought provoking (depending on whether your IQ is below 100 or not) but what do they have to do with the Hobby?

Where do we (the Staff) draw the line between true Hobby related subjects and all the other stuff?

What's your opinion of what qualifies as a legitimate Coed subject?

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Old 03-23-2011, 02:25 PM   #2
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My IQ used to be over 100, or so my mommy told me, but I'm not so sure about that anymore. But here goes anyway:

Excellent thread, amigo!

If it has to do with sex and the sex industry and the local hobby scene, I believe it qualifies for the co-ed forum.

Otherwise it belongs in the Sandbox.

Some threads serve no purpose but for members to joust with other members, beat up on each other or put people in uncomfortable positions. Unless those positions are in the Kama Sutra, then they probably don't belong here. Local goings on, food reviews, personal updates, shout outs, call outs and public lynchings probably are better discussed in a non-hobby related forum.

I've started one or two of these threads, I'll admit, but I've always been a tit for a tat kind of guy. And I'd much rather tit for tit. Or Puddy Tat! However, I've tried to keep it sex/hobby related. I don't think we should consider beating up on a hobbyist or provider as hobby related.

Again, thanks for posting this, Space. I'm anxious to see what others think. Perhaps a poll might have been a good idea for this. Some people (lots, I imagine) are shy about posting in a forum where they might get their gonads pulled off and stomped.
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:51 PM   #3
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Does this mean there's a possibility that all of the strip-club related posts get moved back to the forum *specifically designated for strip-club posts*? Woohoo!
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:55 PM   #4
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+ 1 !!!!
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:02 PM   #5
Rand Al'Thor
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If the topic has a forum specifically designated for it on this board, doesn't that tell you the topic is hobby related?
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:13 PM   #6
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I'm a little leery about creating a "strip club ghetto". Many of us, including myself, utilize the services of both clubs and providers. So occasionally I might mention something that happened in a club in an otherwise unrelated post. I'm not sure that this is particularly something we should be moderating (although topics which are 100% about clubs, such as reviews and questions should be in the appropriate forum - and almost always are).

I think some people who say they want club-related topics in one particular forum are really saying they want one particular poster removed from *this* forum. And that's not going to happen unless he gives valid reason for that to.

I would like to see some of the more playground/slapfight posts redirected elsewhere. Men's Locker Room is a good place for them except that some providers seem to enjoy indulging in playground slapfights as well. A forum for that has been suggested in the past...
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:28 PM   #7
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Problem with that is playground slap fights aren't fun without a crowd to watch the fight and cheer/jeer on.
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:37 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
I think some people who say they want club-related topics in one particular forum are really saying they want one particular poster removed from *this* forum. And that's not going to happen unless he gives valid reason for that to.
Actually..... I can't find a Strip Club Topic on the first 2 pages and the only one on the 3rd page was resurrected by someone from before Christmas....

"Hobby Related" applies to any and every facet of the hobby that anyone might practice where they may want a CoEd opinion..... Keep in mind.... Women cannot post in the Strip Club Forums or the "other" forums.....

those areas are most definitely considered "hobby related" which tends to irk some.

It's not the "Independent Only CoEd Section"....

What surprises me about this thread.... Is that CoEd is rather mellow at the moment....

More threADs and useless drivel....IMO....

I used jump into threADs like the Maci Lynn wet panties announcement or Kat's Kitten but I've been leaving the moderating to the Mods....

But certainly some threads should be moved to other places.....

Dick Drug Use and AS PROMISED should have been a Locker Room or sand box thread. no request from or female input needed.... several of the others to the Sand Box as well.....

heck... a lot of yssup's stuff is niether CoEd or Hobby oriented...

The only way to get a grip on it is to actually move stuff to appropriate forums, shut down obvious threADs and threads not hobby related.....

but ya have ladies struggling for attention and guys wanting to flirt and get their little pats on the head like knobbyman.....

what would be interesting is some sort of analysis of the CoEd posters and what they actually contribute to the information flow on the site....

There are some people here ONLY to stir it up that never contribute......

I can warm it up a bit if ya'll want? That always puts a finger in the nonsense dyke!

Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
What's your opinion of what qualifies as a legitimate Coed subject?
pretty much any subject relating to pay for play that requires female participation or a wider participation range then can be found in the related forums.

I find it interesting when I PMs from guys asking questions that they don't KNOW that some other forums even exist.
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:38 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Problem with that is playground slap fights aren't fun without a crowd to watch the fight and cheer/jeer on.


I don't think we've had a decent knock down drag out whoopdedoo in the Locker Room or any other forum in a long ass time....

Part of that though is that most of the men in other forums act like men and not little girls!
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Old 03-23-2011, 04:20 PM   #10
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

I don't think we've had a decent knock down drag out whoopdedoo in the Locker Room or any other forum in a long ass time....

Part of that though is that most of the men in other forums act like men and not little girls!

Not since the leopard sighting and ANON got banned... That has been a while.
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Old 03-23-2011, 04:57 PM   #11
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I think Coed should be just that a both sides on any topic forum. This is where all come to see what is going on. This should be a forum for entertainment where Men will be Men and Women will tell us when we say something stupid.

Keep it thought provoking and interesting and just about anything can turn to hobby related.

The slap shots stuff is just going to happen anytime you put Men and Women together talking about physical relations it is just going to happen. Just need to keep things civil and not get to emotional about what is said here.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:21 PM   #12
Dagny D.E.W.
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post

If it has to do with sex and the sex industry and the local hobby scene, I believe it qualifies for the co-ed forum.

Otherwise it belongs in the Sandbox.
good description.... now if we are talking about Yssup's tongue most likely in co-ed unless it is about instrument playing... then it is a toss up.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:28 PM   #13
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A lot of this is legacy from ASPD. It was sort of a structure that was worked out over time. If you have too many forums, you have to go through umpteen links to read the news. If you have too few forums, you have to go through too much uninteresting stuff while looking for the info you want.

If you're looking for a good strip club to go to, it's useful to have a strip club forum to look at rather than trying to filter out the strip club discussions from the football discussions in one big "Austin" forum.

Sometimes, as volume of posts and common topics change, it makes sense to divide a forum, merge one or add one.

I see the Coed discussion forum as "threads go here if they are hobby related and don't fit into one of the other forums." That way, someone who's reading this board for hobby discussions don't have to wade through sports discussion, philosophy, political rants, funny pictures of cats, etc. unless they want to.

The review forums are mostly for reviews, not discussions. Ad forums are for ads. Welcome wagons are intended for newbies where you won't get your head handed to you by the trolls. Ask the staff is self explanatory.

Strip club/spas/other review discussion forums are sort of "two in one" forums because the interest in those subjects may be of less interest to the general membership and there's not enough volume for separate forums for discussion and reviews.

I'd suggest to the mods that if it's not hobby related enough for Coed Discussions, simply move it to the sandbox with a comment that that's where it belongs. No big deal. Nobody needs to feel offended because the thread is moved. No ass chewing or scolding is needed unless someone's being a deliberate pain.

I never really thought about the "Coed" part of the forum title. I don't see this a meaning "threads for both guys and girls to participate in." I see it as "threads that don't need to be put into the private guys only or girls only forums."
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:28 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Actually..... I can't find a Strip Club Topic on the first 2 pages and the only one on the 3rd page was resurrected by someone from before Christmas....
Right you are. Most of them are BCD. Don't bother me.

"Hobby Related" applies to any and every facet of the hobby that anyone might practice where they may want a CoEd opinion..... Keep in mind.... Women cannot post in the Strip Club Forums or the "other" forums.....

those areas are most definitely considered "hobby related" which tends to irk some.

It's not the "Independent Only CoEd Section"....

Totally agree.

What surprises me about this thread.... Is that CoEd is rather mellow at the moment....

More threADs and useless drivel....IMO....
Guess it's time to call in the posse, boys!

I used jump into threADs like the Maci Lynn wet panties announcement or Kat's Kitten but I've been leaving the moderating to the Mods....

But certainly some threads should be moved to other places.....

Dick Drug Use and AS PROMISED should have been a Locker Room or sand box thread. no request from or female input needed.... several of the others to the Sand Box as well.....

Since they were soliciting provider's response -- you're wrong.

heck... a lot of yssup's stuff is niether CoEd or Hobby oriented...
I know you are, but what am I? Unlike a lot of the threads you and your editorial staff churn out. At least I know how to punctuate!

The only way to get a grip on it is to actually move stuff to appropriate forums, shut down obvious threADs and threads not hobby related.....

but ya have ladies struggling for attention and guys wanting to flirt and get their little pats on the head like knobbyman.....
I agree with you, but who is knobbyman?
what would be interesting is some sort of analysis of the CoEd posters and what they actually contribute to the information flow on the site....
But what about urinalysis, er your analysis?
There are some people here ONLY to stir it up that never contribute......
Do you have evidence of that? Hard numbers? Stats? The nerve of "some people."

I can warm it up a bit if ya'll want? That always puts a finger in the nonsense dyke!

How about we start a new forum for he-man woman haters to shit on each other. We used to have the Pig Pen. Why not the "Playground."

pretty much any subject relating to pay for play that requires female participation or a wider participation range then can be found in the related forums.
Again, Whispers, we're in agreement. Now quit jerking off and make your freaking movie. You ARE the King of Sting, or is the the Kink of Stink?

I find it interesting when I PMs from guys asking questions that they don't KNOW that some other forums even exist.
When do you PMs from other guys?


(Sorry folks... it's all in good fun!

All stupidity aside, I think Vyt's post makes the most sense. Just do what you've got to do. You mods are the keepers of the sacred tablets. I think it's a safe assumption that people will continue to push the envelope and, sadly, fewer providers will participate in conversations. As will hobbyists who participate in ECCIE to find out about the girls.

Thanks for the props, Whispers! I can't wait for your cockumentary!
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W. View Post
good description.... now if we are talking about Yssup's tongue most likely in co-ed unless it is about instrument playing... then it is a toss up.
Come on, Dags. You know I can double-tongue! That would be valuable information for providers... I could offer lessons! That would be co-ed worthy, right.

Then they'd ALL make my Top 100!
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