Originally Posted by gulflover
So you're saying instead of Jackson, it's been Jacksoff? 
God, I loved that one!! Nearly spewed tea all over the computer! Got to figure a way to work that into an ad!!
It has been slow. Some of the regulars have left the hobby like some of the guys on the coast.
I have my regular guys, but I have noticed that the guys who love for traveling providers to come through have diminished some too!
Like I was saying in Belinda's coast blog... I think things work in cycles... and right now Jackson is not hopping for either local gals or traveling girls!
Actually, even the number of local girls has shrunk a bunch. You still have the local BP'ers and such, but there are only a handful of what I would consider "quality" local ladies now. And, in talking to them, we are all slower than normal.