go to Boarder taxi right near the boarder on the US side and ask them to take you to Boys Town, to Hunters. The taxi will cost about 25 each way. And $3 to leave your car in there parking lot, which is a good idea to do. Expect to pay the girls anywhere from 80 to $ plus 20 for the room. I go alot and I am a Pasty White boy. They will take care of you there and make sure you are safe. i just got back from PN about 3 hours ago and I was across for 3 days. PN and Acuna are the two places I feel safe. and I go to the down town clubs. Tip the waiters and taxi drivers and they will watch over you. The security guys from a club in down town Acuna actually followed me to other clubs and would stand there near my table, even would watch over me when I went to the Banos.

. Hope this helps. They really go out of there way because they want your business. Your biggest problem will be which girl you want.