AI And Porn
I have seen news reports where there is/are apps that let you upload a picture, and the app figures out what they might look like naked. . . .for a fee . I am guessing that the legal reifications could be complex and the consequences costly to incarcerated.
If that was available when I was in high school back in the 1960s, I might still be in jail for something or other, I am sure.
The news story and a few clicks around the net did get me thinking. What I woollike to see happen is for "someone" with Tallant, skill and money, go back to iconic vintage advertising that is now in the public Domaine and manipulate those images.
Or, what about the music videos done by Palmer, "Addicted to Love" and "Simply Irresistible"? Those attractive back up dancers vamping for the camera . . .In my mind's eye I can see. at minimum, flashes of simulated nudity when faces are not visible . . .but general nudity of all of the female back up dancers in full motion would be outstanding!
How about footage of gymnastics from the 1970s and
'80s? Or figure skating? Femal UFC :naked cat fights!
Putting this out there in to plant the idea. Don't know I don't really know what is possible with this evolving tech but it is fun to think over.