Originally Posted by pertpvyztrzv
Breaking News: The UN—our beloved global babysitter—has once again graced us with their infinite wisdom. Because, obviously, a bunch of unelected bureaucrats with a track record of rampant corruption, anti-Semitic bias, and “peacekeepers” who seem to mistake peacekeeping for human trafficking should totally be running the world.
Nothing screams “justice” like condemning Israel every five minutes while ignoring actual genocides. Nothing screams “security” like deploying troops who make life less safe for the people they’re “helping.” And nothing screams “moral authority” like turning a blind eye to their own scandals while lecturing the rest of us.
But sure, let’s keep pretending the UN is the beacon of human rights and not the bureaucratic parasite it actually is. Maybe next year, they'll vote to give Iran the "Women's Rights Leadership" award again.
exactly .. it's the UN they have their own agenda and will throw Ukraine under the bus if it aligns with their "world view"
Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How about forcing Putin to take a loss and take his troops home. That’s the only real end to the war. Capitulation will only cause more strife rather than less. Dove Tiny have you not learned anything from history.
Trump doesn’t give a shit about people dying in Europe (or the US for that matter). He is just trying to appease his master. He needs Putin to pat his head and tell him "who's a good boy?"
your opinion is biased on Trump. and wrong. i get it, Trump won in 2016 so Putin had to help yeah? i mean .. how could the most qualified presidential candidate ever lose to Evil Lord Donald?
where is any hard proof Putin has kompromat on Trump?
Originally Posted by Tiny
So how do you propose to do that, force Putin out? Send American troops into Ukraine? Risk a nuclear war? Because that’s the only way you’ll get him out..
As to history, did you learn anything from Vietnam or Iraq? How about the help we provided the mujahideen in Afghanistan against the USSR, that backfired big time after we invaded and occupied the same country? How about our experience when we installed nuclear weapons in Turkey aimed at Moscow in the 1960’s? The resulting Cuban missile crisis may have been the closest we came to nuclear war.
Russia has the largest nuclear armory in the world. It is justifiably aggrieved by NATO enlargement, which occurred after assurances to the contrary by a number of western diplomats and politicians.
Apparently we’re not reading the same history books.
check and check! the US/NATO lied and now Ukrainians have died. interesting how many people due to the media think Ukraine is some "Beacon of freedom and Democracy" we must save (at taxpayer expense of course!!) from the Evil Russian Bear which the US and NATO poked one too many times.
one thing is absolutely true is that Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine with Trump as president because he completely opposed Ukraine being in NATO while Biden and the Dems openly called for it.