Originally Posted by Crest789Figure
It looks like they had Tutu up for like 24 hours a few days ago, and then she disappeared from the listing on their site, replaced by JP Miyu. I jumped my chance at Miyu when I saw it. I agree with about 70% of what @DonkeyKongJr has to comment about her. A bit too many rules and not having the energy in the session. I felt a bit dull after meeting up with Miyu that I didn't feel the need to leave a review. She's pretty and a bit slender, but I didn't mesh with her as much. Tutu was more professional than Miyu IMO.
Glad you guys cleared up the Tutu/Miyu misidentification/misinformation.
I was 100% incorrect. That said I was absolutely correct about the “hemming up” portion! Haha
This girl will try and manipulate the easiest path to victory if you allow it.
To make things right, I got her on the side of the bed facing me with her legs up and all the way back while simultaneously controlling her wrists and arms, thereby nullifying any escape routes… And it was at this point Miyu knew she fucked up! Ha
Ironically, the drilling did its magic & shut her non-stop pie-hole! Who’d have thunk it??
On a side note of interest , Miyu has an EXTREMELY small vagina, even by Asian girl standards, which effectually almost made up a little bit for all the control ploys and simp testing, but not really…
It is fair to say that Miyu is the only bad-service experience I have had with this hotel venue. These Girls are consistently good with the likes of ShanShan setting the benchmark & standard.