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Coed Discussions - Albany/Hudson Valley Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 12-12-2024, 04:29 PM   #1
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Default Infractions Free For All

I’m sure a few of you got spanked with some points after our conversation turned from the cum vortex to …. (Staff Edit)

Listen, I get the whole Bugle Boy bullshit and why this rule exists, but stifling discussion specifically related to STI/STD negates a HUGE reason why I am active on here. Being safe entails more than just getting robbed, beaten, busted, blackmailed, or worst of all, killed. Health is a huge part of it.

It blows my mind that we can talk about bare backing whores, but not about unintended consequences as a result of it, WITH specifics. If the story is bullshit, it will come out as such. If you have members with correlating experiences, that certainly lends credence to the truth being it. I think social media platforms have thoroughly shown what happens and how people make uninformed decisions due to censorship.

I thought this board was primarily about safety and sharing experience to make informed decisions? If a girl has some hard shit and paraphernalia in her possession, I can think of a few very good reasons why I might not be comfortable with that. If that shit is present, wouldn’t sharing that be helpful? It’s being communicated on code anyways (DEMONS, SCARE, etc..). I mean… come on.

With the exception of ONE issue I’ve encountered, I’ve counted on this board to help keep me safe and make good decisions on who to play with and who not to. It annoys me to know that a monger isn’t allowed to inform the rest of us he got the clap or worse while other members unsuspectedly may be contributing to a health emergency.

They are WHORES and we are MONGERS. This isn’t a relationships sub Reddit, it’s a fucking information swapping forum that shouldn’t be stifled by censorship.

Rant over.
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Old 12-12-2024, 04:56 PM   #2
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Well said and Spot on
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Old 12-12-2024, 04:57 PM   #3
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This is just my opinion on why rules exist for certain topics and not others. My guess is when talking about prohibited topics is the site may feel they’ll be liable for defamation of a person because they cannot determine whether those discussions are truthful. and I think we all know that not everything discussed on this form is the honest truth. My suggestion is if you want to pass along information about prohibited topics send a PM to whatever people on this form you may wish to.

But maybe the good doctor can weigh in on this to better explain
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Old 12-12-2024, 07:24 PM   #4
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Gentlemen these rules have been in existence for many years.

#14 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
#15 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.

Anything that is said is speculation unless the member or provider comes forward to openly discuss their own issues but saying you got it here or from A*** is just speculation. If this were to be allowed just think how it could be used to harm ECCIE members (both male and female) then you have white knights trying to help their favorite providers by posting false information about the competition (Yes I know hard to believe ECCIE members would tell tall tales) Due to these reasons the owners of ECCIE allow zero speculations about these subjects, we all agree to these terms every time we sign in.
ECCIE staff has to take corrective measures when these circumstances arise.

Hope this helps but until these rules are changed we all have to follow them

The Dr
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Old 12-12-2024, 08:29 PM   #5
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It makes sense, that said...Going into an encounter and seeing recreational party favors laying around the room is a non event. Going into an encounter and seeing hardcore, felony worthy items being consumed by a desperate provider...is more than just a cock block. In my case I got the fuck out. The risk of my white bread life being changing forever seemed real...at least at the moment. Was pre ECCIE. But not sure how I would communicate that on here.
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Old 12-13-2024, 02:34 AM   #6
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You should be able to discuss it but in no sense should the providers name whether real or not be mentioned, they have laws that protect them as well as us. If there is a provider that may be a carrier then its an issue you can't tell people in an open or even private forum , they are protected as well. Not standing up for anyone here other than saying they have rights like we do. Stay safe gents and the sad thing is Bugleboy is probably still reading these messages
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Old 12-13-2024, 07:47 AM   #7
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FreeLancer - I just got spanked for a private comment I made, but I just lost private access so I don't even know what I said that initiated the spanking - just that I apparently hijacked a thread? Like that never happens. Anyways - I am 1000% in agreement with you.

Lucas - I am pretty sure a prostitute would have hard time bringing a defamation suit based on spreading STDs - I don't think defamation applies to illegal activities. If you say a drug dealer is selling tainted drugs - do you think you could get sued?

Dr-epg - I realize that this is essentially a free site, that the owners have rules, and you are just doing your level best to enforce them. Do the owners of this site want any feedback from their "customers" or would they rather we just shut up? If they do want feedback - what is the best way to provide that?

Anyone - is there a way on this site to create a group DM? In the future I will share any info that might even get near the rules that way. I will do my best to inform regular users. If you receive one of my DMs and would rather not receive them - just let me know and I will take you off the list.
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Old 12-13-2024, 08:12 AM   #8
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Gentlemen as I stated these are the rules the owners have in place until they are changed we all have to play within them.

You can always ask questions about rule changes or adding forums here


This is a national forum and has more visibility than local forums. If the rules are changed a sticky will be posted for all to see.

If you receive an infraction you can always PM the moderator who issued it and ask them why.

I’m going to close this thread all the questions have been answered

Thank You.
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