Originally Posted by VitaMan
"Judge threatens Rudy Giuliani with 'imprisonment' for repeating 2020 election lies."
If he ends up there, Mr. Trump can't help him with a pardon, as it is a state matter. Not
that he would rush to his aid. He already cast him tot he curb like a dog.
... No need to fret for Rudy there... He won't need Trump
to pardon him - Special Council Election Investigation
coming next year. ... And Judge Howell doesn't 'ave the
stones to toss Rudy into the hoosegow.
Then there's the fact of Rudy appealing the case and
decision against him... As the appeal - like the Trump ones
- are surely slow-played thru the Court system.
But, no doubt will be expedited next year.
With a New AG. ...
#### Salty