Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I already answered the question.
Perhaps you're not aware of how questions and answers work.
I ask, What if X happens?
Your Response, X didn't happen because blah, blah, blah...
It's a hypothetical question.
I understand you think that there were no Federal agents in the crowd because 1. The government denied it (they didn't- they just said no comment) and 2. There was no reason for them to be there.
The question is REGARDLESS of whether you think, at this moment, that federal agents were in the crowd on J6, if the IG reports that there were ~100 agents in the crowd, what will that mean to you?
Will that mean that there was still no government led Reichstag Fire type event?
Will that mean that you think the IG is lying?
Will that mean any change in your belief that the government wouldn't lie to you?
Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The entire idea is ludicrous and any investigation of the matter will find the same.
I didn't ask about the veracity of my assertion, I asked what that means for your assertion that, "It never happened." if, in fact, Feds were in the crowd on J6.
I can readily admit the contrapositive, if they weren't there then the whole government narrative of the events appear to be accurate.