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Old 10-24-2024, 10:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I think most people already know that Trump is not exactly a refined gentleman. He really doesn't even try to hide that obnoxious side of himself.

Whether this story is true or not is not going to change many people's opinion of him. I know it hardly makes me think less favorably of him (if that was even possible). Yeah, he's a sexist pig, but it is easy to allege things that may or may not have happened three decades later.

correct. the timing is highly suspect. in 2016 it was Stormy Daniels. in 2020 E Jean Carroll now in 2024 this woman Williams after decades comes forward. there's one common denominator .. who was/is the Republican nominee in each of these presidential election years?

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Old 10-25-2024, 05:47 AM   #17
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Old 10-25-2024, 09:41 AM   #18
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Bullshit, for a change.

And no link.

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Old 10-25-2024, 12:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Bullshit, for a change.

And no link.

I wouldn't say the probability is zero of it.

But the maggies have a hard time justifying their statements with facts. Memes are so much easier with the "alternative facts" go to play.
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Old 10-25-2024, 01:07 PM   #20
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There ya go. Huge dem activist that worked for Obama.


Can we move on to the next steaming pile of shit now? Shooting them down is kinda fun.
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Old 10-25-2024, 02:35 PM   #21
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Glad you could help yssup out there.
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Old 10-26-2024, 11:48 PM   #22
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I would like to correct some of the things mentioned here that are meant to disparage the accuser.

1: Where Epstein was in 1993. The property in question is the brownstone referenced here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_N._Straus_House
But an article in vanity fair used to determine when Epstein occupied the property says.

Wexner, through a trust, bought the town house in which Epstein now lives for a reported $13.2 million in 1989. In 1993, Wexner married Abigail Koppel, a 31-year-old lawyer, and the newlyweds relocated to Ohio; in 1996, Epstein moved into the town house. Public documents suggest that the house is still owned by the trust that bought it, but Epstein has said that he now owns the house.

Wexner trusts Epstein so completely that he has assigned him the power of fiduciary over all of his private trusts and foundations, says a source close to Wexner. In 1992, Epstein even persuaded Wexner to put him on the board of the Wexner Foundation in place of Wexner’s ailing mother. Bella Wexner recovered and demanded to be reinstated. Epstein has said they settled by splitting the foundation in two.

This indicates to me that if Epstein stayed in Manhattan in 1993 it would have been in his trusted client’s 51000 square foot home even if he didn’t officially occupy the home until 1996. If you believe the article the house was officially unoccupied from sometime in 1993 until sometime in 1996.
The Vanity Fair article: https://archive.ph/JTJek

2: The timing of the accusation. It’s stated in the CNN article.

Stacey Williams offered her most detailed public account of the alleged encounter, which she said occurred outside Trump’s office in Trump Tower in the early 1990s when she was in her 20s and was briefly dating Epstein. CNN has spoken to three friends of Williams, who each said that she told them about the incident with Trump and Epstein, in 2006, in 2015 and in 2018, respectively.

The former model says that it was a participation in a documentary about the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue that ultimately pushed her to speak out in a more public way. She was interviewed for the documentary in 2022, where she referenced the incident with Trump, though she didn’t mention him by name.

That documentary premiered this past weekend. Williams said when she was informed recently that her comment about “the former president” would be included, that prompted her to decide to share her story in a more public way.

It makes logical sense to me that while being interviewed about her experiences as a swimsuit model in the time of the metoo movement that she would bring up her experiences with sexual assault. Other people have verified that she related the story to them well before the current election.
The CNN article: https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/24/polit...ein/index.html

3: The accusers bias. Some have made mention of her bias because she worked for a green tech organization that supported then candidate Obama in 2008. My question would be why that makes a difference. She’s not the one who used a national media company to “catch and kill” bad press including his sexual indiscretions. Without more proof of her supposed questionable ethics I would have to believe her over anything a serial liar like Trump has said about it.
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Old 10-27-2024, 05:10 AM   #23
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Default A might bit fuzzy there

Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
...Last year, a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing the columnist E Jean Carroll in 1996 and awarded her $5m in a judgment...
As I recollect: He was convicted of - He could have assaulted her/it, based on the evidence that they both lived in NYC at the time and they had both admitted they have shopped in the same store, some 28 years ago, without any witnesses or forensic evidence of any kind.

She even wore the outfit that she said she wore at the time in an interview, which as it turned out, was not created until many years after the alleged incident occurred.

But what may bake your noodle is: do you want a compromised judicial system to be able to declare similar on yourself when literally "Hitstalini" is in office?

Ya'll really need to keep up with your narratives and impacts.
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