Originally Posted by Precious_b
And like a good Texan: vote early, vote often 
Unfortunately if history repeats itself it’s more
Like a good Texan, stay home and watch TV.
Voter turnout has historically been low in Texas.
Texas’ Low Voter Turnout Could Be a Policy Issue
In the 2022 general election, just 42 percent of eligible Texas voters cast a ballot, making it one of the worst states in the nation for voter participation.
Of the 19.5 million Texans eligible to vote in the 2022 general election, 42 percent did so.
Only 10 states had worse voter participation rates.
“Texas is sadly at the bottom of lists for participation,” said Brandon Rottinghaus , political science professor at the University of Houston who has studied voter turnout and worked with groups on ways to boost it. “Texas likes to think that it’s the best at everything, but one thing for sure it’s not good at is getting its residents to come out to vote.”