Yes I am.
I am just highlighting the reality. Take it or leave it.
And, atleast, I have the guts and the courage to post my comments in the open, unlike, these trolls, who use the Hidden option. Lol.

And, I stick to my stand - if a person has taken the pain, effort and his valuable time - to post a Review, positive or negative, for the benefit of other hobbyists, which he could have easily ignored or passed, I don't find anything wrong or inappropriate in appreciating that effort. This is called "Common Courtesy", "Manners".
Do you or those trolls find anything wrong ? If so, Sorry, BUT, I can't help it.
And, if this is annoying to you or others, then I seriously have pity on the patience and immaturity of these trolls. You can just ignore my posts.
And, talking about the other thread.
Dr-epg had to step in and close that Thread.
Do you "Men" need a Moderator to step in and close the Threads due to lack of ability to follow the Board rules ?
Instead of trolling and minding your own business, are you guys so immature that a Moderator has to interfere and bring sanity to the forum / board ?
Grow up guys ! Grow up !
The Mods have lots of better and useful things to do in their RW life. This is not their full time job. Please understand. Get some brains.
Mods - Please do not hold me responsible for these responses.
Newton's law - For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
Good one! (insert sarcasm)
Seriously you are calling everyone names. Suckers, trolls, immature (in the other thread). All these veiled comments calling people names without directly calling them names. I was trying to let you know why you annoy so many people. Can people ignore? Sure. But many of us look to see if something new has been added then click on the thread only to find your post saying good one.